There are times when we talk about diets. And this is just one of them. And, like every year, the now famous lemon diet returns. It is also true that, unfortunately, miracle diets are sprouting like mushrooms. And the one launched by Martine Andre, the famous lemon diet, is no less. The secret of its success is not so much due to its alleged effectiveness, but to the fact that it has recently been adopted by many Hollywood stars. However, before making any claims about its validity, it is good to take a closer look at how it works and what are the foundations on which it is based. The lemon diet
Unlike other types of diets, that of lemon does not involve the drastic reduction of calories or the limitation of certain foods. The lemon diet is based exclusively on the preparation of a drink that uses this wonderful citrus fruit as its main ingredient. How the lemon diet works
The basic drink is very simple to prepare: take 300ml of mineral water and add 2 tablespoons of lemon juice, a pinch of red pepper and 2 tablespoons of maple syrup. However, we must pay attention to some precautions. The first is to always use citrus fruits of excellent quality, even better if organic. The second is to get the lemon juice at the time of use. So better stay away from lemon juice sold in supermarkets.Lemon diet, how much weight you lose
According to its creator, from the first day you can lose half a kilo of weight. But there are those who swear to lose even twice as much. However, some important rules must be followed. The first is to drink the lemon drink in the morning on an empty stomach, then repeat in the middle of the morning to replace the snack and, finally, in the afternoon perhaps together with fresh fruit. The lemon diet really works
As always, opinions are conflicting. There are those who swear by its effectiveness, others who will never repeat a similar experience again. However, some evidence of efficacy is reported in the scientific databases. One of these concerns a research published in Nutrition Research which, in addition to highlighting a reduction in fat, has also shown health benefits. To arrive at these conclusions, 88 overweight and premenopausal women were examined, divided into three groups. The first did not have any dietary restrictions (control group), the second took a placebo and diet, and the third followed the lemon detox diet. At the end of the study, the researchers were able to find that the patients in the lemon diet group had witnessed a significant change in body mass index. body fat and waist-to-hip ratio. But not only that: insulin, adiponectin and C reactive protein levels also decreased.The polyphenols of lemon
On the other hand, lemon peel contains polyphenols which appear to be essential in reducing body fat. For this reason it might be interesting to add grated lemon peel (strictly organic) to the drink. In fact, a recent review study concluded that «supplementing with lemon polyphenols suppressed body weight gain and body fat accumulation […]. In addition, serum insulin, glucose and leptin levels were significantly improved by the lemon polyphenols, thereby improving insulin resistance.The benefits of lemon
Other studies on lemon have highlighted its role in strengthening the immune system, cleaning arteries, and improving blood and lymphatic circulation. It also appears to be an excellent preventative of gallstones and a powerful liver detoxifier. There is no need to worry about its apparent acidity: the citric acid of the lemon, in fact, during digestion undergoes an oxidation process which gives rise to carbonate and potassium bicarbonate. Two elements that maintain the correct acid-base balance. Water and lemon: remedy for diabetics
A nice lemonade made with the addition of strictly organic lemon zest could help reduce symptoms caused by blood sugar and diabetes. And what emerges from a study published in the Diabetes Metabolism Journal. According to scientists, in fact, the outer part of the fruit contains a high amount of polyphenols. Compounds that would avoid the distressing problem of insulin resistance. Furthermore, the antidiabetic effect would be enhanced by two substances that help reduce the blood glucose concentration: naringin and hesperidin. Lemon diet, useful in case of hypertension
It is part of many popular traditions, the practice of drinking water enriched with lemon juice during the day. But its benefits seem to have also recently been confirmed by some scientific research. One of these is the one published in the Journal of Nutrition and Metabolism, which highlights its antihypertensive virtues if taken consistently. It also appears to be beneficial to the blood by improving the production of red blood cells. Scientific Sources
[1] Nutr Res. 2015 May; 35 (5): 409-20. doi: 10.1016 / j.nutres.2015.04.001. Epub 2015 Apr 10. Lemon detox diet reduced body fat, insulin resistance, and serum hs-CRP level without hematological changes in overweight Korean women. Kim MJ1, Hwang JH1, Ko HJ1, Na HB1, Kim JH2.
[2] J Clin Biochem Nutr. 2008 Nov; 43(3): 201–209. Published online 2008 Oct 31. doi: 10.3164/jcbn.2008066 PMCID: PMC2581754 Lemon Polyphenols Suppress Diet-induced Obesity by Up-Regulation of mRNA Levels of the Enzymes Involved in β-Oxidation in Mouse White Adipose Tissue Yoshiko Fukuchi,1 Masanori Hiramitsu,2 Miki Okada,2 Sanae Hayashi,1 Yuka Nabeno,1 Toshihiko Osawa,3 and Michitaka Naito