Sometimes it can happen to feel annoying pangs in the back , these are intense and sudden pains of variable duration. But from what exactly these pains are caused These pangs
can be part of the symptomatological picture of some pathological condition or not
Today we are going to deal with the pangs in the back , of those that occurat the height of the lungs , when you breathe and those that also involve the stomach hoping to provide you with a more detailed guide on the causes of this disorder on the remedies , on any risks and on the possible pathologies to which they are related.
So let’s go and answer all your questions on the subject together.

What are back pains
When we talk about back pains we refer to a very annoying disorder with variable duration that affects our back and which can be very uncomfortable even in our daily life.
In fact, the pains in the back are sometimes so intense that we practically get stuck until they subside. In these cases it is impossible to lead your life normally and, in the most serious cases, it is advisable to contact a specialist to solve the problem. Problems affecting the back
should never be underestimated as, in this part of our body, there is the vertebral column, which houses the spinal cord.
If it were not for our spine, in fact, we would not be able to walk, or to remain upright, and to make many other movements necessary to lead a normal lifestyle.
Back pain can be caused by many factors, but one of themthe most relevant causes are certainly those of a pathological nature, which we will discuss better later. But let’s first of all see what are the non-pathological factors that can trigger the pain in the back.

What can cause back pains
Among the most common causes that can contribute to the onset of back pain we certainly find those mentioned below:

  • A particularly stressful situation in which the individual is in an anxious state;
  • Panic attacks;
  • The fact of leading a sedentary life, in which the right physical activity is not practiced;
  • Always remain seated in the wrong position, especially from a postural point of view;
  • Having undergone a massage in which a particular situation of stability has been moved;
  • Being overweight
  • Practicing too much physical activity
  • Being pregnant;
  • Practicing physical activity without doing the right warm-up exercises;
  • Lifting weights the wrong way.

As you can see, these are factors that mainly concern the mechanics, i.e. the fact that the back is subjected to inappropriate strains, sometimes becoming excessively loaded. However, the most relevant causes of back pain are certainly the pathologies we will discuss in the next paragraph.

Back pains can be linked to a pathology or not
As we have already mentioned in the course of our article, back pains can often be one of the symptoms of some more or less serious pathological conditions.
Among these conditions we remember above all those mentioned below:

  • The presence of a herniated disc;
  • The presence of a tumor;
  • A condition of scoliosis;
  • Arthrosis of the spine.

In the most common cases, however, the pains in the back are linked to what is commonly known as a witch’s stroke. In these cases the individual is literally stuck with his back and perceives these intense and annoying pangs.
The witch’s stroke is usually caused by the incorrect execution of sudden movements, for example we can get stuck even simply by picking up something from the ground.

What to do in case of back pains
The first thing to do when we suffer from frequent back pains is certainly to contact your doctor or, even better, to an osteopath who mainly deals with problems affecting the back.
The doctor will certainly pay us a careful check-up, trying to understand immediately what are the causes of our problem as, if we are dealing with causes of a pathological nature, it is essential to intervene in a timely manner.
To help you make an accurate diagnosis, your doctor may also consider it appropriate to undergo diagnostic tests, such as the following:

  • A CT scan ;
  • An ultrasound
  • An MRI .

All these functional imaging tests are essential to allow the doctor, or in any case the specialist to go and view, with the appropriate instrumentation , the presence of any problems on the back, for example the presence of a herniated disc, or, in cases more serious than a tumor.
Obviously, the therapeutic treatment depends on the cause that triggered the problem. However, if the cause is not relevant, your doctor may find it helpful to prescribe medications to relieve pain, such as non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (or NSAIDs) or pain relievers.

There are natural remedies to relieve back discomfort
Finally, you can also resort to natural remediesto relieve the annoying pains in the back. Remember, however, to always ask your doctor for advice before using any type of natural remedy as it may interfere with the effect of other medications.
Among the most effective natural remedies to relieve pain in the back we certainly remember the use of natural muscle relaxants and arnica-based cream .
In the case of back pains, it is also important to give the right attention to rest, preferring two positions in particular. The first is by placing a pillow under the knees and one under the head, and the second position without a pillow. In the first case, keep a supine position, in the second, instead, prone.
Even theheat is useful for relieving pain in the back. In these cases, in fact, it is advisable to take a hot shower or bath, thus reducing the possible presence of muscle contractures.
Physical activity is equally important but remember that you have to practice the right one and not excessively. For example, in these cases it is advisable to practice yoga, not to exert too much effort and to stretch before and after any type of activity.
Last advice before concluding: remember that once the back pain has passed, or the pains have disappeared, you must maintain good habits regarding your lifestyle, especially your posture, eating habits and physical activity.
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