Recently, a very interesting transformation in agriculture is being observed, such as the cultivation of one of the oldest plants in use by humanity, Cannabis sativa .
The reasons for the return to this type of cultivable species can be determined by a series of factors, among which the following stand out: the loss of profitability of some crops, the lack of knowledge of the current legislation on the cultivation of narcotics, advertising of some seed sellers and, in general, the lack of knowledge of the different varieties and species of this plant and its applications.
The confusion generated among farmers, from the European Directive No. 53 of 2002, which recommends the exploitation of hemp as an industrial crop, has been, in many cases, interpreted in a way that does not comply with the law .
It is true that in Spain , this crop has been authorized since November 1999; although, as a variety with a high cannabidiol (CBD) content, given that this industrial hemp had many applications, both for the production of fiber for cordage and fabrics, for cellulose, as well as other products derived from hemp seeds, such as oils and flours, used in pharmacology and nutrition, where its richness in Omega3-type polyunsaturated fatty acids has been evidenced, to cite a data that allows an assessment, provided that they do not exceed concentrations greater than 0.2% of tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), which is the psychoactive principle.
Logically, these hemp by-products must have a destination for medical or scientific purposes and will always have authorization from the Spanish Agency for Medicines and Health Products (Aemps). This implies that the current legislation does not authorize the cultivation, distribution and marketing of this plant indiscriminately, that is, without the authorizations, control and uses indicated.

THC content
On the other hand, there is the evolution of agricultural products based on their profitability and this has determined that the cultivation of hemp could be attractive if it is produced intensively , in areas with control of water, light, temperature and soil, as is the case with greenhouses, but with cannabis varieties characterized by the development of inflorescences (buds) with a high THC content . However, this type of production is clearly illegal and its commercialization, in fact, would not be legally possible either.
But it happens that, producing areas of traditional crops under plastic, as is the case of tomatoes, are being replaced by marijuana crops; The reason is simple, if in recent years tomato productionhas fallen 14% and their income 16%, the alternative of a crop, such as marijuana , a substitute for tomatoes, is presented as an opportunity; Nothing could be further from the truth.
It is true that there are producers who claim to have tripled the income equivalent to a tomato plantation, but we know nothing about their marketing and marketing circuits.
The reality is that, if a farmer legally produces hemp , the production of the entire plantation for its transformation does not allow an increase in value greater than that of a crop such as tomato at a time when prices are low. Situation that can be verified empirically in the Andalusian countryside.
This cultivation alternativeIn addition, it also poses its problems; in some cases they are determined by the control systems, both of the seeds and of the production processes; and in others, for the safety of the crop against theft by criminals linked to this type of business.
It is true that the seeds that can be planted are those authorized and certified by the EU , which correspond to varieties with a THC range of less than 0.2%; but that they can coexist, in a plantation, with others of a higher rank in THC and even generate, in their development process, values ​​higher than those legally permitted, which is a tempting alternative.
Let’s not forget that there are “buyers” who can access non-transparent markets, but it is a risk due to the illicit nature of this type of trade and can lead to serious criminal problems .
“In Spain cultivation has been authorized since 1999, if it does not exceed 0.2% THC”
It is possible that, in the near future, the legislation will change and this type of cultivation will acquire legal status and it will be necessary to adapt the production model; In this sense, the most plausible solution is to agree with the agricultural operators, cooperatives, alhondigas or any technical-administrative structures of this nature, the control of this type of crops and associated transformations.
These operators could attend to traceability, phytosanitary control and the legal contents of THC, in the same way that phytosanitary and organoleptic controls are carried out on other agricultural products.
At the same time, transparent commercial circuits would be configured, based on these agrarian associative structures , for this product; With this, doubtful intermediaries would be avoided and the assurance that the harvested product meets the requirements of current legislation, before a perfectly defined buyer.
We understand that reality is what it is and we cannot hide it, hence the need to structure, as soon as possible, standards, measures and strategies that can lead to a successful planning, management and marketing of this agricultural ” new product “. Not acting now implies taking risks and generating situations that are very difficult to correct.

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