Arthralgia is the manifestation of widespread or localized pain in the upper and lower limbs . It can affect cartilages , tendons , ligaments , but also muscle tissue and bones themselves. These pains can occur on the arms , legs , feet and hands , but also in the back and back of the neck, as well as in the shoulders . The causes that lead to these pains can be many. Among the most common are certainly the natural aging and weakening of bone , muscle and cartilage tissues . Tissue aging can lead to a disease called osteoarthritis , characterized by the gradual loss of cartilage in the joints , replaced with bone . This process causes the joints to stiffen and makes people affected by this disease more sensitive to inflammation and pain in the joints . But there is not only arthrosis among the causes that cause joint pain . Let’s see the main ones: Stress and tension cause muscle pain
When you are under stress and in tension, your muscles tend to stiffen . The body assumes an incorrect and rigid posture and the muscles undergo unnatural twists , causing contractures and pain. Dissolve these contractures
it can be painful and not easy. It is necessary to practice movement or physical activity constantly, training the muscles and maintaining their elasticity and their natural function . Be careful not to overdo the physical activity Just
as the lack of movement and stress can cause muscle contractures and tension , excess physical activity can be a reason for muscle fatigue , or even
muscle strains and painful sprains not always easy to overcome. Sports injuries are often difficult to manage, and muscle rest is no longer sufficient to quickly overcome convalescence . You can help your body overcome physical trauma and pain through the use of natural supplements that facilitate healing. A healthy diet against muscle pain
Not only the health of our tissues depends on nutrition, but also the body’s response to muscle inflammation and
articular . But what are the foods that are good for bones , tendons , cartilages and muscles
It is important to take a good amount of protein , preferably of vegetable origin , integrated with another fundamental substance for the regeneration of body tissues, also essential the health of the immune system : Vitamin C. Foods rich in protein include legumes , such as lentils , beans and chickpeas . Citrus fruits are one mine of Vitamin C essential for the organism .
Natural ingredients against joint pain
Try supplementing your diet with substances that can facilitate the response to inflammation and promote the well-being of muscle tissues , tendons and bones . Take advantage of the action of devil’s claw-based supplements , a natural remedy able to act directly on inflamed and painful areas to get back to moving without discomfort . The devil’s claw
The Devil ‘s Claw is a very common plant in South-West Africa, especially in Namibia, but also in Madagascar. Its name derives from the fact that the petals of the flower resemble hooks or, precisely, claws that cause serious injuries to animals that try to touch them. In phytotherapy , secondary roots are used, rich in natural ingredients that have a soothing and well -being effect for the entire joint system . It is also used for its anti- inflammatory properties and as a remedy for joint problems and muscular . Try it in natural supplements for joint wellness !