When we go to a seaside resort, the first thing we pay attention to is the cleanliness of the water. We pay much less attention, however, to any unwanted guests: insects, parasites and even jellyfish. The latter are the ones that arouse more fear because of the pain they cause if you get too close to them. In recent years, many sightings and many close encounters have been recorded in the Mediterranean. That’s why it’s important to know exactly what to do if it happens to us too. Jellyfish, first thing: don’t panic
The first thing to do is never to panic. So, if you are in the water and you have felt that something is causing you pain, do not move excessively. If the jellyfish is still next to you, in fact, it could again create further suffering. Unlike other animals, jellyfish do not sting but have stinging tentacles that cause severe irritation upon contact. This disorder is caused by the presence of tiny organs called cnidocysts. In these there is poison used in order to paralyze any predators. Clearly for us the doses are too small to have a similar effect but it is certain that we are not free from pain. After contact with the jellyfish it rinses very well
After getting out of the seawater, stay next to the shore and rinse well with salt water. Avoid that of the tap, which causes the breaking of nematocysts, or the stinging structures that remain under the skin. If you do, you may experience intense irritation and pain again. The remedy for jellyfish: the credit card
You don’t have to pay anyone, so an old card or gym card is also fine. The skin surface must be lightly scratched to eliminate nematocysts. However, it should not be done excessively otherwise the stinging structures will penetrate deeply. Aluminum chloride for jellyfish irritation

usually the irritation disappears by itself after a short time, but if the pain is very strong it is advisable to apply a gel based on aluminum chloride (5%). However, it should be applied immediately, so it would be better to buy it first and always keep it on hand. Its job is to block the spread of toxins. Some people also use cortisone ointments but the effect is so slow that the pain usually passed earlier and spontaneously. What you should never do in case of a jellyfish sting

Don’t scratch yourself even if you have a mild itchy sensation: if you do, you could break the nematocysts, releasing more venom.
Do not apply hot sand: it is true that the poison is thermolabile but for it to take effect, temperatures around 50 degrees must be reached. If you apply the sand so hot on the affected area you risk a burn.
Do not use ice: precisely due to the fact that the poison is sensitive to high temperatures, if you apply ice you would leave it active much longer
Do not use antihistamines: like cortisone, the antihistamine also takes too long to be active . The effect would begin when the symptoms have already disappeared
Do not take too much sun: cover the affected area for a few days because the affected area is more prone to hyperpigmentation. Sunscreens with very high protection filters are also fine. Vinegar against jellyfish stings
According to research conducted by the University of Hawaii, vinegar is indeed a useful remedy in case of contact with a jellyfish – just as reported by our grandmothers. In fact, vinegar seems to be able to turn off the cells found in our skin (nematocysts). Only problem: it seems that the solution works above all with the Pacific jellyfish and a little less with the homegrown ones. According to Altroconsumo experts, vinegar should be used diluted in water but the best thing, afterwards, is always to consult a doctor. It will be up to him to decide which treatment to adopt. These include hydrocortisone ointments, antihistamines or pain relievers. In this case, tetanus prophylaxis may be required. Risk of anaphylactic shock from jellyfish sting
Although rarely, you can also be allergic to jellyfish venom. Attention, therefore, to typical symptoms: dizziness, difficulty in breathing, nausea, vomiting, excessive sweating, skin pallor and mental confusion. In the presence of one or more signs of this type, call the emergency room urgently.

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