These days, the Moon is more fashionable than ever and, although some may not know it, it influences our body and mind on a daily basis.Between myths and truths , the satellite that revolves around the Earth has experienced a partial eclipse these days, it is currently in its full moon phase and, above all, it is celebrating the 50th anniversary of the Apollo XI mission that made man stepped on for the first time.
But, does the full moon really affect our lives
Is it possible to take better care of ourselves or apply beauty tricks depending on the moment of the lunar cycle
For every study that shows that yes, another comes out that throws it to the ground, for this reason, the leading online company in health and beauty products has compiled what are the most deeply rooted popular beliefs in Spain and advises what to do .
How does the moon affect hair
Traditionally it has been believed that the full Moon symbolizes regeneration . Myths aside about whether werewolves grow hair when they see it in the sky, one of the most widespread beliefs is that this phase of the moon promotes hair regeneration and repair, so people with damaged hair or dry they have a magnificent opportunity to cut it off and wait for it to grow back healthier, stronger and brighter.
What’s more, many people today schedule their hairdressing sessions based on the moon… The most deeply rooted belief is that you have to cut your hair between 6 in the morning and 12 noon one day before full moon or the same day. This belief has no scientific basis but… What can happen to try
What is scientific and recommended by experts is that in order to have healthy and strong hair, the ideal is to wash it every three days and pay attention to the ingredients of the products used for its hygiene, since some can be more harmful to the hair. scalp as certain alcohols and sulfates. In addition, they recommend not applying too much product in each wash (we refer to shampoo, mask and styling creams) since if it is applied in excess, it can suffocate the hair follicle and cause hair loss .
The focus must be on the root. How
Massaging it slowly for at least three minutes to activate circulation. By the way, the tips clean themselves, you have to let the foam go down from the root and not add more product for that specific area. It is also not necessary to rub them. And for the hair to shine more,
you just have to rinse the shampoo with warm water and finish with cold water.
Finally, it is advisable to use a parapharmacy treatment that alternates with the usual shampoo in case of dandruff , irritation or hair loss and always consult a dermatologist first.
As an anecdote, we take advantage of remembering that popular belief also says that you should not shave during the full moon stage, since the hair will come out in a few days and in greater quantity.
Body fluid retention
Already in ancient Greece it was believed that the man was influenced by the Sun and the woman by the Moon and, consequently, the theory was established that the woman’s menstrual period was related to our satellite. Moreover, the same word established it: the term comes from the Greek “mens” which has among its meanings “lunar month”. That is why it is believed that the menstrual cycle is 28 days, the same as the lunar cycle.
But this is not the only relationship that popular knowledge establishes between the phases of the Moon and our body. Another of the most popular beliefs about the effects of the full moon on the body is fluid retention.and the tendency to swell so if you want to start a diet it is not the best time, it is better to wait for the waxing moon that the body absorbs more nutrients.
Regardless of whether we are superstitious or not at the time of starting our regimen, what has really been confirmed by the experts at is that miracle diets do not exist. Moreover, they can be very harmful since, when losing weight very quickly, it is done at the expense of glycogen, water and protein, that is, what we lose in large part is muscle mass, making it easier for the dreaded “rebound effect” to occur. “recovering fat and not muscle.
The ideal is to eat a healthy diet throughout the year and maintain an active lifestyle by exercising regularly in the light of the moon., or not, that, that each one chooses. As an anecdote, to say that the fastest diet in history was had by Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin, that because the gravity of the Moon is 1/6 of that of the Earth, they went from weighing 75 Kilos on our planet to 12 Kilos on the lunar surface.
The dream
When we talk about the dream, we see that the list of studies becomes endless in which they refute each other. Although it seems that most agree that when the moon is full you sleep less, later and worse. In fact, we found one carried out by the University of Basel in which they found that the adult volunteers in the study slept an average of 20 minutes less, spent 30% less time in deep sleepand they took 5 minutes more to fall asleep in the full moon phase. Another was done by the Research Institute of Eastern Ontario to almost 6,000 children in which the results revealed that they slept only six minutes less than usual.
Until the different sides approach positions, what is clear is that sleeping poorly makes our memory more fragile and our emotions more unstable.
but the brainHe is not the only one affected. Sleep also regulates insulin levels, blood glucose and blood pressure and helps the proper functioning of defenses against colds. For this reason, it is very important to accustom the body to always going to bed at the same time, avoiding using electronic devices before doing so, since screens and lights delay the production of melatonin for up to three hours.
You also have to avoid copious dinnersand with an excess of sugar so that digestion is not slow and heavy. And sleep eight hours. In addition, we must create our own sleep sanctuary: a good temperature (between 15 and 18 degrees), isolate ourselves from noise, use comfortable sheets and pajamas… By the way, a hot bath before going to bed relaxes the muscles and the mind to that you can have a deeper sleep.
Lastly, it is important to remember that taking a melatonin tea or supplement ensures restful sleep. If you follow these tips, it won’t matter much if you go to sleep five minutes later because you’re watching a lunar eclipse or the full moon itself.
The anecdote of Apollo XI is that, during the four days it took to land on the moon, the astronauts slept barely five hours each night, if you can call it night, since the three of them complained about the intense light, the noise and that the systems cooling of their space suits made it difficult for them to fall asleep. They were so concerned in the control center with the issue of sleep that, after stepping on the Moon, from Houston they told Armstrong and Aldrin to rest and get some sleep.
The skin
The skin renews itself at a rate similar to that of the moon, that is, every 28 days. For this reason, popular beliefs affirm that the Moon greatly influences the appearance of our skin. In fact, in ancientThey were convinced that moles appeared due to the influence that the Moon had on the skin, hence its name.
Another theory says that during the stage in which it is full, the pores are more dilated, so it would be the right time to hydrate them, making the applied products penetrate better. Whether we do it right now or not, the first thing we should do is use a gentle cleanser to remove impurities without destroying the skin’s natural barrier. Afterwards, you can exfoliate and apply a mask to finish with our moisturizing cream and a flash effect ampoule that provides flexibility and luminosity to the skin.
But it is not the only way we have to hydrate our skin: we can also take care of it from within. Based on this, experts recommend reducing the consumption of beverages such as coffee, alcohol and soft drinks that dehydrate it. But if we are looking for extra hydration and softness, they also recommend that we include fruits and vegetables such as cucumbers, lettuce, tomatoes, watermelon and pineapple in our diet.
During the Apollo XI mission to the Moon they were not very concerned about the skin of the astronauts, rather about their skin. In fact, they didn’t much expect the story to turn out well, even Nixonhe wrote a speech putting himself in the worst of circumstances that said: “Fate dictated that the men who went to explore the Moon in peace, will rest on the Moon in peace”. However, they succeeded. Today in NASA missions everything is investigated and an invention developed by them is the most surprising, a fruit drink that rejuvenates the skin. It is made from fruits such as grapes, cupuacu, acai, acerola, pomegranate… and a little green tea.