Alessandra Ricchizzi has created a special massage, the manual lifting , which, if done once a month, is able to stop the signs of aging and slow down aging by 10 years .
Not for nothing, the beauty therapist boasts among her clients international stars of the caliber of Jennifer Aniston , but also the top influencer Chiara Ferragni and well-known TV faces, from Belen to Maria De Filippi . And then Afef and Chiara Biasi and the ladies of the “Milano bene”. All women and men who can boast a prominent complexion, regardless of their age and genetic predisposition.
Alessandra Ricchizzi revealed the secrets of her unique massage that allows you to rejuvenate without resorting to a scalpel or puncture. In her expert hands the signs of aging vanish and her skin returns to shine thanks to her special diamond mask . What is the manual lifting you patented with Dr. Marco Iera
And what are the advantages

I patented the manual lifting about four years ago. It is a deep massage that acts not on the tissues but on the muscles by oxygenating them. With this massage I reposition the cheekboneunder the eye, where it is when we are born. In fact, over the years the cheekbone tends to move to the side lowering itself, consequently the oval of the face changes and loses its perfection. My toning massage acts on the line that connects the cheekbone to the oval and manages to make it rise by 2 to 4 cm : an amazing result.
The benefits are manifold. Meanwhile, the tissues are rejuvenated and the oval of the face returns perfect, without resorting to a scalpel. If the massage is repeated once a month, aging is prevented by 10 years . There is an American patent that guarantees this effect. At what age is it advisable to do the manual lifting
From 25 to 80 years old. The sooner you do it, the sooner you prevent aging. The manual lifting is effective even when the signs of aging are evident.
It is always better to intervene earlier, because the massage tones the muscles. But the manual lifting is effective at any age , I recommend it to everyone. To maintain the lifting effect, what should be done at home
I recommend first of all to use natural products , avoiding to clog the fabric with petrolatum and silicones that are not good for the skin. For this reason, Dr. Iera and I have created a very natural line that I also use during treatments.
Then I recommend, after having undergone the manual lifting, to massage the faceevery day for one to three minutes. In fact, the muscles have a memory that in doing so is reactivated every time. This type of beauty routine is very important, so much so that on my Instagram profile, I explain how to do these movements at home in the featured story, Beautyface. The most common mistake we make is that it ruins our skin
Meanwhile, don’t protect us from the sun . Doing so is essential. Another mistake is to go to bed wearing makeup, you must always cleanse your face. Never go to sleep with dirty skin. Protection and hydration are essential, we think that the epidermis is the longest organ we have and we must take care of it almost as if it were a child. Speaking of facial cleansing, what do you recommend
First of all it depends on the type of skin. We go from products with hyaluronic acid to foams that I produce myself. Soap, I would exclude it, because soap-makers are not always good. If you have an acne-prone skin, soaps help to absorb, so soap can be used. In other skin types I would advise against it. What is diamond musk?
I patented this mask, always together with Dr. Iera, of the Brera Clinical Institute, thinking about the fact that today most people have dull skin. In the formulation of the new mask, in addition to the diamonds that are mineral and revitalize the tissues, there are Vitamin C, hyaluronic acid and lifting peptides that create a passive gymnastics on the face. And then there is no brighter lightof diamonds. You have many VIP customers who also appear on your Istangram page, from Belen to Maria De Filippi: they ask you for some particular treatment or they completely rely on you
. You know, every day we are different. So depending on the skin they have at that moment, I decide the treatment to do that is naturally suitable for each of my clients. How to take care of the skin in winter
I recommend vitamins , I have created a special line that is rich in them, to strengthen the epidermis. Vitamin changes your face. The skin needs a lot of nourishment to protect it from the cold.
Alessandra Ricchizzi – Source: Press office

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