If from September you study ESO or Baccalaureate and you have not yet enrolled, this information interests you. You have less than 72 hours left to complete the admission procedures and enter within the registration period for ESO and Baccalaureate in Andalusia.

On Monday, July 12, a twelve-day period that began in July ends and must end with the delivery of the forms provided free of charge by the educational centers and available on the website of the Ministry of Education.
If you want to study ESO or Baccalaureate for adults you will have to request admission and, later, make your registration. Keep in mind that the forms are different depending on the teaching modality you want to take, face-to-face and semi-face-to-face or distance learning.
In both cases you can carry out the procedures with a digital certificate or without a digital certificate . Finally, regardless of how you have completed them, you must send your documentation by certified mail to the educational center or present your documentation in person. Below we provide you with the links to start the necessary processing:
Processing for Baccalaureate
Processing for ESO
For access to Baccalaureate, theacademic record , in which the average qualification of the subjects of the last completed course of the teachings that give access to the Baccalaureate is valued. In the event that admission is requested for the second year of this educational stage, the qualifications of the first year will be considered in the event that it has been completed. With the iEscolariza app for smartphones, available for iPhone and Android devices, you can make inquiries about centers as well as the points of the scale by home.

Doubts about enrollment in ESO and Baccalaureate

In addition, to answer questionsRegarding the entire schooling process, the Ministry has set up a free information telephone number (900 848 000), uninterrupted from 8:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m.
Once the center has been decided, it must be taken into account that the admission process for public centers and the concerted stages in concerted centers is unique, and is established by the Public Administration for all of Andalusia. You must inform yourself about the admission process of the private stages in concerted centers, since they may differ.
The admission process is unique and is established by the Public Administration for all of Andalusia.
If you are enrolled in compulsory secondary education, you can enroll in another education only if one of them is carried out in the modalityblended or remote .
You can enroll in baccalaureate while enrolled in a Vocational Training training cycle only if the professional module you are doing does not require your regular and continuous presence at the center.

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