What is ovulatory spotting How long does it last When to worry
There are risks or not
When to contact the gynecologist to understand what is happening
What are the causes
We can prevent spotting
Today we will go and answer all your questions about spotting ovulatory, i.e. the appearance of brownish discharges , especially during ovulation. This is a very common condition and today we will provide you with a very comprehensive guide on the subject, hoping to be able to resolve all your doubts.

What is spotting
The term spotting refers to a purely female condition in which particular and atypical blood loss occurs outside the menstrual cycle. In fact, the term was taken from the English language in which “to spot” means to stain.
Spotting usually occurs between one menstruation and the next, which is why we speak of ovulatory spotting, precisely because it usually coincides with the woman’s ovulation, but not always.
Typically, spotting is regarded as a friendly symptom that indicates to a woman that there is something wrong with her body. In fact, this situation is often associated with anomalous internal conditions which we will deal with better later.
The fact that spottingis seen as a “friendly symptom”, but it does not mean that it should be underestimated, for this reason it would be advisable to find the cause of the problem together with your trusted specialist.

What is ovulatory spotting What causes it

to what many think, talking about ovulatory spotting and ovulatory spotting is exactly the same thing. In fact, even if blood losses can occur at any time, their appearance during ovulation is certainly more frequent.
Basically, when it comes to ovulatory spottingwe refer to these small losses of blood which occur mainly between one cycle and another and, as we have already said, it is not a normal condition also because the typical losses of ovulation do not contain blood.
The main causes, and also the most common ones, of ovulatory spotting, certainly concern stress and the intake of any contraceptive drugs, especially the vaginal ring and oral contraceptives.
Consequently we can say that there is no need to worry if ovulatory spotting occurs in conjunction with stressful situations or if we take the aforementioned contraceptives.
However, ovulatory spotting could be caused by other factors such as the following:

  • The presence of ovarian cysts;
  • A condition of anorexia and / or bulimia would create a decompensation of the menstrual cycle and, therefore, could favor the onset of spotting;
  • The use of the copper spiral;
  • Dysfunctions of the thyroid gland, therefore in the case of hyperthyroidism and / or hypothyroidism;
  • A condition of diabetes;
  • Early menopause;
  • Endometriosis;
  • The presence of a cervical tumor, or a fibroid or other cancer, including a polyp in the cervix.

How long it lasts
Intuitively, the duration of ovulatory spotting depends mainly on the cause that caused it. For example, if the cause is a pathological condition, the spotting will last until we cure that pathology.
As we have said, ovulatory spotting if we take the birth control pill or if we use other methods of contraception is considered normal. In these cases, the spotting usually lasts about four days.
Since the causes of ovulatory spotting are different and some may involve risks (for example in the case of a tumor), if the spotting duration exceeds four days it would be advisable to contact your gynecologist .to make an appointment for a checkup.
Only the gynecologist, in fact, with his knowledge and with the appropriate equipment, will be able to make all the necessary assessments to understand what is the cause of the problem and the best treatment to solve it.

When to contact the gynecologist
So, as we have already said in the previous paragraph, it is necessary to make an appointment with your trusted gynecologist when the duration of the spotting exceeds four days .
Furthermore, it is necessary to contact the specialist even if, apparently, there are no causes that have caused the onset of ovulatory spotting, for example in the case in which we do not take any type of contraceptive.
In these cases, in fact, we could be affected by ovarian cysts which, as we have seen, are among the most common causes of ovulatory spotting and which, although usually reabsorbed independently, still require an evaluation by the gynecologist.
As you can see, the importance of contacting the gynecologist is determined above all by the risks we could face if we underestimate ovulatory spotting .
In fact, only the gynecologist with the equipment he has and with his knowledge determined by years and years of study, will be able not only to determine the cause of your problem, but above all to identify which treatment is the most suitable. to your case and that will allow you to resolve the situation.

How do we prevent ovulatory spotting
Since ovulatory spotting could often be connected to serious risks, such as the presence of a cervical tumor , in addition to asking the gynecologist for an opinion as soon as we notice any changes, it is advisable to follow some small tricks to prevent it.
Regarding the prevention of ovulatory spotting, we show you some tips, some of which, if followed correctly, can also form the basis for a healthy lifestyle:

  • Follow a healthy and balanced diet that includes the right intake of vitamins, proteins, carbohydrates, fibers and all the other substances our body needs to function properly;
  • Avoid eating large amounts of junk food , fat and sugar;
  • Avoid alcoholic , excessively sugary and carbonated drinks;
  • Reduce your consumption of cigarettes or, if possible, eliminate it altogether;
  • Give yourself moments of rest , especially following particularly stressful situations as, as we have seen, stress favors the onset of spotting;
  • Practice the right amount of physical activity;
  • Never forget to contact your doctor as soon as you notice that something is wrong with your body.

We assure you that by putting all these tips into practice you will be able to prevent the appearance of ovulatory spotting and, in some cases, also the appearance of its causes, especially those of a pathological nature.
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