Sales of natural cosmetics are seeing a sharp surge recently. More and more people are more aware of what can be contained in a simple cosmetic product. And this is how they scan INCI, ingredient by ingredient, before each purchase. On the other hand, sales are accompanied by a new trend: the preparation of entirely home made beauty products.
The Creme & Co. motif are totally customizable, ready when needed and 100% natural. Coffee and natural cosmetics
We drink coffee every day, but we hardly think of applying it to our skin. And it is a real shame because its most important active ingredient, caffeine, can become an excellent beauty ally. Caffeine belongs to the alkaloid family. More precisely, it is a xanthine (trimethylxanthine) which promotes fat metabolism. Essentially, it carries out a lipolytic and draining action useful in case of overweight and cellulite, reducing any edema. Coffee and caffeine
There is also only caffeine on the market. It is a very clear substance, tending to white, which however has a very poor solubility in water. Although many cosmetics contain only the active ingredient, at home it is advisable to use coffee. Not only because it is easier to find and use, but also because with the phytocomplex you always get better results with a reduced risk of side effects. In fact, even when applying a substance to the skin, attention must be paid to any sensitization phenomena. The properties of caffeine
Caffeine stimulates the breakdown of fat during lipolysis. To do this, it inhibits the activation of an enzyme called phosphodiesterase. But not only that: it is able to perform a strong antioxidant activity, slowing down the aging process – especially if induced by UV radiation. At the same time it improves blood and lymphatic circulation, even stimulating hair growth thanks to the inhibition of 5-α-reductase, otherwise known as dihydrotestosterone (DHT) – the main culprit in thinning, hair loss and baldness. Similar results are obtained with the use of green coffee. Tips & Triks
Before washing your hair, prepare a hair mask with coffee powder, coconut oil and Emu oil. Apply from root to tip. It will help you make them stronger and prevent them from falling. Leave on for half an hour, then proceed with the usual shampoo. Doses and varieties
As a guideline, 3% of caffeine is added in cosmetics. For this purpose it is good to know that some varieties such as the African ones (Coffea Robusta) have a higher quantity of caffeine than Arabica. Caffeine Eye Gel
For this recipe we have chosen to use pure caffeine. In this case the doses must be respected very carefully and the product must first be tested on a small part of the skin of the elbow.
8 ml of orange blossom hydrolate
12 ml of mineral water
0.2 g of caffeine
0.067 g of xanthan gum
5 drops of benzoin tincture Did you know…
Caffeine alone does not dissolve in oil. Therefore it must always be added in the aqueous phase.
Pour the hydrolat, mineral water, and caffeine into a small bowl. Stir it so that it dissolves well; help yourself by putting the liquid to heat in a water bath. Do not exceed the dose of caffeine otherwise it crystallizes and does not dissolve. Remove from the heat and add the xanthan gum. If lumps form or to speed up the process, use a small blender. Once you have the desired consistency, add the benzoin tincture drops. Transfer everything to a small glass jar or, better yet, to a roll-type container. Coffee body scrub
This recipe is one of the most classic and can be subjected to an incredible number of variations. Here is one of our simplest, fastest and most effective proposals that exist.
Coffee beans
Dried orange or lemon peel
powder Green tea powder
A slice of fresh ginger
Coconut oil Did you know …
The body scrub should never be used for the face, because the skin in this area is generally more delicate and you could inflame if the wrong scrub is used.
Pour a handful of coffee seeds and coarsely chopped orange peels into the kitchen cutter. Combine the cinnamon powder and green tea. Separately, chop the ginger finely (it must be in minimal proportions). Now combine all the ingredients and mix them well with the coconut oil. Don’t worry if it initially appears firmer. Once in contact with the body it will dissolve easily. Pass it well on your legs, performing a light massage from the bottom up. Coffee anti-cellulite mud
We can only end with a slimming mud that will help us find physical shape soon. As long as it is applied consistently. As always, it is important to first apply a small amount on the skin to test for any sensitization or allergies.
5 tablespoons of ventilated montmorillonite clay
Two cups of hot coffee
Two teaspoons of powdered ivy leaves
A teaspoon of kelp seaweed (ask your doctor if you have thyroid disease)
A pinch of chili powder
A tablespoon of coconut oil
In a bowl, mix the clay with the still hot (non-burning!) Coffee and the rest of the powders. If necessary, add a little warm water so that the mud becomes an easily spreadable cream. At the last, add the coconut oil and mix well. Use a dye brush to spread the mud on the abdomen and legs. Now coat the entire application with kitchen wrap. Place some blankets on top that will keep the mud warm and help you sweat. Leave on for 30-40 minutes, then take a shower to get rid of any residue. Or, better yet, a bath with Epsom salts and essential oils of orange and cypress. Repeat at least twice a week. Scientific sources
[1] Skin Pharmacol Physiol. 2013;26(1):8-14. doi: 10.1159/000343174. Epub 2012 Oct 11. Caffeine’s mechanisms of action and its cosmetic use. Herman A, Herman AP.
[2] Drug Dev Ind Pharm. 2016 Oct;42(10):1695-9. doi: 10.3109/03639045.2016.1165692. Epub 2016 Apr 6. Unsaponifiable matter from oil of green coffee beans: cosmetic properties and safety evaluation. Wagemaker TA, Campos PM, Fernandes AS, Rijo P, Nicolai M, Roberto A, Rosado C, Reis C, Rodrigues LM, Carvalho CR, Maia NB, Guerreiro Filho O.
[3] J Cosmet Dermatol. 2009 Mar;8(1):56-62. doi: 10.1111/j.1473-2165.2009.00425.x. Effect of green Coffea arabica L. seed oil on extracellular matrix components and water-channel expression in in vitro and ex vivo human skin models. Velazquez Pereda Mdel C, Dieamant Gde C, Eberlin S, Nogueira C, Colombi D, Di Stasi LC, de Souza Queiroz ML.
[4] Pharm Biol. 2015 Mar;53(3):386-94. doi: 10.3109/13880209.2014.922589. Epub 2014 Dec 4. Coffee silverskin: a possible valuable cosmetic ingredient. Rodrigues F, Palmeira-de-Oliveira A, das Neves J, Sarmento B, Amaral MH, Oliveira MB.

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