Mole (also known as nevus ) is a benign skin tumor that appears on our skin as a permanent blemish that can sometimes create concerns of various kinds due to the fact that it can change its appearance or cause itching .
But what does it mean to have an itchy mole
There are risks associated with itchy mole
How we should behave in these cases
What is the mapping of the moles What is
it for
Today we will answer all these questions together, hoping to provide you with a detailed guide on moles that itch .
Some generalities about
moles We all have moles scattered throughout the body and we know perfectly well what they are, but sometimes in too general lines. For this reason we have decided to start our article with a brief explanation of moles.
As we have already said in the small introductory paragraph, moles are spots that form on the skin and that derive from an abnormal development of some cells, namely the snow cells and melanocytes. Basically, these are pigmented lesions that can form anywhere on the body.
Such lesions can not only form all over the place, but they can also have different shapes and different levels of pigmentation (or rather, different colors). Generally moles (or nevi) are congenital, but they can also appear during the individual’s lifetime.
Generally these are skin lesions of a benign nature. However, sometimes they can turn into malignant lesions, giving rise to cancers, such as the very common melanoma.
Precisely for this reason, it is of fundamental importance to keep the moles under control , especially if we notice changes, for example in the color or if they cause us itch . So let’s see how it works in the case of an itchy mole .
What it means to have an itchy mole
There are risks Moles are
not simply harmless spots that form (or have formed) at birth on our skin. Precisely because moles have the potential to be both benign and malignant formations, they must be kept under strict control.
The control of moles must be put in the first place especially when we notice very specific changes, for example the following:
- An increase in sensitivity;
- Desquamation of the mole
- Bleeding
- Ulceration;
- Loss of serum
- Itching;
- The pain
- Swollen mole ;
- Mole burning .
As you can see, among the elements we need to pay attention to, we also find itching . In fact, if, out of the blue, a mole should start to itch it would be advisable to ask for help from a specialist , but we will deal with this later.
The importance given to checks on moles therefore derives from the fact that, although these in most cases may remain unchanged for the whole of life, there are cases in which these changes occur that cause concern . because they could become malignant.
To recognize a suspicious lesion we must pay attention to some peculiar characteristics. First of all you have to evaluate its shape, if the mole has an asymmetrical appearance it could be a wake-up call. As would a non-homogeneous and / or uniform color.
Another alarm bell concerns the size of the mole. If this starts to grow (both in terms of thickness and in width) it could be an indication of its evolution from benign to malignant, especially if the period of time in which this change occurs is short.
What to do in the case of an itchy mole
So in the case of an itchy moleit would be advisable to undergo further investigations to understand if it is a sporadic episode or if there are changes within the same lesion.
Consequently, we recommend that you call your trusted dermatologist and make an appointment for a follow-up visit. The specialist will then decide what to do. Usually, depending on the severity of the situation, the doctor acts in the following ways:
- Surgical removal of the mole;
- Make periodic checkups ;
- Histological examination of the mole.
Furthermore, during the check-up visit, the dermatologist will certainly perform a dermatoscopic
examination , through which he will be able to evaluate and properly monitor all the moles that are considered abnormal. Let’s see how the mapping of moles works in the next paragraph.
What is Mole Mapping What is
it for
Mole mapping is one of the most common dermatological tests to check the state of these pigmented lesions. Doctors generally recommend that you undergo this test periodically in order to keep a close eye on the lesions.
In fact, through the mapping of the moles, the dermatologist will literally go to inspect your entire skin surface, making an assessment for each mole and focusing especially on atypical ones, for example those particularly asymmetrical or those that do not have a uniform color.
For the mapping of the moles, the specialist will use a special instrumentation that includes non-invasive optical devices which are used to analyze the morphological aspect of the moles.
Thanks to the mapping of the moles, the dermatologist will be able to archive photos of those lesions that have aroused suspicion on his devices, so that he can compare them, in the future, with new tests. In this examination, the dermatologist will have the opportunity to better identify all possible changes.
In this way, the mapping of the moles is a real diagnostic test, useful for early detection of the presence of a possible skin tumor and, consequently, it will be possible to intervene on it in an absolutely timely manner.
We can do a self-check of the moles
Finally, we can also do a self-check of the state of the moles , even if the dermatological examination is certainly more accurate. However, for example between examinations, we can continue to monitor our moles in a simple and, above all, autonomous way.
Self-monitoring of moles is also a great way to spot any problems early , but to do so, we need to know the basics of the abnormalities of these lesions.
First of all, to do a self-control of the moles we have to undress. Subsequently, we can move on to the analysis of the entire skin surface, analyzing, one by one, the moles that are on our skin.
Remember to do this self-check under a light source and in front of a mirror, so that you have a clearer picture of the situation. In addition, you can also get help from another person, such as a family member, to analyze the areas that are most difficult for you to reach, such as your back.
To do the self- check of moles you must take into account the following points:
- To check the scalp remember that moles are more visible if the hair is wet;
- Do not forget to check every corner of your body, even under the nails and on the genitals these moles can be found;
- Keep in mind the ABCD rule , approved by dermatologists around the world. These letters respectively indicate the characteristics to which you will have to pay attention, namely the Asymmetry, the Edges, the Color, the Dimensions and the Evolution of the mole.
To learn more about moles, I suggest you read the following articles:
- In malicious and dangerous: how to recognize them
- Characteristics of melanocytic nevi
- Verrucous nevus: what it is and how it manifests itself
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