As with the other glands, the prostate also has the task of producing and secreting substances that are useful for the body. The most important, in this case, is the prostate fluid: a fluid that ensures good mobility to the spermatozoa and, at the same time, facilitates their survival. Unfortunately, however, the prostate gland can also get sick. Statistically, people over the age of 50 are more exposed to risk, but it is important to protect the health of this very precious organ from a very young age. If constant monitoring, conducted through a series of periodic analyzes, is certainly recommended, there are several natural remedies for the prostate, starting with the adoption of a healthy and balanced lifestyle.
Various researches have shown how a careless diet, like sedentariness, can greatly affect the onset of the main prostatic pathologies. But which are the most common
The diseases that most frequently affect the prostate are: prostatitis , IBP (Benign Prostatic Hypertrophy) and cancer .
It is important to underline that while prostatitis tends to occur more or less with the same probability in young and elderly subjects, the other two problems have an increasing incidence with increasing age.
A balanced diet
Who is forced to live with prostate problems, and intends to change their eating habits, must first of all try to purify and detoxify the body, with the aim of minimizing inflammation.
Studies conducted in Sweden, for example, have shown an alarming correlation between the consumption of milk (and its derivatives) and prostate cancer. Excessive calcium intake would, in fact, be reflected in a reduction in Vitamin D levels.
However, even replacing cow’s milk with soy milk does not appear to be an optimal solution. The legume in question (as well as the resulting products) has a high content of isoflavones, hormones that are similar to estrogens by characteristics. It seems that, in addition to favoring the onset of prostate diseases, these substances can even cause phenomena of impotence.
There are also other foods that, in the long run, risk causing inflammation: sausages, fatty meats, seafood and shellfish, spices such as chilli, coffee, chocolate and all spirits.
It is instead useful, among the natural remedies for the prostate , to often bring to the table vegetables rich in: Vitamin A (carrots, broccoli, spinach and apricots);Vitamin C (peppers, cauliflower, kiwi and currants); Vitamin E (in olive oil and vegetable oils in general).
Equally essential is hydration, especially for those who are frequently affected by urinary infections. A couple of liters of water a day, divided regularly throughout the day, are good for people looking for natural remedies for prostate health .
Regular physical activity
Except for what has been written so far, to enhance the benefits of a healthy diet, you need to find a way to reduce stress. There is a wealth of scientific studies that unequivocally connect stress and prostate enlargement .
Practicing sports is the best way to relax your mind and body. Yoga and other physical activities not only prevent obesity problems, but are also able to rebalance hormones. They make the immune system stronger and promote blood circulation with obvious benefits in the pelvic area. But it is not mandatory to go to the gym or swimming pool to enjoy significant improvements. A simple 30-minute walk , repeated at least 5 days a week, is fully part of the natural remedies for prostate health .
Instead, pay attention to the bicycle. By practicing this sport with intensity, you risk incurring perineal microtraumas which, if neglected, could give rise to inflammatory processes.
Supplements for a correct intake of micronutrients
We have already talked about the importance of vitamins, often mentioned among the best natural remedies for prostate health . If the introduction of these micronutrients through the diet is not sufficient, supplements can provide adequate support.
Equally useful are minerals, found mainly in fruits and vegetables. However, some people, after years of eating anything but healthy, find it difficult to change their eating habits. It is in these cases that the supplements help to take what is needed. Among the minerals selenium and zinc should be mentioned. The first, contained in dried fruit (primarily nuts), meat and eggs, offers a significant contribution to the immune system while reducing the risk of cancer. Zinc, on the other hand, tends to be reduced in patients who develop prostate problems, in stressed subjects and in those who follow an unbalanced diet. Most supplements contain nettle and fish oil, which are known for their ability to reduce inflammation.
Finally, supplements that present titrated extracts of Cranberry and Serenoa can be useful .
An active sex life among the most effective (and pleasant) natural remedies for the prostate
There are not a few people who, worried about the possible inflammation of this gland, tend to reduce sexual activity. In fact, a regularly active sex life is also beneficial from this point of view. Several statistics have shown, in fact, a higher incidence of problems related to the prostateamong celibate men of a certain age. This result is probably due precisely to prolonged abstinence which, giving rise to a stagnation of secretions in the prostate gland, could lead to annoying seminal infections.
Interrupted coitus, which is still quite common today as a contraceptive method, is also not recommended.
Carrying out specialist visits
While not part of the natural remedies for prostate health , urological examinations are of crucial importance. At the age of 50, all men should undergo an examination to confirm the perfect functioning of the gland.
Those at risk (ie those who have already had cases in the family or have developed problems of this type at least once) would do better to take action in advance. Usually just over 40 years of age.
Doctors also suggest having the PSA tested once a year. It is an extremely fast examination which, through a simple blood sample, provides useful information on the health of the prostate gland.