The fast-food chain will continue to pay the 62,000 employees The hamburger giant: “We cannot ignore the useless human suffering that is occurring in Ukraine”.
Coca Cola and Pepsi suspend GettyImages McDonald’s sales
in Russia
McDonald’s has announced the temporary closure of 850 restaurants in Russia following the invasion of Ukraine. The fast-food chain “will continue to pay its 62,000 employees, who have given their heart and soul to our brand.” The company said operations in Russia and Ukraine contribute 9% of its annual revenue ($ 2 billion). And on the same day also Starbucksannounces that it will close its 130 bars in the country, while the multinationals Coca Cola and Pepsi will stop sales in Russia.
Another big blow to the Russian economy that adds to the big European and American brands that have announced to leave the country, or to stop investing. Unlike other fast food brands in Russia that are franchised – including Kfc, Pizza Hut, and Burger King – McDonald’s owns 84 percent of its Russian locations. The CEO, Chris Kempckinski, in making the announcement explained that “the values ​​we believe in lead us not to be able to ignore the useless human suffering that is occurring in Ukraine.” Impossible, added the CEO. predict when restaurants will reopen.The news tweeted by the New York Times Starbucks also suspends all commercial activities in Russia
The global coffee giant, Starbucks, will close its bars. In a statement he said: “Starbucks Co will suspend all commercial activities in Russia as of Tuesday, including the shipment of its products and licensee-operated coffees.” However, the company reports that the Alshaya group – based in Kuwait – which operates at least 100 bars in Russia, “will provide support to the nearly 2,000 partners in Russia who depend on Starbucks for their livelihoods.”
Coca-Cola Plant Production Line Also via Coca-Cola and Pepsi
“Our hearts are close to the people who are suffering the inconceivable effects of these tragic events in Ukraine”, said the Coca-Cola multinational, announcing the suspension of its activities in Russia. The company goes on to say that ” we will continue to monitor and evaluate the situation as circumstances evolve ”. The multinational claims its operations in Russia and Ukraine “contributed approximately 1% to 2% of the company’s net operating revenues in 2021”. PepsiCo– whose “colas” were one of the few Western products allowed into the Soviet Union before its collapse – finally declared that it will continue to sell essential daily products in Russia, such as milk and other dairy products, infant formula and baby food. childhood, but not the famous drink. The picture
According to an analysis in the W ashington Post “Russia’s financial isolation must overcome what Western governments can impose, and make companies feel that operations are risky to both their public image and their balance sheet.“According to the American newspaper Gary Kalman, director of the financial corruption control group (Transparency International),” the financial impact will not shake the market or the share price, but I think the reputational threat is greater in terms of people’s perception. ”
The pressure in the US has increased progressively with the worsening of the crisis and the sanctions of the American government on Moscow, so that other companies – which have remained in Russia – withdraw. Many have already ceased activities in the country to protest against the invasion of Ukraine.

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