
  • What is the difference between morning erections and nighttime erections
  • Morning erections: why they occur
  • What are nocturnal erections
  • You also have problems with nocturnal erections
  • What are morning erections for
  • Loss of nocturnal erections: what it means
  • Uro-Andrologist Dr. Francesco De Luca: professionalism by your side
    • Choose the professionalism of Dr. Francesco De Luca for problems with nocturnal erections

What is the difference between morning erections and nocturnal erections
The morning penile erection, medically called “nocturnal penile tumescence”, is a physiological phenomenon that can tell us a lot about an individual’s sexual function. Morning erections
are completely normal events and can also occur throughout the male life span, although not always with the same frequency. As a newborn, you get erections, but pre-teen boys are less likely to notice an erection upon awakening. Later, however, in puberty, with the increase in size and rigidity, the phenomenon intensifies until it becomes completely common in adult life.
Among other things, few people know it but there is also a female counterpart to the morning male erection: it is the nocturnal clitoral erection. Morning Erections: Why They Occur
Male erections occur in response to complex effects of the nervous and endocrine systems on the blood vessels of the penis. Sexual arousal causes the brain to send an impulse to send chemical signals to the nerves that feed the blood vessels in the penis, allowing blood to flow into the male organ. The blood is trapped in the sinusoids of the penis, which consequently stretches causing an erection.
This same mechanism can occureven without the involvement of the brain, in an uncontrolled reflex action that occurs in the spinal cord . This explains why people with spinal cord damage can still have erections and why it is possible to have an erection even if you are not sexually aroused. What are nocturnal
erections Nocturnal erections are also a natural physiological phenomenon that occurs during REM sleep (Rapid Eye Movement), the phase in which we dream. Such erections are the consequence of the activation of certain areas of the brain such as those responsible for stimulating parasympathetic nerves, suppression of sympathetic nerves and damping areas that produce serotonin.
Night rest consists of several REM and non-REM (deep) sleep cycles. During REM sleep, there is a change in the dominant system, which is activated: from sympathetic stimulation to parasympathetic stimulation. This does not happen during other phases of sleep. This change in balance drives the parasympathetic nerve response and generates a spontaneous erection, even if the individual is asleep . Some men may experience nocturnal penile tumescence even during non-REM sleep, particularly older men. The reason for this is not yet clear.
But when the man wakes up with an erection and because he is probably coming out of REM sleep.
It has also been shown that testosterone, which reaches its highest level in the morning, increases the frequency of nocturnal erections . Interestingly, testosterone has not been found to have a significant impact on visual erotic stimuli or fantasy-induced erections. These are mainly driven by the brain’s “reward system” which secretes dopamine.
Since there are several sleep cycles per night, men can have up to six erections , which can last as long as 20 or 30 minutes . But this depends a lot on the quality of sleep and therefore the phenomenon may not occur every day. The number and quality of erections gradually decrease with age.
It is also important to highlight the phenomenon of the female counterpart, which is much less studied. The pulses of blood flow in the vagina during REM sleep cause the clitoris to swell resulting in increased sensitivity and vaginal fluidity.
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You also have problems with nocturnal erections
Talking to an andrologist may be much easier than you think. Contact Dr. Francesco De Luca, also via Whatsapp and request an appointment immediately.

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A cosa servono le erezioni mattutine
One hypothesis suggests that nocturnal erections may be an alert mechanism to warn men that their bladder is full . This is also in consideration of the fact that the erection often disappears in the morning, after having emptied the bladder.
However, another explanation is believed to be more likely, according to which the unconscious sensation of a full bladder stimulates the nerves directed towards the spine which would respond by generating an erection (a spinal reflex). Even this hypothesis could explain why the erection disappears after emptying the bladder.
The results of several scientific studies on the subject do not agree that morning erections contribute to penis health. However, the increase in oxygen in the penis during the night can be considered beneficial for the health of the muscle tissues that make up the penis. The frequency of morning erections and erection quality have also been shown to increase slightly in men taking erectile dysfunction medications such as Viagra. Loss of nocturnal erections: what it means
Because good heart health is associated with the ability to have erections, the presence of nocturnal erections is generally regarded as a good sign.
Loss of nocturnal erections , in fact, can be a useful indicator of common diseasesrelated to erectile function. In diabetics, for example, the lack of morning erections can be associated with erectile dysfunction caused by poor blood supply to the penis or by alterations of the afferent nerves. In this case, there is a poor response during sleep to the messages sent by the brain that should result in an erection.
It was once believed that nocturnal erections were a marker of anatomical capacity, demonstrating the proper functioning of the male organ. This is because nocturnal erections were thought to occur independently of the psychological factors that may affect erections while awake. Several studies have suggested, however, that mental health disorders such as severe depression can affect nocturnal erections. Therefore, their absence cannot be considered as an alarm bell necessarily linked to the presence of some pathology or the symptom of low testosterone levels.
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Uro-Andrologist Dr. Francesco De Luca: professionalism by your side
Make an appointment with Dr. Francesco De Luca for an andrological examination for problems with nocturnal erections. Choosing to rely on his skills means that you will have the certainty of quality services and highly professional medical advice. Choose the professionalism of Dr. Francesco De Luca for problems with nocturnal erections
Book now a consultation visit with the surgeon specialized in Uro-Andrology for all your types of ailments. For any necessary information, Dr. De Luca will be at your complete disposal.

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