I was a little too suspicious of the general climate of irony or sarcasm that spread around Rocco Casalino, spokesman for the outgoing Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte. This is why
I beg you to understand my weakness – an incurable fear at my age – of defending the defeated, rather than jumping on the bandwagon of the winner of the moment, or even of the winner, as the prestigious Mario could turn out at the end of this crisis of government. Dragons.
I was a little too suspicious of the general climate of irony or sarcasm spread around the spokesman for the resigning Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte. Naturally, I refer to Rocco Casalino, whom I did not have the good fortune to meet, but I see that it is no longer enough to complain about the television past to “Big Brother” and the habit, which I recognize as harmful to his boss, of using the mobile phone as a a half club to protest against journalists and others who went too far, in his eyes, with criticisms and attacks on his “prince” in the Machiavellian sense.
Well, even with all the reservations that he always deserves a too zealous service, I feel like defending or in any case protecting Casalino from the accusation of having alone, or especially him, put the professor, lawyer and now truly outgoing president of the Council on the wrong track. of Ministers in the management first of the “verification” of the majority, imposed by Matteo Renzi, and then of the virtual state of crisis created with the resignation of the two Renzian ministers. But above all with the reasons given by their leader himself in a press conference of rustic cavalry.
More than a politician, the former mayor of Florence, former prime minister and former secretary of the Democratic Party, seemed that evening, in the classroom made available to him by the president of the Chamber, the protagonist of an improvised edition of the famous opera by the Livorno-born therefore he is also Tuscan – Pietro Mascagni, set in Sicily, however.
To hear the most stinging passages of that press conference, or to read the reports, Conte reacted a few hundred meters away, in his office in Palazzo Chigi, proposing to “never again” have relations with the now former ally, indeed to “asphalt” it in the Senate with a lot of parliamentarians coming out of the opposition. Some of whom were already parked in the purgatory of the mixed group, waiting for others with whom to form a good formation to make the vows hitherto crucial for the Renzians superfluous.
But things, as we know, would have turned out very differently from the hopes of the Prime Minister and from the expectations he created at the Quirinale. All the fault of Rocco Casalino, it has practically been said and written in these days. Oh no, gentlemen. We are not Rocco, and his brothers, since he has a good group of collaborators, more influential than he might have been on a lawyer and a professor certainly not of the last, although he landed in politics by chance almost three years ago. And immediately in a position as prominent as that of head of government, after his supporters had not programmed him for a position higher than that of a minister of public administration.
It was some time ago, even before that convict Renzi’s press conference, that Conte had widened, so to speak, the circle of his interlocutors, assistants, advisers and so on. And he had got into the habit of hanging from the lips or from the cell phone, among or above the others, of Goffredo Bettini. That at a certain point he had become in the news reports, between background and interviews, a half shadow secretary of the Democratic Party: the second party in the ruling coalition and first of the left certified in the political registry.
Bettini had previously dreamed of the Giallorossi majority as a table with three legs, one of which consists of the grillini, the other from the left and the other from a Renzi encouraged in the project to unite the traditionally moderate and center area. But then, faced with the freedoms that Renzi took gradually more and more, he abandoned him to his fate and encouraged Conte to study how to get rid of it definitively, even at the cost of being left with an impossible two-legged table.
Even Nicola Zingaretti, the secretary of the Democratic Party often annoyed by the representation of Bettini as one of his inspirers, and then – in a statement attributed to him and never denied – by the credit that he gained more and more despite not having any office in the party, being only one of the two hundred and odd members of the management, and in the end seemed to surrender to a reality that got out of hand. In fact, he silently let Bettini be included in the inevitable articles on toto-ministers as a new exponent of a reshuffled second Conte government or of a third one.
I imagine how even Bettini was disappointed, to say the least, by the turn taken by the crisis and he too tries to console himself by seeing that to remain on the media grid, next to Conte, there is only Casalino left: poor Casalino, allow me to add with a spirit or a sense of solidarity that the interested party may not even like.

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