The answer is yes”. From this year, wearing gloves while driving a two-wheeler on the road is mandatory for motorcyclists. This regulation arises as a result of international investigations such as the one carried out by the Norwegian Transport Institute, which determined a couple of years ago that these were the items of equipment with the highest protection index.In this way, the aim is to reduce by half the number and severity of injuries that motorcycle accidents brought with them. Without going any further, the General Directorate of Traffic, represented in the figure of Montserrat Perez, deputy deputy director of Training of the DGT, says it is aware thatThe hands are one of the parts most affected by moped falls, since their drivers tend to support them against the asphalt to try to cushion the fall and, in this way, reduce possible damage.
However, the quality of the gloves varies according to the model, so the intention of protecting the extremities can remain a simple attempt if the right ones are not chosen. Watch Moriwoki’s review to learn more about the different types on the market, or continue reading to discover the main curiosities of the latter:
Characteristics to take into account when choosing motorcycle gloves
According to the experts, there are four elements that are of great interest when a motorcyclist is going to make a decision regarding his new gloves. We are talking about the size, the season of the year in which we find ourselves, the distances that we intend to travel with them on and, of course, the amount that we are going to pay to be able to have them in our hands, and never better said.
When you approach your nearest establishment, go with the idea in mind that size matters, at least when it comes to gloves. As a motorcyclist, you will know that some that are very close to the skin can not only hinder blood flow, but also have the opposite effect and fail to properly acclimatize the hands.Something similar happens with those that are too large, which greatly inconvenience drivers, making them lose concentration on the journey . Likewise, reflect on the perspiration, waterproofing or protection against strong blows that they can provide you once you are on the road.
Precisely you have to visualize yourself in the latter when selecting the gloves that best suit you, since, as mentioned above, the impacts are not similar on a highway than in the field , for example.
Road motorcycle gloves
Once again, those who know the most about road safety recommend a series of guidelines when choosing motorcycle gloves, although this time specifically on the road.
According to their indications, gloves for road bikers do not understand the weather, and if they do, they must know how to adapt to any weather situation, since in many areas of Spain it is very easy to vary the temperature in a matter of a couple of hours. , either in the same area or because we are on the route between several regions. Therefore, those halftime are the most successful in these cases.
Likewise, it goes without saying that quite high speeds are reached on the motorway, kilometers that would be unthinkable in a city if you do not want to return home with a hefty fine under your arm. Given this scenario, ignoring design or color and focusing on protection seems like the best decision.In addition, it is requested that they have security for the wrists in the form of a velcro fastener.
Gloves for motorcyclists in the field
If something has intensified the situation caused by the pandemic, it is trips to the most rural areasfrom the country. Its clean air and large esplanades of undeveloped land are, today, some of the main claims of groups of motorcyclists who wish to meet again after so many months without seeing each other, although with the certainty that the possibility of spread as much as possible.
If this is your case, remember to take with you gloves that meet the same qualities as road gloves, but putting safety before air conditioning even more, if possible. This is due to the fact that the countryside is characterized by having a vast majority of unpaved roads, which are covered by sediments that can become double-edged weapons.It is possible that any seemingly tiny fall could degenerate into a spectacular one if there is not enough equipment for the hands prepared to deal with chafing. The solution is to acquire one with reinforcement for the palms and the knuckle area.
Gloves for bikers in the city
The new change of scenery that we propose brings implicitly a new model of gloves, and below we will explain why.
As you well know, city trips do not require long distances or many minutes on top of the vehicle, unless you get caught in a traffic jam. Travel in large cities is designed to carry out specific tasks in the shortest time possible, one that public transport does not always know how to guarantee. For these types of circumstances, light gloves are advisable.We refer to those that are easy to remove and put whenever you need it. But, beware, this does not mean that they are less safe or that any model that we see that seems comfortable in the store is worth it. Precisely because we are going to be clearing and covering our hands often, gloves whose materials provide anti-abrasion protection are recommended.
Short or long motorcycle gloves
The aforementioned lightness is partly responsible for the different sizes of gloves that exist for motorcyclists. However, unlike what happens when you go to a department store to buy clothes, here not only the size of the aforementioned hand comes into play, but also the space in which we move.
