The Defense multi-year programmatic document (DPP) for the three-year period 2021-2023 has been published, the second signed by Lorenzo Guerini . It arrived a few months earlier than last year, when the Covid-19 pandemic delayed its release until the end of October. “The programs of technological innovation, international cooperation and high strategic value are essential elements to guarantee the effectiveness of the national military instrument and make it capable of adapting to the continuous challenges of a constantly evolving global scenario”, explained the minister. THE CONTEXT
The DPP therefore starts from the two main macro-addresses of military policy marked by Guerini: “the active repositioning in the international scenario and the relaunch of the national defense industry through the modernization of the military instrument”, explains a note from Palazzo Baracchini. And in this sense to be linked to the first ministerial directive for industrial defense policy, issued by Guerini last week (focus here). And so, among the more than 250 pages of the document (last year there were more than 300) there are various programs expected by the Armed Forces. There are 85 programs expected to start in the three-year period 2021-2023, to be added to the 115 programs already in operation. Among those being launched, seven programs are defined as “flagship”, that is strategic for the Defense, as “characterized by high possibilities of international cooperation, high technological value and strong imprint from a capacitive and industrial point of view”. They will be financed thanks to the “Fund relating to the implementation of multi-year investment programs for the needs of national defense”, provided for by the latest budget law.TWO BILLION FOR THE TEMPEST
Among these is Tempest, which in the previous DPP was among the priority programs but without financial coverage, although Guerini himself then specified that “the necessary resources have been identified within the Eurofighter operating program”, given the planned transition between the two. This time there are instead the resources under the Tempest item: two billion euros, spread over fifteen years, with 20 million in 2021, as many in 2022 and 2023, and the bulk expected between 2027 and 2035. Participation in the program “will guarantee the Italy the exclusive access to a project of exceptional ambition and destined to have implications not only in the military technological field but also in favor of the systemic growth of the most diversified production chains operating in the digitization sector “, reads the Document. Overall, the program needs for the research and development phases is approximately six billion. The one for the subsequent acquisition and support phase in service and “being defined”.DRONES AND NEW AIRCRAFT
The program for the European Male Rpas also speaks European. For development, acquisition and logistical support, the DPP foresees an expenditure of 1.9 billion spread up to 2035 (almost 55 in 2021). Just a few weeks ago, in Rome, the Occar awarded the development contract to the industrial consortium (including Leonardo), with 100 million deriving from the new EU defense funds, which will be accompanied by funding from individual countries. The new “multi-sensor multi-mission aerial platform” based on the G-550 and intended for a net-centric approach (C4Istar capacity) to Defense is placed in the inter-force field, for which 1.2 billion are expected until 2032 , with 75 million this year. It will proceed in parallel with the multi-year program for “the implementation of structural changes and integration of the Caew / Ee mission system on G-550 aircraft”, for 925 million until 2030 (five in 2021). Further innovation is represented by the expansion of the Air Force tanker fleet, with the acquisition of two other KC-767s and the modernization of those already supplied, for about 1.4 billion in fifteen years, starting from 40 million expected in 2021.THE FOCUS ON INNOVATION
Another big news concerns “the acquisition of capacity for data sharing based on the concept of the Defense cloud”. This is a “multi-year program articulated on several interventions linked to the creation of an information environment classified as joint, secure and interoperable by design”, so as to “guarantee the sharing and enhancement of the information background of the Defense”. It is worth over 90 million until 2035, with the first 4.7 already expected this year. This program will include the gradual evolution of the “network infrastructure and radio-mobile access towards a definitive 5G architecture, always structured in the cloud” from 2023. It is not the only new program to focus on new technologies. For artificial intelligence, a “network of innovation centers” is envisaged, which combine the capabilities of Defense with those of the private world. Resources for this purpose amount to 190 million up to 2035, with 3 million a year from 2021 to 2023. The multi-year program “aimed at conducting research and development activities in the emerging sector is worth 60 million (only one in 2021) disruptive technologies “, to be added to other newly launched projects including” data collection “(55 million in fifteen years) and” multi-domain command and control “(198 million in fifteen years).TERRESTRIAL PROGRAMS
