The project “Re-forming the PA Qualified people to qualify the country” for the enhancement and development of the human capital of the Public Administration starts. A training and refresher program that runs over five years , the time span of the NRP.
It will involve 3.2 million public employees, says the Minister for Public Administration Renato Brunetta, giving way to “the largest training plan for public employees”, divided into two strands. The first, inaugurated by the memorandum of understanding signed in October by the ministers for PA and the University and Research, Maria Cristina Messa, thanks to the collaboration of the Crui, aims to increase the knowledge and skills of public workers withenrollment in degree and master courses at all Italian universities. The second strand provides for the launch of specific training programs to support the transitions envisaged by the National Recovery and Resilience Plan.
Training that starts from the digital one, with public and private , national and international partners, with particular attention paid to cybersecurity training,object of a project already started with the Ministry of Defense. “The introduction of skills due to incoming flows – underlines Brunetta – will be accompanied by a massive investment in the training of public employees already in service, enhanced in new employment contracts, through career and salary improvements, and strengthened by the relaunch of the School National Administration (Sna) and Formez Pa . I am honored to have the university world as a partner of this initiative , represented here by the Minister of Mass and the Rector Polimeni, together with top technological players such as Tim and Microsoft “.
“The project is possible thanks to public-private collaboration, private individuals are operating free of charge and experimentally. Thanks to Microsoft we have built Inpa , the large recruitment portal that has allowed us to publish 4-5 million curricula from which they have selected 1000 professionals in a month. We grow together, we set goals together and we establish new contractual rules together . Low productivity equals low wages, there’s no escaping “, underlined Brunetta.
The extraordinary training program unfolds over the 5 years of the NRP and then becomes structural . “We are a large country that communicates with the world, with Amazon , withMicrosoft , with Google , with the world players and we will call them to give us a hand to train the servants of the state. Thank you for this magical moment in which there are the resources to do things, they can be done and it’s up to us “.. he said.
” We are contacting all the chiefs of staff of central and peripheral administrations to give them the model and strategy ; then we will contact one by onethe 3 million and 250,000 public employees and we will send all the modalities of this strategy, that is digital training and the potential for university academic training “, said the minister of the PA.” We will keep a constant relationship with all public employees and we will inform them step by step step of the progress of the plan. This is not an abstract training, functional to the needs of the country. We will explain that more training means more salary, more career, pride and quality of services “.

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