Likewise in the positions within the zodiacal circle, thought of as a static structure where each sign is as it is because of the place it occupies in space. Likewise, in the harmonic elegance of the triangles of the elements and the squares of the rhythms as an internal classification and whose meeting generates a unique combination in each sign.

Its circular Mandala shape as a symbol of the unity of the Being, displayed in the multiplicity of its manifestations integrated in a harmonious concert, makes it an object of contemplation where Platonic Beauty and Truth converge, thus constituting the path to Good. And as almost everything in Astrology refers to the Zodiac to be interpreted, the signs thus refer us to the order of reference, meaning and meaning.

Since the Zodiac begins to be in the first sign and continues to be in the second, each of the twelve stages has a function.

Therefore, each sign symbolizes a need, a purpose, an intention, which is expressed in a desire, a motivation, and from there, the meaning, in its double sense of meaning and directionality. The permanent achievement of these objectives generates ways of being characteristics that are secondary to these, symptoms (“signs”).

Objectives of the zodiac signs

As the first sign, the objective of Aries will be to initiate the zodiacal process, that which “is”. To do this, begin to act, do to be, here and now, differentiate yourself from the original nothing, expressing it. In a word, BE.

That of Taurus will be to preserve what has been started, to value it. React to the action, concretizing it, being what is done (going from subject to object), giving it form, in-“incorporating”, giving an account of what is given, perceiving and enjoying it, being in contact with. In short, REMAIN. Gemini will aim to compare the two phases already passed (Aries-Taurus): relate the subject and the object (usual definition of “know”), establish contacts and connections between the various possibilities of manifestation of being. So, COMPARE THE OPTIONS.

The objective of Cancer will then be to define the bases of being, of identity, selecting from the multiple stimuli of the previous Gemini phase, to build an identity by belonging, by reflection (being a mirror), being with others, by and for others (what given), to feel a center of gravity between these elements: to feel-oneself, to achieve an identity through experience. SO, IDENTIFY YOURSELF WITH SOME OPTIONS.

Leo’s will be to express that same center born in the previous phase, re-knowing-itself in the image it projects by showing itself to the elements that generated it and identifying with its response; differentiate from the identity matrix. In this way, and with respect to the options selected in the previous phase, SERLAS.

In Virgo, the objective will be to perfect the manifestation of the being of the previous phase before the approach of the arrival of the following phase: prepare to receive the other, the other, discarding what has not served until now for the encounter, trying to be a part functional of that whole or set which is not yet perceived, retracting and “normalizing”. I mean, PREPARE.

Already covered half of the zodiacal path, the objective of Libra will be to initiate the perception of the whole, of the potential set, through realizing and becoming aware of the other, of you (the other half), and that one and another are complementary parts of a larger whole. For this reason, meeting the other, initiating relationships to begin to realize the perceived possible set, in short, REALIZING THAT “WE ARE”.

The objective of Scorpio will be to seek to achieve union with the other, to be with the other the greater One previously perceived but experientially, merging, consubstantiating, and encountering the logical impossibility of this happening without ceasing to be what it will be until now, that is to say , without dying. In this way, SEEKING TO BE ONE, TOGETHER.

In Sagittarius, the objective will be to seek to account for the Being of the greater unity experienced in the previous union with the other, to celebrate the joy of the whole, the reality of the unity that really “is”, eternal life beyond the supposed death of the previous phase, expanding and making broader and transcendent contacts, searching for the meaning or principle (the unity) that underlies all of this. Namely, RECOGNIZING THE UNITY THAT UNDERLYES DIVERSITY.

The objective of Capricorn will be to fulfill the Being of the greater unit found in the previous phase, seeking its highest and highest fulfillment. Given that the circle begins to close and its limits and possibilities are defined, it then seeks, with respect to the revealed unity, TO REALIZE IT.

In Aquarius, the objective will be to improve what has been done, discovering the being of the future symbolized by the next zodiacal cycle that is approaching. Then, begin to level, descend from the summit of what is given and what has been achieved, to anticipate that still so distant instance of the new being. That is, PERCEIVE THE OTHER POSSIBILITIES.

Finally, the objective of Pisces will be to dissolve to account for the Whole, greater than any part, and from which the new being will emerge. For this reason, discard everything that has been done up to now to make way for what is not yet. In short, GIVE ACCOUNT OF THE TOTALITY, NOT BE ONE (BECAUSE EVERYTHING IS)

From the periphery to the center

The consigned objectives are abstract and inclusive of the other objectives or behaviors that we can usually see in the signs, which can be considered as instrumental paths for the deeper realization of the original objectives.

What we usually associate with the defects of each zodiacal sign arises from the exaggerated and unbalanced achievement of the objectives of that particular phase of the group, not contemplating it and its more global needs, depending on the greater or lesser degree of consciousness of the whole. that the subject is having at a given moment.

To the extent that a circle is thinkable as the expansion of the point (the One), the point in the center would reflect that unity without dimensions expanded in time and space. And it is clear that the further away from that point the manifestations or contents that we consider are, the more literally peripheral we will find them, different from each other and even superficial or negative (by exaggerating their distance from the unit).

But the more essential or profound, the closer we will be to the Center, and therefore to the notion of unity and integration of the other possibilities in a logically perceptible order, such as that of the aforementioned objectives of the signs. Being in contact with our deepest desire thus leads us to reintegrate in a more harmonious way to that Unity that is us and the world, the re-connection to which we naturally tend by the mere fact of existing.

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