What does pain in the back of the neck
What are the causes of this discomfort
Why do we also feel it on the left and right side of the neck
What are the pathologies involved with this pain and what are the treatments and remedies we have available
Often it can happen to feel some discomfort in the right or left side of the neck and that the pain is often accompanied by a really unbearable headache . What will be the causes of all this?
In this guide we will try to analyze what are the causestriggers of this discomfort and such as any remedies , pharmacological or otherwise, to alleviate it.
Because sometimes it happens to feel the pain in the nape
The pains involving the head are certainly the most frequent, but often it changes in intensity, and above all the point of the head that hurts us changes.
We can feel the famous “circle in the head”, or pain in the frontal, occipital and pain in the temples and often it can be a headache.
It is very useful to make a subdivision into two categories regarding headaches:
- Primary headache , when the cause of the headache is not the result of another pathology;
- Secondary headache , when a pathology causes pain in the head.
Neck pain also occurs quite frequently in individuals who tend to grind their teeth during sleep, better known as bruxism. In addition, pregnant women in the first three months of pregnancy also tend to present this specific disorder.
Neck pain generally occurs when there is stiffening of the neck muscles and the individual who suffers from it will feel that they always have a large bandage on the head that involves the right and left sides of the neck.
Other symptoms associated with nape pain
The headache that focuses mainly onnape , often can be accompanied by the following signs and symptoms:
- Feeling of constant nausea;
- He retched;
- Sensation of constriction in the nape of the neck and forehead;
- Irritability of the individual;
- Pain in the shoulder, scalp and neck muscles
- Sensation of pressure on the nape of the neck;
- Tendency to lose balance
- Stiff neck
- Head pain that can last up to a week
- Loss of vision.
These and many others are the symptoms of a pain in the nape that is associated with a headache .
Later we will go to see what are the pathologies connected to it, but above all how we can remedy them both with natural and pharmacological remedies .
Neck pain and neck pain
Anyone who suffers from neck pain will surely know that neck pain and neck pain can be connected. More precisely, the pain in the nape starts from the neck and radiates throughout the lower part of the skull.
In this case we speak ofsecondary headache because the pain comes after, and because of, another problem that affects the neck. In fact, in most cases there is a stiffening of the neck muscles, which, consequently, causes pain.
Some movements and situations can affect the intensity of the perceived pain, here are some of them:
- In the act of laughter;
- In the act of yawning;
- When the individual makes an effort;
- When you touch the painful area with stiff muscles;
- In the rotation of the head;
- When you cough.
Furthermore, one of the inflammatory processes that can be at the base of the cervical, the cervico-brachial syndrome , is characterized by an intense pain in the nape , which will also extend to the arm and shoulder.
What are the conditions that cause pain in the back of the neck
Many diseases that are linked to certain types of headaches also involve excruciating pain in the back of the neck.
Below we mention the most important and most frequent diseases that lead to this consequence:
- Headache caused by flu. In this case the pain in the nape is aggravated if the patient suffers from sinusitis;
- Parkinson’s disease;
- Fibromyalgia;
- Virus Herpes zoster;
- Infectious meningitis;
- Brain tumor;
- Dengue fever
- Temporal arthritis;
- Occipital neuralgia.
Furthermore, numerous conditions can favor the onset of this discomfort, for example, as we have already mentioned, bruxism can cause pain in the neck, but also sleep apnea . What are the consequences of this pain
A severe pain in the back of the neck could be disabling for the individual and go to negatively affect his quality of life, especially if the individual suffers from frequent and severe migraines.
Some of the main consequences that could affect the person’s life are listed below:
- Sleep disturbances (insomnia);
- Poor ability to concentrate;
- Loss of balance
- Persistent feeling of tiredness.
Stress can often have a major impact with the onset of a throbbing headache. In fact, stress is often the main source of pain in the nape of the neck .
It is always advisable to consult a doctor when you are suffering from frequent and severe headaches as, as we have seen, the pathology that causes it can be more or less serious.
If the doctor deems it appropriate, he may also advise us to consult a neurologist, the specialist in the field.
Pharmacological and natural remedies for neck pain
Since it is often a secondary headache, our doctor will have the fundamental task of identifying the disease that triggers the pain in the neckin such a way as to prescribe the right therapeutic treatment for the pathology in question, generally it is painkilling drugs . Here you can read all the features of these products.
In this case there is no advice that can be given on these pages other than to rely on the treatments prescribed by the doctor. Other Natural Remedies
In our little one we can resort to further natural remedies , such as the following:
- It is advisable to make warm compresses on the affected part in order to relieve the sensation of pain;
- Rest is essential but above all resting on suitable pillows;
- You could also take herbal teas with anti-inflammatory and / or pain-relieving properties (such as black currant, dog rose and arnica);
- To prevent pain you should always assume a correct posture, especially when lying down and sitting;
- Undergo specific neck and back mobilization therapies.
Among the physiotherapy techniques, we have available:
- Corrective gymnastics;
- Stretching exercises to relax contracted muscles;
- Massages with the aim of relaxing contracted muscles;
- Traction exercises (with the help of specialized personnel);
- TENS physiotherapy (to reduce the inflammatory process);
- Manipulation of the cervical spine (with the help of specialized personnel).
Finally, the person suffering from pain in the back of the neck , or severe migraines in general, could resort to relaxing sports activities such as yoga, which can greatly help to loosen the contraction of the muscle.
We remind you that it is essential to consult a doctor if the pain in the back of the neck becomes more and more intense.
The pain can not only be caused by a stressful episode but still transient, remember that its appearance could also cause more serious problems, to be analyzed not alone, but with the diagnostic and therapeutic guidance of your doctor.
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