“I die” . That’s what Manuel Perera told his manager, Juan Jose Padilla, after receiving a goring of two trajectories of 40 and 30 centimeters in the abdominal area, with evisceration of the intestinal loops. That event, which turned the world of the bull upside down, occurred last May in the Madrid plaza of Vistalegre. It was the first time that many knew of this young man born in Villanueva del Fresno, in the region of Badajoz and very bullfighting in Olivenza, 20 years ago. Precisely, that has been the time it has taken to cut two ears in the Maestranza. Two samples of his apparent infinite bravery.
However, Vistalegre has not been his biggest mishap. In February 2019, Manuel was born again, as he suffered a serious traffic accident when returning from a celebration in Ciudad Rodrigo. The aftermath of the event still lingers. The most visible, and commented on the Sevillian lines yesterday afternoon, is that of not being able to put on the montera. The blow he suffered affected his left eye and his skull. They had to place some titanium plates on part of his forehead. Something that makes it impossible for him to wear the traditional bullfighter’s cap due to the pain and cramps it causes in his head.
“What happens, happens for something and you have to look for the good side”. This phrase, which Perera himself pronounced at a round table held at the Circulo de Labradores months ago, could be a good summary of his way of facing life and the bull. His attitude does not seem to stop at excuses and justifications, looking for the positive in the ups and downs that make up his life and bullfighting career. In just two decades he has experienced episodes that many do not see even close in a lifetime. For example, you know what it’s like to be in and out of the Intensive Care Unit (ICU) twice in two years.
Trained at the School of Bullfighting of the Diputacion de Badajoz, Perera placed himself under the orders of the bullfighter from Jerezin March of last year. A correct decision in light of the numerous triumphs that he has treasured in recent months. The prestigious Oportunidad de Vistalegre contest was joined by the Bullfighting Schools of Andalucia, followed by the Bolsin de Ciudad Rodrigo or the recognition as the best novillero at the Feria del Toro de Olivenza. To these exciting antecedents I add yesterday afternoon that of the Maestranza, which puts it back in the mouth of the international fans. And not for medical reasons.