The death of Mila Ximenez, a collaborator of Salvame , due to lung cancer, shocked the program’s team.Despite the surprise and pain, the space broadcast a special dedicated to the talk show host the same day of her disappearance, when her daughter and her three brothers were still trying to assimilate her loss, a few hours after her last breath. Was it an effort of professionalism, a desperate cry, or an unnecessary program There will be opinions for all tastes, but no channel, except Telecinco, considers such an outburst of admiration with some colleagues and friends still broken with grief over the news.
Jorge Javier Vazquez, a close friend of Ximenez, confessed that everyone was in shock and that “they were not very aware of what they were experiencing,” but that surely that moment would mark “a before and after in the history of Salvame.” Mila Ximenez, before getting sick, worked five days a week at Salvame; In total , she participated in 2,100 installments of her more than 3,000 broadcasts.She was a regular, there is no doubt, and she received the tribute that she would have wanted, I do not question that either. But she underlies something macabre when, faced with such a recent death, she engages in a gathering on a plate about the person, not just about the television character.
“Today is the saddest day in the history of Salvame because we have lost our partner and friend Mila Ximenez.” This is how the presenter began a program that, due to the broadcast of the European Championship, was not planned , but given the seriousness of the situation, it was thought that this would be the ideal tribute to his most charismatic collaborator.
“We are on your plate to remember a generous, good, unrepeatable and unforgettable person who gave his life to entertain you and make you happy. Journalism and television are in mourning,” Vazquez continued through tears and with a broken voice.
For Mila, appearing on a program like this was the award for her career in the media, a career that began as a character, when she was Manolo Santana’s wife and was part of the Marbella jet set, and ended as a journalist without a career but with experience and wisdom demonstrated in the arenas of the pink press.
On the roof of Mediaset, a mural was also inaugurated on Friday with his smile, wide and confident, and the singer Merche dedicated a song to him. The plate of the format from now on will bear the name of Mila Ximenez. A tribute that is not up to me to judge, because he was a sincere, direct and powerful person, qualities worthy of admiration, whether in a deceased or living person. Mila will be part of the Salvame legend forever.

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