In the terrestrial context there are several news. The development of a new amphibious armored vehicle for the Army and Navy also enters with financial coverage, with a total requirement of 206 million until 2034, of which only one is expected in 2021. An estimated expenditure of more than two billion is worth. “Renewal of the entire heavy forces combat capacity”, through the acquisition of a system of systems for the heavy infantry (Armored Infantry Combat System), centered on a combat platform (Armored Infantry Fighting Vehicle) and a series of support platforms . The first allocations are foreseen only from next year (one million), for a project that aims to include Italy in the European discussions on the new generation tank. There is also the multi-role tactical vehicle for special operations, with the first 3 million in the current year in a program of almost 25 million until 2028, so as to cover “phase 1”: prototype study and development with first acquisition of the platform. Over 680 million, up to 2030, go to the continuation of the program relating to the second version of the Lince multi-role vehicle. The document notes that the requirement includes 1,600 vehicles, with a total cost of 3.5 billion.THE HELICOPTERS OF THE FUTURE
Among the most important innovations is the “Future Fast Rotorcraft” initiative, dedicated to what promises to be the revolution of the rotary wing. With 129 million up to 2032 (the first expected in 2022), it aims to “satisfy national interest and involvement in the study of emerging technologies in the helicopter sector, while enhancing the national industrial capabilities of the sector, through the development of a Next generation fast helicopter “. Feasibility studies are underway, which “by seeking appropriate synergies with international programs, envisage the development of enabling technologies and capacity increases for the Armed Forces”. From 2022 we will move on to the “second phase”. THE MISSILE DEFENSE AND NAVAL NEWS
In the missile field, the modernization, renewal and enhancement of the national air and missile defense capacity is under way, for 1.9 billion until 2035. With the first 58 million in 2021, it aims to introduce the new generation technology in the systems in inventory, the adaptation and renewal of the Aster missile fleet, the overall expansion of the national capacity, with the sixth Samp / T battery for the Army and the acquisition of five batteries for the Air Force. This is linked to the acquisition of radar for air defense systems for over 334 million (34 in 2021). On the naval front, the acquisition of new destroyers (Ddx) enters the financial coverage, with a forecast of almost 1, 9 billion until 2035 (two million in 2021) to equip the Navy with two units to replace Nave Mimbelli and Nave Durand de la Penne. There are also 2.5 million in 2021 (approximately 400 million until 2035) for the Two Offshore Unit Acquisition Program (LLS) to replace the more obsolete on-line logistics units. A total of three million will cover the first phase of the study of the “New amphibious units” program. 170 million are expected up to 2027 (starting from one million next year for the half-life modernization of the Doria-class destroyers. A total of three million will cover the first phase of the study of the “New amphibious units” program. 170 million are expected up to 2027 (starting from one million next year for the half-life modernization of the Doria-class destroyers. A total of three million will cover the first phase of the study of the “New amphibious units” program. 170 million are expected up to 2027 (starting from one million next year for the half-life modernization of the Doria-class destroyers.THE ADVANCEMENT OF THE F-35
Among the “operating” programs, the commitments for the M-345 and M-346 trainers, for the Centauro 2 armored vehicle, for Eurofighter and Tornado are confirmed. Expenditure forecast for NH90 helicopters is slightly up. For the F-35s, the spending commitments envisaged last year are confirmed with a slight reorganization of the annual commitments with the overall balance unchanged. The division between Phase 1 and Phase 2 has been confirmed, with the first (1.4 billion between now and 2022) which includes 28 aircraft, their engines, equipment, initial retrofit costs, logistical support until 2022, construction of the plant in Cameri and related technical assistance, preparation of national sites (“Amendola, Ghedi, Nave Cavour”). The second (4.2 billion until 2026) includes a batch of 27 aircraft.THE EXCLUDED
As always, the list of programs “that the Defense intends to launch”, but which are “currently lacking the necessary financial support”, is long. Among these there are also programs that in the previous DPP had obtained financial coverage, such as the Light Utility Helicopter or the new U212 submarines. Instead, it is a confirmation in this list for the mid-life modernization of C-130 transport aircraft.