Menopause is a real physiological moment that occurs when the woman’s fertility period ends. It is precisely in this particular phase, where the mature woman’s body changes and evolves, that some physical discomfort may be encountered. But how to fight them
To guarantee a normal quality of life we ​​can find valid allies from nature. Among the natural remedies for menopause , the best known is certainly red clover .

Menopause: a natural transition
phase The transition from the fertile to the menopause phase, usually, it develops around the age of 50, but there are cases in which it occurs early, around the age of 45, or more posthumously, that is, around the age of 55. It is a period of natural transition that occurs slowly: it will begin with a constant irregularity of the menstrual cycle .
In this phase, the follicles present inside the woman’s body fail and their absent maturation begins to give precise signals to the endocrine system. The hormonal shift will lead to an inevitable imbalance within the organism and the result will be precisely that of the absence of the menstrual cycle, which will occur absolutely spontaneously and naturally.
The absence of menstruation for a long period, in old age, is certainly a clear signal of the onset of menopause. But it is not the only one. In fact, hormonal changes may highlight some physical discomfort typical of menopause. For example, reduced estrogen levels cause sudden hot flashes , irritability , insomnia , mood swings , urinary tract disorders , and excessive sweating .

Natural remedies for menopause: the ally and red clover
Among the natural remedies for menopause, a valid and effective ally to counteract physical annoyances and make them less offensive, and certainly the red clover . Red clover is a plant belonging to the same family of legumes whose flowering tops can be processed to prepare natural extracts and supplements in tablets and capsules, but also to be used as an infusion as a tea.
The plant is able to bring important benefits to the organism of the postmenopausal woman , as it is rich in isoflavones , phytonutrient compounds which, once absorbed, activate their antioxidant action , providing fundamental elements ideal for psychophysical well -being.. Red clover is also rich in minerals, magnesium, potassium, phosphorus, calcium and vitamins (A, B12, E, K, C), which contribute to the general well-being of the organism .
Red clover is therefore the most suitable among the natural remedies for menopause . It can relieve swelling, anxious and nervous states. Thanks to its isoflavones and estrogens it will also be able to reduce hot flashes and all symptoms related to the humoral sphere.

Other natural remedies for menopause
In nature, it is possible to find other natural remedies that, in combination with red clover, can bring important benefits for the health of the woman’s bodyin the delicate period of menopause. Among these natural products we find:

  • soy , rich in plant phytoestrogens which will play the role of estrogen, ideal for correct hormonal reorganization , low in cholesterol;
  • magnesium , optimal for the correct functioning of the nervous system and to effectively counteract mood swings and irritability;
  • black cohosh , able to relieve the main symptoms related to menopause, helping to balance the loss of mineral salts .

The synergistic action of these natural extracts favors the well-being of the organism and counteracts the discomfort associated with this physiological period, allowing you to live this phase peacefully. There is no reason why you cannot live this new biological cycle in all serenity, alleviating normal annoyances with the help of plants and a healthy and balanced diet .

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