The sudden onset of pain in the temples , right and left , usually felt as excruciating pangs that prevent us from concentrating and therefore from continuing the activity we are carrying out, be it work or play or otherwise, represents one of the most annoying headaches .
The pain in the temple can be throbbing or manifest itself with pains in the head that have a fixed frequency throughout the day making it difficult to carry out normal daily activities.
If the pain in the temples manifests itself as twinges, I suggest you read the specific article concerning this symptom by clicking here.
The causes that can lead to this problem are different, just as the consequences can be different. Better to analyze them, also in order to understand when it is appropriate to worry and when not.
Possible causes of pain in the temple or both may be hiding several conditions. Some pathological, others instead of a temporary nature and not worthy of the attention of our doctor.
The cerebral aneurysm consists in a dilation of at least 50% and its most serious consequence is the one that can rupture causing a hemorrhage .cerebral. It is an almost rare pathology in childhood but quite widespread in the adult population.
There are absolutely asymptomatic forms with no consequences for health while others are very dangerous because they can cause subarachnoid haemorrhage from rupture of the aneurysm .
The symptoms that are often associated with this manifestation are:
- severe headache with sudden and inexplicable onset;
- dizziness;
- nausea and vomit;
- vision changes with pain radiating to the eye ;
- convulsions;
- confusion and loss of consciousness;
- intolerance to sunlight.
Temporal arteritis
This is inflammation of the temporal artery. Pain appears on one side of the head and is accompanied by increased sensitivity of the skin covering the area, pain in both jaws when chewing, pain and / or stiffness in the neck, shoulders and sides.
To ascertain the presence of this pathology, a biopsy is generally used. After that, the patient undergoes steroid therapy to avoid the possibility of vision loss.
It is certainly the most serious problem among those that can be associated with pain in the temples, although by far it is also the rarest.
To be clear, it will certainly not be the case to worry excessively if the pain in the temples is not associated with the typical symptoms of this pathology, such as pain in the scalp and jaw.
headache Cluster headache ea type of headache thankfully rare, but very debilitating.
The definition of this type of headache as “cluster” lies in its particular nature and in its characteristic tendency to occur every day for 8-10 consecutive weeks and then disappear for a year.
The most effective therapy for cluster headache appears to be oxygen therapy, that is, the delivery of oxygen when the attack subsists. However, these are still relatively experimental techniques that have not yet managed to provide sufficient clinical bases to consider them as an always effective remedy for all cases of cluster headache.
Tension headache
affects both right and left templesand it is one of the most common types of headache among the population. Generally, unlike what happens in other forms of headache, there are no other symptoms such as nausea, worsening pain when moving and discomfort in the light at the same time.
Taking a simple over-the-counter pain reliever is usually enough to make the pains go away within a few minutes.
However, we would like to remind you that even over-the-counter analgesics should be taken with the utmost precautions, despite the fact that they are drugs that do not always require a prescription.
It is one of the most common forms of headache, with a higher incidence in women than in men (according to estimates 15% of women and 6% of men suffer from it).
Migraine is often associated with an aura that precedes it and which manifests itself with sensory pseudo-hallucinations, which can lead to perceiving halos of light around things or sounds or particular smells.
The symptoms of migraine can worsen with the concomitant consumption of certain foods and drinks such as, to give just a few examples, red wine, red meat and some aged cheeses, but also when menstruation arrives or is under both emotional and emotional stress. physicist.
The doctor may prescribe medications to be taken before (for preventive purposes) or during attacks to reduce the extent of the patient.
Trigeminal neuralgia Trigeminal neuralgia ,
the one that affects this nerve which is the largest in the head, can also trigger pain in both the right and left temples.
At the base of this disorder there is a blood vessel that pushes on the nerve itself, made more fragile by the natural aging process of the organism or by real diseases, such as sclerosis. Pain in the right and left temple: other possible causes
Those described above are the most common causes of pain in the temples , both right
that left , but they are not the only ones. Headache is certainly one of
the most common pathologies, but it occurs in such and many forms and contemplates so many causes that, to cure it and heal it, it is essential to understand which is the right one.
Sometimes the headache simply arises from momentary contingencies, such as a day of overwork, fatigue, stress, overeating at the table or a few too many cigarettes and in these cases, in general, a healthy sleep and correcting the bad habits, but it’s not always that easy.
In addition to the causes mentioned above, therefore, we can add others to which we often do not give the attention they deserve, namely the wrong posture, poor digestion and, fortunately very rarely, rarer and more serious diseases that are difficult to present with the pains in the temple or the throbbing temple as the only symptom.
The pains in the head and temples can also be caused bypathologies affecting the neck, usually the cervical one, but also inflammation of the discs which in turn, depending on where they are positioned, involve pains in one side only, either right or left, and in the temples . Moving the neck, in these cases, significantly worsens the symptoms.
What to do in case of pain in the temples
Some sporadic headaches of more or less moderate or high intensity happen to everyone and should not cause concern, but if they become recurrent, particularly strong or even disabling, it will be good to contact a doctor, who through a careful medical history and an accurate description of the symptoms, he will try to trace the cause of the problem and then to prepare an adequate therapy.
In less serious cases, it may be sufficient to make changes to certain behaviors, such as assuming incorrect postures (for example when sitting at the desk in front of the PC) or eating inadequately, both in terms of the quality of the foods ingested (some foods are “At risk”, that is, they can, in predisposed people, trigger headaches) and quantity (“binges”, especially if frequent, can slow down digestion and promote the onset of headache).
When pain in the templesderives from an evident state of anxiety, from physical and / or emotional stress or from tiredness due, for example, to tiring work schedules and to rhythms of life that are evidently too hectic, to make it pass a little rest, a healthy sleep or carve out a moment of relaxation all for yourself.
As regards, however, pharmacological therapies it will always be necessary to resort to a medical consultation, especially if the episodes were recurrent and therefore when in reality the phenomenon is of such a magnitude as not to allow to proceed with simple analgesics.
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