However, before explaining which hand equipment is most appropriate for each of the scenarios that we have presented in this post, we will inform you of the measures. These range between 16 or 18 centimeters , which are considered size XXS; and 26 centimeters , the latter being size XXL, of course. The rest are 18-20cm ( XS ),20-21 cm (S), 21-22.5 cm (M), 22.5-24 cm (L) and 24-25.5 cm (XL).
As far as short and long gloves are concerned, the former are more optimal for commuting around the city.They do not cover the wrist and allow you to check the time on your watch, for example. While the seconds are a matter of moped drivers who move both on the road and in the field or off road, in English.
In order not to repeat ourselves too much, we will simply limit ourselves to saying that the blows in the last two can do quite a bit of damage to the wrists., so any medium or long gray hair that guarantees your protection should be welcome. The time can wait.
Having answered many of the questions that any benjamin biker may have at first, among others, it is time to talk about materials, since it is useless to specify that a field biker needs to protect his palms and knuckles from future scratches if they are not They clarify what components the gloves in question must have.
Although leather began as the star materialin the middle of the 20th century, and today it continues to triumph, it has been forced to share leadership with other elements that are much more resistant to hypothetical impacts, which are also the work of the new technologies that we are lucky enough to enjoy right now . We are talking about non-slip and waterproof membranes; carbon, plastic and titanium in reinforcements and protectors both rigid and semi-rigid, velcro for the union of the forearm and the hand or interior insulating padding, to name a few.
It is important that a driver does not give up in the search for his ideal gloves, since the automotive industry is very large and global. Believe it or not, the numerous brands even think about any bodily flaw with the aim of trying to find equipment for your hands that will solve your problems, see sweating.
Similarly, do not be discouraged if you think you have made a mistake when making the final decision. There are home remedies to soften those city gloves that turned out to be too rigid or apparently small, for example. It is only enough to apply moisturizing cream to the material so that its areas softenand widening little by little. It goes without saying that they will lose tightness with the passage of time and the different uses of day to day. It’s just a matter of patience.
Also, take into account the material of your gloves before taking the first hair dryer that you locate at home to remove moisture. Most of the components that we have talked about in this section can withstand this type of heat or can even be put in the dryer. However, leather is much more delicate and, in principle, a small absorbent cloth should suffice . Experts recommend avoiding the excessive application of heat on them because they tend to deform.
Fortunately for our pockets, equipment for hands is usually not excessively expensive. It is possible to find gloves that provide a balance between price and quality for no more than 15 euros.In addition, those considered the best products on the market are not far from the latter in terms of value. We refer to a cost that is around 25 and 30 euros as a minimum. That is to say, although its amount is double, we are not going to run into an abysmal difference between those who correctly fulfill their mission and the most outstanding of the establishment. As you can see, just 15 euros of margin between one and the other.
In short, if you had never stopped to think about each and every one of the details mentioned, the time has come for you to get down to work. The national authorities are already beginning to penalize motorists who ignore the new regulations of the General Directorate of Traffic to make gloves mandatory on interurban roads, one of the many decisions reached in the Working Group 52 on Motorcycles and Safety Vial.
However, the fact that a moped driver is not forced to carry hand equipment when he rides in the countryside, for example, does not imply that he should not wear it. Beyond the restrictions imposed, gloves are extremely necessary. Since we were very young, we have used our extremities to protect other parts of the body from possible falls and blows, and as a result, they have suffered endless chafing throughout our lives. In the case of motorcyclists, the problem is even greater. Like any other driver, they are allowed to exceed no more and no less than 100 kilometers per hour on the highway, which further aggravates a hypothetical impact against the asphalt.
Luckily, you have countless automotive professionals in nearby businesses willing to guide you in your search for your perfect gloves. Or, if not, publications like this or Moriwoki’s review are aimed at answering any question that may come to your mind before taking the step and purchasing them online.
Remember that wearing hand equipment not only guarantees your protection, but also that of others. Without going any further, any element that makes it loose or not slip-resistant enough can be inconvenient for both you and those around you on the road, so think carefully about which one you choose.