A couple of tourists from Costa Rica stop her on the street to take a photo and she is the best example that her role in Vis a vis has marked a before and after in her career, which began several decades ago in her native Malaga. . Waiting for the premiere of La Boda on Canal Sur, she is in the post-production phase of the short La vida por sobre, written and starring her and directed by Rafatal, one of her beacons in the audiovisual field. As a cold businesswoman or an unscrupulous politician she would like to face her camera too.
-From the dream of being an actress to reality goes a world
-A rocky world, but very beautiful. The theater, for example, is very hard, there are many months of rehearsal, of preparation, but then those five minutes of applause make up for everything, it is the greatest joy, it traps you there, it is poison.
Do you have to fight a lot
-If the truth. When I finished Dramatic Art there was little. There was Television Espanola and Antena 3 and Tele 5 were beginning. Going to Madrid for a casting was an odyssey, you had to have money to travel, spend the night… And then compete with the whole of Spain and take a neutralized Castilian, nothing to speak Andalusian. I have had to go to tests with my daughters, it has been obstacle after obstacle. Fortunately, now we have it a little easier and that the platforms are being something wonderful. Of course, I have never given up and the truth is that I have always been doing little things.
-If you hadn’t participated in Vis a Vis, do you think we would be doing this interview
-No, I’m totally sure of that.
-What has the character of Antonia given you
-Let me be known and recognized, that they count on me to offer me roles… It has been something so tremendous… The series has been seen all over the world. They told me in Madrid that where I was; Well, trying to make a hole for me, fighting and fighting against all odds, she answered.
-Has this opened doors
for you
-Very many, and not doors, gates. Television helps a lot, although my role is very secondary, it has an incredible projection. People know me on the street, I find it very funny. It has been wonderful.
-What about Malaka and her character from La Tota
-The series is a bombshell, it is a police thriller written and treated with great mastery, and it is giving me a lot of happiness. We actors are there, on the bench, waiting for the ball to arrive and the coach to take us out on the field to see what we can do. They have given me the opportunity and I have gone out to prove it. He is such a wonderful character, so rich, so strong and deep, I am delighted.
-Has it also involved playing at home

-Yes, we have worked with a team, most of them from Malaga, that we already knew, very calm, very safe, everything has been very easy. It has allowed me to have a family life.
-In fiction, female characters are being created far from stereotypes, where physical violence can be exercised by a woman and not having a maternal instinct. Do you think this type of role is necessary

-Yes, this type of role must be normalized so that the heritage that we have been dragging along for so many years disappears. Now many more interesting female characters are being created and this opens up many more possibilities for us.
-Also for middle-aged actresses…
-Of course, for those of us who can enrich the character much more with our experience.
What is your interpretive method
-Pure instinct, really. I have also always been a very observant person; I look at the people on the street, at the conversations I find around me, at the characters who take their feet out of the pot. Also the actors are a bit sadistic. When some wonderful or very hard and difficult situation happens to us, we try to retain it and use emotional memory to bring it out later in fiction. I have caught myself watching myself how she reacted at a difficult time in my life.
-How do you see the health of the audiovisual
-Each time improving more thanks to many injections of the platforms and the new productions that are being made. The series are giving a tremendous life to the entire audiovisual guild, they are watching us all over the world. Malaga and Andalusia are opening up to the world and are positioning themselves alongside American productions.
-What is the challenge of an actress

-The challenge of the actress is double. As a person, it means keeping you happy and excited in moments of emptiness, in breaks, continuing to hope for that call and not throwing in the towel. As an interpreter, the challenge is to look for the most disparate of oneself, to investigate other souls, the most difficult still, to break down walls.
-What do you think about becoming the official gypsy of Spain
-I love it, it’s giving me a lot of work. Hits and popularity. I have a lot of respect and admiration for the gypsy culture and I like to investigate it. But I would also like to take on the challenge of getting into the shoes of other characters.

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