Intimate male itching is localized at
the level of the genitals, therefore it affects the scrotum , the skin of the penis, the glans penis, the testicles and the skin of the groin , sometimes also involving the perianal area.
It is a very annoying and embarrassing disorder, especially if combined with skin manifestations, these in fact often indicate sexually transmitted diseases or inflamed and irritated skin.
Genital itching can affect any age group and in relation to the phase of life the triggering factors will be different:
- In childhood, itching is easily triggered by the continuous rubbing of the skin with the diaper and the continuous contact with urine and feces. All these factors cause itching, irritation, dry and cracked skin and redness;
- In adulthood the connected factors are due to the sexual life of the subject or to irritative factors such as aggressive detergents, poor hygiene, contact with substances to which one is allergic;
- In the elderly, the phenomenon can arise again due to the use of diapers or the lowering of the immune defenses or poor hygiene.
Male intimate itching can also be associated with other skin manifestations such as red glans , dry skin, burning, presence of pustules or blisters and secretions, or even with urination disorders.
What are the most common causes of male intimate itch
In this section we have decided to list all the causes of pathological origin and not of male intimate itch .
Poor hygiene.In
most cases, itching in the male genitalsand to refer to inadequate cleaning of the area. The genitals must be carefully washed every day, using detergents that respect the pH of the skin and taking care that the water temperature is not excessively hot. It is also important to carefully dry the genital area and change underwear every day.
Allergies and irritations
They are mostly due to the composition of detergents or soaps used for personal hygiene, often too irritating and not respectful of the natural pH of the skin or caused by the fabrics of underwear. We therefore recommend clothing in pure cotton and detergents that respect the skin. Sometimes the manifestations can be triggered by the substances of which some condoms are composed, it will therefore be necessary to opt for hypoallergenic ones.
Depilation Male intimate itching is very common following hair removal of
the genitals, this is because if you use razors and waxes, small wounds and irritations can be generated that cause itching. Depilatory creams , on the other hand, often have a very aggressive formulation, causing irritation and itching. Candida
It is a rather widespread yeast (fungus), both in the female and in the male population and which results in the formation of blisters or red dots in the genital area that cause itching, pain, redness of the skin and give off an unpleasant odor.
It is a sexually transmitted disease, therefore it is transmitted as a result of unprotected sexual intercourse, but it can also occur when you lead an unbalanced diet, rich in simple sugars or as a result of taking antibiotic drugs for prolonged periods, responsible for the ‘reduction of bacterial flora.
Candida causes persistent itching and burning, but also systemic manifestations such as fever, muscle-joint pain, diarrhea and a lowering of the number of leukocytes.
These are skin lesions caused by the Papilloma virus (HPV), the same infectious agent responsible for cervical cancer in women. These lesions appear as red dots on the glans, around the anus, on the scrotumand on the shaft of the penis and if not treated they can undergo a degeneration in a malignant sense, transforming into tumors. They result in itching, pain and develop as a result of unprotected sexual intercourse.
Herples simplex
It is a very common virus, and is the main cause of the appearance of white dots on the glans , but which can extend to the entire surface of the genitals, therefore to the skin of the scrotum and penis.
The onset of white spots as well as causing severe itching can result in other manifestations such as fever, red skin, burning and general malaise. The white dots are infectious, therefore it is necessary to undergo antiviral therapies and above all to use condoms during sexual intercourse.
Pediculosis of the pubis
Similarly to the transmission of hair lice, body lice and dermatitis caused by a skin parasite. The responsible organism is the Phtirus pubis whose transmission occurs by direct contact, therefore as a result of sexual intercourse with people affected by this infestation. If not properly treated with pesticides it can also spread to the thighs, armpits, abdomen, essentially in any area of ​​the body with hair.
intimate itching can also arise due to AIDS when this is overt phase and therefore indicates an alteration of the immune system.
How is the diagnosis made?
In most cases, male intimate itchingand due to causes that find resolution in the change of one’s hygiene habits and in the use of clean clothing and natural fibers such as cotton.
Sometimes, however, it is necessary to resort to pharmacological therapies when the triggering cause is an infectious agent.
If the symptoms are mild, limiting themselves to a slight itch that tends to decrease or disappear in a short time, perhaps even accompanied by a slight reddening of the skin, there is no need to be alarmed, but it will still be useful to inform your GP what happened.
When, on the other hand, the itching is intense and persistent and is accompanied by skin manifestations, it is good to talk to a doctor immediately, in fact it could easily be a sexually transmitted disease.
During the visit, the doctor generally asks first a series of questions that investigate the symptoms reported by the subject, then from when the disorder arose, if this is persistent and continuous or if it occurs only in certain circumstances, and if itching is also added redness, burning and urination disturbances. It is also very important to investigate the sexual habits of the subject, clarifying whether he has had unprotected intercourse with occasional partners.
The doctor proceeds by inspecting the genitals, checking for pustules, dry skin and the presence of any secretions.
Depending on the data collected and on the basis of diagnostic suspicions, further investigations may be required, such as a swab of secretions to identify the infectious agent responsible, a blood sample or a urine collection .
What are the most effective therapies and remedies
We have seen how the cause of itching in the male genitals can be easily attributed to the presence of a sexually transmitted disease, therefore, it is necessary to overcome any form of embarrassment or resistance and to contact a doctor , in particular to a specialist in dermatology and venereology.
Once the cause has been identifiedtriggering the doctor may prescribe a specific treatment of an antibiotic, antiviral or antifungal nature. In case of sexually transmitted disease (STD) it will be necessary to start specific therapy as soon as possible and at the same time protect the health of one’s sexual partners by using a condom during intercourse.
In the event that the male intimate itch is a simple dermatitis caused by contact with irritating fabrics or too aggressive detergents, it will be sufficient to use only cotton underwear and delicate detergents.
If the problem is due to poor intimate hygiene, it is recommended as described above: change underwear every day and carefully wash the genitals on a daily basis.
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