A new point of reference for LGBT communities throughout Italy has been advancing for some time. A new champion who through sentences is gaining the appreciation of homosexual families and the support of substantial pieces of the political world, one who likes to give interviews on newspapers and on TV, animate debates and conferences, up to travel the country for present his latest literary effort. All this always to reiterate the thought in favor of both adoption for gay couples and surrogacy. We are talking about Melita Cavallo, the now former president of the Rome Juvenile Court, a post he left at the end of 2015 after reaching retirement age. However, this former school teacher who went to work in the Juvenile Courts of the main Italian cities (she was also in Milan and Naples), and for several years president of the Commission for international adoptions, is still in business, if it is true that has signed in recent days what has been renamed by all the media as a “historic sentence”, as it recognized the adoption of particular cases (provided for by article 44 of law 184/1983) to a couple of men who 6 years ago she had a baby in Canada through surrogacy (here the RaiNews report). Award-winning both in Italy and abroad for her commitment in defense of children, in 2012 Melita Cavallo received the prestigious recognition of the Legion d’Honneur from the President of the French Republic. WORDS IN REPUBLIC AND CORSERA
To the newspaper la Repubblica now directed by Mario Calabresi , in the last few days led by Ezio Mauro, granted her extensive interview which earned her the nickname “Courage Judge”. All too eloquent is the title that carried one of his quotes: “I’ll explain why gays can adopt” (here the full interview). A full-page release made a few weeks after the start of the discussion of the Cirinna bill in the Senate and a handful of days after his departure as president of the Juvenile Court of the capital. Once Calabresi arrived at the helm of the Largo Fochetti newspaper, the direct line with Judge Cavallo has not changed. And so on 10 February, a few days after Family Day and in the midst of the debate on the law on civil unions, here is a second interview to affirm one’s support for stepchild adoption in favor of gay couples: “Denying stepchild on the basis of gender is sexual discrimination – he said -. For the same reason, removing it from the Cirinna law would mean violating the Constitution and also the International Convention on Human Rights ”. As for surrogacy, her thought is also very clear here: “It is not the death penalty” he replied to Repubblica, adding that “if you can donate a kidney, why are you scandalized if a woman carries a child in her womb? giving it to others
In several countries, such as Canada, the practice is strictly regulated, without commercial purposes, the state pays for the maternity period of the woman, who then maintains a relationship with the child she gave birth “.
Commenting on the “historic sentence” just issued, today Cavallo in an interview with Corriere della Sera explains that “the judges do nothing but continue to apply the law” and they from the Rome Juvenile Court did so “in the light of new rules of parenthood, in compliance with article 44 of the law on adoptions. And always keeping in mind the primary interest of the child “. On surrogacy, he adds that “the community, beyond what one or two ministers say, is ready. These parents (homosexuals, ed) have not done any wrong to others – he concludes – he has not taken anything away from anyone “. THE BOOK FOR GAY FAMILIES
It is called “It’s easy to say family” and it is the book just published by the Laterza publisher by Melita Cavallo, and if the title were not enough to explain its meaning, the subtitle takes care of it to clarify it: “How much hypocrisy there is behind to public discourses on the traditional family
“. Through the story of 15 true stories (relaunched on social networks with a lot of hashtag #Famigliasidiventa) and met during her forty years of experience, the judge explains how “in the last decades the archipelago of emotional ties has changed in a radical and irreversible way, and not you can ignore it “. The author’s belief is that the biological mother cannot always be “the guardian angel of the home and family”, because “there are many, too many, mothers who are totally devoid of affection, sense of responsibility, even attention. minimum to children “.
In this regard, the following excerpt is emblematic in which it speaks of the custody of a child to two lesbians: “The hearing of the two women is prolonged beyond the usual times because we try to bring out and highlight any element of possible prejudice that that child could have derived from being raised by a lesbian couple, or by two mothers – writes the judge -. But neither the hearing of the two women, nor the report transmitted by the Social Service and the subsequent hearing of the social worker and psychology highlighted elements of risk for the child to remain in the family situation in which he was born and raised “. The child behaved well, even at school, he had no problems with care or hygiene. So,THE PRESENTATION OF THE BOOK
A few weeks ago “It’s easy to say family” was presented at the “Giovanni Spadolini” library of the Senate in the presence, as well as the author, of some parliamentarians from different camps, all in favor of adoption for the homosexual families. In fact, the deputy of Forza Italia, Michela Vittoria Brambilla , the senator of the Democratic Party, the first signatory of the provision on civil unions, Monica Cirinna , and then the former PD deputy and now at the head of the Posibile movement, Pippo Civati , sat with the judge . Vittorio Zincone recently interviewed the former president of the Juvenile Court of Romeon Sette, while the author will be present at the Perugia Journalism Festival to talk about LGBT rights.

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