Mariangela Zappia, 61, will be the new ambassador to Washington in place of Armando Varricchio. Who and what does Zappia think: she and she were the first Italian woman ambassador to NATO and in 2018 the first in 70 years to represent Italy at the United Nations.
Mariangela Zappia, 61, will be the new ambassador to Washington, a key role for our relations in the Atlantic Alliance and a recognition of the work done in a delicate moment for the United Nations, government sources explain.
It is not the first time that Zappia breaks the glass roof of female representation in the diplomatic corps – remarked the newspaper la Repubblica – in 2014 she was the first Italian woman ambassador to NATO, in 2018 the first in 70 years to represent Italy to the United Nations. She has been a diplomatic advisor since 1983 with two presidents of the council, Matteo Renzi and Paolo Gentiloni.
Zappia will replace Armando Varricchio whom the government will allocate to Berlin: she will be Italy’s ambassador to Germany.
Recently, the new Italian ambassador to the United States expressed precise positions in particular on the role of multilateralism.
At the beginning of December last year, Ambassador Mariangela Zappia, as Italian permanent representative to the United Nations, at the live streaming for the launch of Diplomatia Milano, a new organization for dialogue and study of geopolitical issues and international business, which was born from the thirty-year experience of Diplomatia Rome and the Canova Club.
“The pandemic has amplified imbalances, inequalities, fracture lines – explained Ambassador Zappia, we read in a report by Il Sole 24 Ore -. The multilateral system, and the United Nations, which represents its nerve center, have somehow reflected this fragmentation of the international community. However, there has been a multilateral response and it has been marked by a spirit of unity, solidarity and pragmatism. The virus can only be defeated if we tackle it together, strengthening assistance to the most vulnerable countries and transforming the crisis into an opportunity for radical renewal. Multilateralism and international cooperation are essential to face the emergency and build recovery ».
The difficulties are not lacking. And president-designate Joe Biden doesn’t have the magic wand to solve them on his own. Every country, public and private, profit and non-profit organization must do its part to restore the confidence essential for recovery, the Confindustria newspaper commented.
«The multilateral system must certainly be reformed, it presents inefficiencies and sclerosis – acknowledged the ambassador -. Suffice it to think, in the case of the United Nations, of the Security Council whose structure and composition still reflects post-war balances that are now outdated. But these limits must not lead to a disengagement from multilateralism. Rather, the commitment to change these institutions for the better should be renewed. If organizations such as the United Nations, the WHO, the WTO were not there, inventing them today, in a more articulated and complex world, would be very difficult ».
Yet, distrust and emotional detachment are increasing among citizens and these organizations. Disillusionment and criticism abound, sadly fueled by disinformation and fake news.
“In its 75 years of existence, the United Nations have contributed to an increase in overall global well-being – the ambassador proudly pointed out – they guaranteed the maintenance of peace, codified and supervised the implementation of an international juridical corpus that represents a common universal code for the protection of states and human rights. The UN makes a difference every day on the ground for millions of people who are victims of food insecurity, conflicts, terrorism, environmental disasters, and now due to the pandemic. The awarding of the Nobel Prize to the World Food Program is a just and deserved recognition of this commitment,
Ambassador, Permanent Representative of Italy to the United Nations in New York from 31 July 2018 – Career diplomat with over thirty years of experience, assumes her position in New York after having performed the functions of Diplomatic Advisor and Sherpa G7 – G20 of the President of the Council of Ministers (2016 – 2018)
– She was the first woman in Italy to hold this role, as well as to hold the position of Permanent Representative to the Atlantic Council and to the United Nations. PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCES
Permanent Representative of Italy to the Atlantic Council (NATO) in Brussels from 1 October 2014 to 7 March 2016.
Head of the Delegation of the European Union to the United Nations in Geneva (2011-2014).
Minister Plenipotentiary at the Permanent Representation of Italy to the United Nations in Geneva (2007-2011). Special role of coordinator during the Italian G8 Presidency in 2009, on the issues of gender-based violence, women, peace and security.
Head of the Mediterranean, Middle East and Balkans Office of the Directorate General for Development Cooperation of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (2007).
Between 2003 and 2006 she devoted herself full time to the family.
First Counselor to the Permanent Representation to the United Nations Organization in New York (2000-2003).
First Counselor at the Embassy of Italy in Brussels. Special assignment, seconded to the NATO Information Task Force during the Kosovo conflict (1997-2000).
Advisor to the Press and Information Service of the Minister of Foreign Affairs (1993-1997).
Previously he held positions at the Consulate General in New York (1990-1993) and the Embassy of Italy in Dakar (1986-1990).
He began his diplomatic career in 1983 at the Legal Office of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and, subsequently, at the Maghreb and Middle East Office of the Directorate General for Political Affairs and Security. EDUCATION
He graduated in Political Science from the University of Florence in 1981 and subsequently attended an annual specialization course in diplomatic studies at the same University.
You have followed periodic professional refresher courses at the Diplomatic Institute of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Rome. PUBLICATIONS
You have published on the reform of the Security Council and on the Italian contribution to UN peacekeeping operations.
He is fluent in English and French and has a good knowledge of Spanish.
In 2002 he received the award of “Officer of the Order of Merit of the Italian Republic”.
She is the proud mother of Claire, 25, and Christian, 21.