Francesco De Leverano (born in 1958, he commanded the famous Sassari brigade) will be Draghi’s military adviser. Here is the curriculum of De Leverano
Francesco De Leverano will be the military adviser to Prime Minister Mario Draghi.
Palazzo Chigi sent to the Defense the indication of the general of the Army Corps, now Deputy Chief of the Defense Staff.
The procedure will be finalized in the next few days until the signing of the appointment decree, wrote Il Sole 24 Ore.
De Leverano, a native of Lecce, born in 1958, commanded the famous Sassari brigade, and was at the top of the defense cabinet and with the three stars on his shoulders, put up in 2015, he commanded, among other things, the Southern Operational Forces and the Army logistician.
The office of the military adviser of the Prime Minister has in charge, among other things, profiles such as the safety of critical infrastructures, the import-export of weapons, space and aerospace. De Leverano replaces Admiral Carlo Massagli, who joined the deputy directorate of the Aise (information and external security agency). HERE IS THE INTEGRAL CURRICULUM OF DE LEVERANO:
The Army Corps General Luigi Francesco De Leverano, born in Lecce on May 25, 1958, joined the Army in 1976 by attending the 158th course at the Military Academy of Modena and the Turin Application School (1976 – 1980).
At the end of his studies (1980) he was transferred to the “Leonessa” Battalion of Civitavecchia where he carried out, in the rank of Lieutenant, the functions of platoon and detachment commander in the earthquake areas of Irpinia and Basilicata (1980-1981 ) and, subsequently, in the rank of Captain, those of Company Commander until December 1986.
In January 1987 he was transferred to the then Transmission Inspectorate where he first held the position of Attaché and then Head of the Section Organization and Regulations until September 1990.
From July 1991 until August 1996 he was assigned to the Army General Staff as Attaché to the 1st Section of the RESTAV Office, where he also achieved the promotion to the rank of Major, and, subsequently, to the 11th Transmission Regiment of Civitavecchia where he commanded the “Leonessa” battalion in the rank of Lieutenant Colonel.
After a year he returned to the Army Staff where he held the position of Head of the 1st Section of the RESTAV Office and subsequently, until October 2000, of Head of the Section of the Legal Affairs Office.
Promoted to Colonel, he held the position of Commander of the 235th RAV “Piceno” until July 2002, the educational institution that was the first to welcome the volunteers on a short-term basis. In August 2002 he was transferred back to the Army General Staff where he assumed the position of Head of the Recruitment, State and Advancement Office and, since January 2005, that of Head of Recruitment Office (SME – RAGEP).
In July 2006, in the rank of Brigadier General, after having completed the position of Deputy Commander of the Italian Contingent in IRAQ, he held the position of Commander of the “Sassari” Mechanized Brigade, until July 2007.
Subsequently he was transferred in the Cabinet of the Minister of Defense as Deputy Head of Cabinet until January 2011.
Promoted to Division General, he held the position of Chief General Office of the Chief of Defense Staff until January 2013.
From January 2013 he was transferred back to the Cabinet of the Minister of Defense where he held the position of Head of Cabinet in sv from 22 May to 23 June 2014 and from 16 January 2015 to 10 March 2015, while maintaining that of Deputy Head of Toilet.
Promoted to Army Corps General, he assumed the position of Commander of the 2nd Command of the Defense Operational Forces in San Giorgio a Cremano from 20 July 2015 to 4 July 2016.
From 5 July 2016 he assumed the position of Commander of the Southern Interregional Defense Forces in Naples until 30 September.
From 1 October 2016 to 1 February 2018 he held the position of Commander of the Southern Operational Forces Command reporting directly to the Army Chief of Staff.
From 6 February 2018 he took up the post of Army Logistics Commander.
During the performance of the service he has also disengaged other tasks, in the capacity of:

  • – Member of the decision-making committee for the evaluation of the personnel to be included in the Completion Forces – Selected Reserve;
  • – Tutor for the research doctorate in Strategic Sciences at the University of Turin;
  • – Member of the Administrative-Accounting Audit Commission set up at the Central Committee of the CRI;
  • – Member of the Technical Committee for the connection and coordination for the implementation of the provisions regarding victims of duty due to criminal actions, as well as their surviving family members established with DCPM n.22 / 2008;
  • – Member of the Working Group for the revision of the military penal laws of peace and war;
  • – Member of the Government Commission for the implementation of the provisions of the Agreement between Italy and the Holy See of February 18, 1984, ratified by law no.121 of March 25, 1985;
  • – Project officer for the rationalization / harmonization / implementation of the spaces available in the “square” of Naples (with particular reference to “Palazzo Salerno” and the area consisting of the “Calo”, “Minucci”, “Marselli” and “Albricci” barracks “. He performed at:
    • – the University of Florence teaching on women in AF (legal status, advancement, employment, provisions relating to maternity, prospects), as part of the Military History course of the Faculty of Political Sciences in the academic year 2011-2012 ;
    • – the “Tor Vergata” University for teaching on “Organization and tasks of the Armed Forces” as part of the University Specialization Course in “Journalism for correspondents in crisis areas”;

– the Free University Maria SS. Having taken the lectures on “The international missions of the Armed Forces – insertion of female personnel: the first ten years” as part of the specialization master in “Experts in Politics and International Relations” of the Faculty of Economics, Politics and Modern Languages ​​in the academic year 2012-2013.
You have collaborated with the magazine “Specchio Economico” and published the following articles:

  • – in the Military Magazine: “Realignment is a reality”, “… They call her mini naja”, “She’s ten years old and she doesn’t look them”;
  • – on Defense Information: “The specificity of the military condition”, “The oath formula”, “3P: Professionalism, Professionalism, Professionals”; “Specificity: advantage or disadvantage
    “, “In the name of the Committee of Heads.” He has carried out the following courses:
  • – Information session for electronic warfare officers;
  • – 23rd Course for Officers “I ‘of btg / gr .;
  • – 8th English language course for correspondence;
  • – 115th General Staff Course;
  • – 115th Superior Course of the General Staff;
  • – NATO Joint Service Course for EW Planning and Analysis in Exercise;
  • – XXXVI ^ Session of the Italian School for International Organisms;
  • – Master in European Studies at the “Alcide De Gasperi” Institute;
  • – Specialization course in journalism for correspondents in crisis areas “M. CUTULI “.

He graduated in Strategic Sciences, with relative Master, at the University of Turin as well as in Political Sciences at the University of Trieste. She speaks English and Spanish and knows French.
As a result of his service, he was awarded the honor of Grand Officer of the Order of Merit of the Republic, Grand Officer Cross with Swords of Merit of the Sovereign Order of Malta, the Mauritian Medal of Merit for ten decades of military career, the gold medal and a bronze medal for Merit from the Italian Red Cross, the long-term gold medal, the Gold Cross for seniority, the Cross of Honor of the Defense Staff, the Commemorative Cross for participation in peacekeeping missions (SFOR) and in international relief activities (Ancient Babylon / X in Iraq). Furthermore,
Commemorative for the operations of safeguard and free institutions and maintenance of public order (Operation “Safe Roads”). In February 2017, you received the honor of Officer of the Order of Merit of the French Republic from the French Ambassador to Italy.
General De Leverano is married to Mrs. Flavia Bottoni and has a son named Adriano. He has held the current rank since 1 July 2015.

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