Among the new techniques to have a more beautiful and voluminous mouth there is the lip tattoo which consists of a micropigmentation of the contours. In this way the lips immediately take on a more symmetrical and defined appearance, so much so that it is no longer necessary to wear makeup.
But be careful: the tattoo is not permanent, because the effect of the pigments tends to fade when they are naturally reabsorbed by the skin. This is due to the fact that by law the pigment used in the lip tattoo must absolutely be bioabsorbable . Lip tattoo: how it works and when to do it
How lip tattoo works
Micropigmentationand a rather simple and quick technique to perform. Once you have chosen the expert who will carry out the work, it is necessary to establish the precise design and shape of the lips. You can opt for a line that redefines only some areas of the mouth or for a more visible and filling effect.
Based on the choice made, a shaded lip tattoo will be created , with a very light color especially in the outer contour of the lips, or the operator will resort to a stronger pigment, marked in the inner area of ​​the mouth, ideal for those with lips very fine and thin .
When you undergo such a treatment, you often ask yourself a lot of questions. The most frequent ones concern the possibility of experiencing pain and above all the dangerousness of the treatment . Lip tattoo is painful.It
is carried out with a needle that penetrates the skin , so there is no definitive answer to this question. As for the lip filler, it all depends on the skill of the operator, but also on the perception of pain of each person.
Most often in the course of treatment anesthetic ointments are used . Also before getting a tattoo it is important to prepare your lips properly. In the previous days it will be essential to use compresses to moisturize the mouth andsoften the skin , making it much less sensitive. In general, it has no particular contraindications, but it is better not to do it during the period of pregnancy and breastfeeding. It is also not recommended for those suffering from dermatitis, has scars in the area to be treated or skin infections.
Experts also advise not to sunbathe and not to take lamps at least two weeks in advance, to prevent the skin from drying out. These rules must be respected even after the treatment has been carried out. After having a lip tattoo, the area should be treated with creams rich in vitamin E , avoid exposure to the sun and use anti-aging or exfoliating products.
The treatment lasts on average 2-3 hours. Later you will feel sore lips and small crusts may form which will fall off naturally. It is a natural event, linked to the exfoliation process performed by the tattoo. In about ten days, however, the situation should return to normal.
The benefits of the lip tattoo are many. First you are ready in ten minutes . In fact, it will no longer be necessary to use a pencil to correct and improve the contour of the mouth. The lip tattoo in fact gives a perfect make-up at any time of day, which does not create smudges, does not fade during the day and does not need continuous retouching.
It is also a perfect solution for those suffering from herpes and often, due to this disease, has scars and small irregularities on the mouth, which prevent them from having perfect lip makeup. Lip tattoo: the duration
How long does the lip tattoo last
As we have already explained, this treatment is not definitive and over time the pigment used to define the mouth will reabsorb. Despite this , the duration is highly variable . It all depends on how your skin will be treated and how you will take care of it.
Usually the lip tattoo lasts one year, but its effectiveness is linked to exposure to the sun, the use of drugs and creams. Those who want the result to last longer can perform, after the first session, a second, called reinforcement.
It should be carried out about a month later and has the aim of perfecting the work that has been done previously, improving the presence of the pigment and realizing the shades in a workmanlike manner. The work lasts an average of an hour and aims to better fix the operation performed previously.

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