Clear nights with temperatures that invite you to go out and gaze at the stars. Like every year, with the arrival of July and August, thousands of astronomy fans gather in observatories, areas far from cities and with good visibility of the sky to contemplate the shower of stars.
Actually, they are meteors that result when a particle of matter (meteoroid) penetrates the atmosphere at high speed. The vaporization of the particle due to its collision with the air molecules produces a luminosity that makes this phenomenon observable.
Its duration is usually a fraction of a second, so you have to be vigilant and not take your eyes off the sky because only a lucky few see a ‘shooting star’.

on the same dates
At certain times of the year, a higher than average rate of meteor appearance is seen, they recall from the National Geographic Institute, coming from a given region of the sky, which indicates a common origin. There is talk of meteor showers and they are associated with the remains that comets that cross the Earth’s orbit leave behind in their successive steps near the Sun. The most important meteor showers observed throughout the year always occur on the same dates:
The diurnal meteor showers (such as the June Arietid and Perseid) are only observable with radar and have not been included in the table, clarify from the National Geographic Institute.

Bad year to see the Aquarids

The meteor shower of the δ AquaridsIt occurs every year between July 12 and August 23, reaching its maximum around July 30 . Aquarids are best seen in the southern hemisphere because their radiant is higher in the sky, but they are also visible in the northern hemisphere with a somewhat lower rate of activity. 2020 will be a bad year
the observation of aquarids because the nights of maximum activity will be two days after the full moon (the full moon will be on July 27) and the maximum of the rain of aquarids is expected for the night of July 29 to 30. “Unfortunately, the near coincidence of the maximum with the full moon will complicate the observation of meteors.” Perseids

From mid-July to the end of August , approximately, is the right date to contemplate this astronomical phenomenon every year. And, according to data from the National Geographic Institute, the nights of August 11, 12 and 13 will be the moments in which it will be possible to see more meteors.
In addition, these dates coincide with the waning moon, something that favors the vision of these fleeting lights. Therefore, 2020 will be an auspicious year to enjoy the summer meteor showers.

Observe without obstacles, lying down and in the dark

To contemplate the beautyfrom a shower of stars we only need a place that provides us with a dark sky. That is why it is preferable to observe from a place that has few obstacles to the view (such as buildings, trees or mountains), and not use optical instruments that limit our field of vision
Aquarids seem to come from the constellation of Aquarius (hence their name ), they can be seen anywhere in the sky. It is advisable to direct the gaze towards the darkest areas, in the opposite direction to the position of the Moon if the observation is made before its sunset.
The most comfortable thing is to lie down and wait for your eyes to get used to the darkness.If we are in the middle of the field, in areas far from light pollution, much better. The beach or from an observatory is also a good place.

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