The Chamber of Deputies confirmed its confidence in the government on the Sostegni Ter decree with 416 votes in favor and 49 against . The Assembly now passes to the examination of the 113 agendas presented to the text, which will however be voted on tomorrow starting at 9.30. The final go-ahead is expected tomorrow by 2pm. The Legislative Decree
– not modified with respect to the text licensed by the Senate – contains urgent measures in the field of support for businesses and economic operators, work, health and territorial services connected to the Covid emergency, and to contain the effects of price increases in the electricity sector .
The measure also “absorbed” the corrective Decree Law on the sale of the tax credit for building bonuses. What’s in it:
The Decree – launched by the Government at the end of January, in a scenario that still did not record the surge in energy costs and the repercussions on the production level caused by the invasion of Ukraine – provides for a first series of measures implemented to contain the energy costs, together with others, made necessary by the continuing negative economic effects caused by the pandemic . The new tax deadlines in the provision
Among the innovations – introduced by the passage to the Senate – the reopening of the terms for the facilitated definition of the charges entrusted to the collection agent – the scrapping-ter and balance and excerpt: the payments of the relative installments can therefore be carried out:
– By 30 April 2022 (for those expiring in 2020)
– By 31 July 2022 (for those expiring in 2021)
– By 30 November 2022 (for those expiring in the same year). Therefore, the “executive procedures” , possibly initiated following the expiry of the previous deadline of December 9, 2021, were extinguished.
Superbonus, facades reconstruction The anti-fraud decree bonus 110%
In the support decree ter Madama, also the decree to combat fraud triggered by the disbursement of building tax bonuses .
The tightening on the sale of tax credits is also relaxed: the rule allows for 2 further transfers (but only to banks, financial intermediaries and companies belonging to a supervised banking group). More time for communications to the Revenue Agency
A proposed amendment approved by the Commission also allows more time to transmit to the Revenue Agency the communication relating to the various building bonuses, discount on invoices, and credit transfer: the deadline passes from 7 April to April 29th.
(Ansa / archive)
gas meter Support to the energy sector
In the measure measures for the containment of energy costs:
– Cancellation – for the first quarter of 2022 – ofrates relating to general system charges , applied to users with available power “equal to or greater than 16.5 kW, also connected in medium and high / very high voltage, or for public lighting or recharging electric vehicles in places accessible to public”.
– An extraordinary contribution, in the form of a tax credit of 20%, to ” energy-intensive companies “, whose costs per kWh of the electricity component, calculated on the basis of the average for the last quarter of 2021, “have increased higher than 30% for the same period of 2019 “.
Tax credit equal to 20% of the expenses incurred for the energy component purchased and actually used, this in the first quarter of 2022.
– Two-way compensation on the price of electricity produced by plants powered by renewable energy sources “, from 1 February 2022 until 31 December 2022.
(Implementation procedures delegated to the Arera).
Milano Cortina 2026
Several innovations have also been introduced in the infrastructure and mobility sector:
-Possibility to review the framework agreements for infrastructural works, in order to adapt them to increases in the prices of materials.
-The extension of the simplified procedures for investments of the National Recovery and Resilience Plan (PNRR ) also to the infrastructures for the Milan-Cortina 2026 Winter Olympic Games .
-Resources for the realization of the Taranto 2026 Mediterranean Games .
-Measures to make the use of “layoffs in the air freight movement sector” less onerous.
In addition to various measures in favor of closed economic activities, for tourism and the wedding sector (particularly affected in the years of the Covid pandemic), measures for the culture and sport sector (with the allocation of 40 million for entertainment workers ).
Palazzo Madama, Senate of the Republic The procedure of the provision started two months ago
The provision, published in the Official Gazette and transmitted to Parliament on January 27 last , and passed the examination of the Senate at first reading (examined in the referent by the Budget Commission, which has made numerous changes and additions).
The text as amended by the Commission, and then approved by the hall of Palazzo Madama, with a vote of confidence on the maxi amendment presented by the Government last March 17th .
Today it passed the examination of the Chamber, for final approval.