It is already more than used to becoming a trending topic, either for political reasons or for frivolities. Irene Montero , who revolutionized social networks at the end of August with an interview given to Rosa Villacastin for Ten Minutes, is once again a trend for an interview given to the fashion magazine Vanity Fair. La Preysler de Galapagar, as the minister was nicknamed after her first foray into the world of coated paper, opens in this interview and talks about her intimate life with Pablo Iglesias, about motherhood and feminism and offers an image of an empowered woman on the cover that has provoked all kinds of comments and reactions .

Criticism on Twitter
The minister is Twitter meat and, as expected, her interview and photo session set social networks on fire this Wednesday. Despite the fact that the Minister for Equality focuses her interview on issues such as feminism, the rumors of infidelity by Pablo Iglesias , second vice president of the Government, the harassment of her Galapagar chalet or the changes that motherhood has brought to his life, the focus of the tweeters was not on his statements and headlines.
On this occasion (and it is not the first time) the criticisms raised towards the minister had more to do with her attire than with her speech. The tweeters, observers to the extreme, criticized the use of brands in their clothing (Pedro del Hierro, Mango, El Corte Ingles) and, above all, their appearance in a fashion magazine when the coronavirus pandemic is experiencing its second wave. in Spain. In addition, they brand the contradictory Equality Minister for promoting feminism and displaying frivolity. The sexist comments in networks have not been long in coming.
It is spasmodically frivolous to appear in magazines saying “access to beauty is a right” while we are in a harsh second wave of the pandemic. The collapse of Podemos is also explained by a complete disconnection with reality.
– Estefania Molina (@EstefMolina_) September 23, 2020
Irene Montero at Vanity Fair. Riding contradictions.
– Pedro Otamendi (@PedroOtamendi) September 23, 2020

Oblivious to criticism and willing to open up

At the beginning of the publication, Irene MonteroShe takes iron away from the criticism that was poured on her after her interview with Rosa Villacastin and, perhaps imagining what was coming her way, she explains. “I never would have imagined this reaction. We are plural and my responsibility is to go to the media that invite me, even if it is to disagree with them. As if certain things that can be criticized by the gossip press were not in the supposed serious press!, declares Irene Montero in Vanity Fair.
She is the minister who grabs the most headlines. Irene Montero talks with ‘Vanity Fair’ about feminism, rumors of infidelity, harassment in her controversial chalet and how motherhood has changed her day to day and that of his partner, Vice President Pablo Iglesias.
– Vanity Fair Spain (@VanityFairSpain) September 22, 2020
Despite this, the minister does not hesitate to talk about her relationship with Pablo Iglesias and her family life. “Harmony with three small children is not easy. You can love each other, be a greased couple and even so, for the slightest bit of bullshit, fatigue, saturation, you can end up looking at yourself and asking yourself: what are we arguing about
, “says the minister in Vanity Fair. Montero claims to be conservative in relationships, but claims to be working in that direction to face things from another perspective. “I have my bad milk and also my insecurities, but with the children I realize the impetus and the character that I have, although the decisions about our children are shared with Pablo, who has shown himself more skillful than me in many things.” She praises the qualities of her partner and talks about the harassment she suffered in her chalet in Galapagar, a tension that, according to her, does not leave the couple’s relationship indifferent.

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