MILAN – For several years now, many areas of Italy have been at risk of depopulation due to various social factors, such as industrialization and internal migration in our country. In fact, starting from the Second Industrial Revolution, but actually even before, masses of people began to move from the countryside and from agricultural villages to larger urban centers, where it was possible to find a more profitable job and therefore enjoy a longer life. wealthy and wealthy, not strictly dependent on the rhythm of the seasons and the fruits of the earth. This phenomenon of internal migration has not stopped yet : due to the sharp decline in births, the Italian population is one of the oldest in Europeand young people continue to migrate from these more peripheral areas to areas with a higher percentage of the young population, that is to say the cities, attracted by greater job opportunities. It is a real depopulation crisis that some areas of the South are experiencing, such as Molise for example . Civitacampomarano, the Molise village that resists
Civitacampomarano is a beautiful Molise village that is at risk of depopulation: being far from the Italian economic life, it has decided to get up again to focus on its strength, namely beauty. Civitacampomarano wants to relive through tourism, adding a touch of contemporaneity to its authenticity of other times and that touch is represented by street art. Beautiful murals, gigantic drawings and symbolic writings live on the walls of this village. And in fact, street art is giving a cultural and tourist impetus to this reality, reminding the rest of Molise, but also the rest of Italy of its existence.
Because yes, despite the phrase that you often hear “Molise does not exist”, Molise struggles and resists.
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#civitacampomarano #molise #Italy #streetart #graffiti #art #igersitalia #ig_italia #instaitalia #italiainunoscatto #travelgram #yallersitalia #ig_molise #igersmolise #mural #volgomolise #yallersmolise #arts #sky #amazing #italian_ofapist #picistshay #picistth #spraypaint #publicart #draw #contemporaryart
A post shared by Antonio De Simone (@antodesimone) on Dec 28, 2018 at 1:07 am PST
A Street Art Festival called CVTA Street Fest is organized in Civitacampomarano, which mixes elements of authenticity and contemporaneity. The artist Biancoshock was the protagonist of the first edition of the Festival and has decided to give the village a more social aspect: Web 0.0 is the project that includes the GMAIL sign on the mailboxes, the Ebay sign above the grocery store, the ‘ironic name “Avast Antivirus” at the entrance to the pharmacy. These activities and initiatives do nothing but relaunch villages like Civitacampomarano and are a clear signal to “roll up your sleeves” to start over.
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Alice Pasquini “Sisterhood” – Cvta Street Fest 2016 – Civitacampomarano CB – Italy #alicepasquini #cvtastreetfest #civitacampomarano #ilmoliseresiste #streetart #streetartist #streetartjam #murales #muralesart #artist
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date shared by Magoba @ Boba in 2019 at 10:33 a.m. Instagram
CIVITACAMPOMARANO. This wonderful shot is from @elvira_desiata, with which we congratulate. Photo selected by @vincenzomelino. #igersmolise #Molise #igersitalia #civitacampomarano #borghitalia #exploringmolise #travelgram #ilovemolise #ilikeitaly #molise #travelling #bestplacetogo #iloveitaly #ilovemolise #moliselive #italiainunoscatto_hdr #italy_italy_travely #italytrip #italian_places
A post shared by Instagramers Molise (@igers_molise_) on Feb 28, 2019 at 6:57 am PST
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Here is my secret. It is very simple: one sees well only with the heart. The essential is invisible to the eye … * * #civitacampomarano #civitacampomaranostreetart #igerscampobasso #yallersmolise #moliselive #igersmolise #moliseacolori #molisediscovery #volgomolise #vivomolise #molise_cartolineitalia #gf_gradiatey #tv_streetart #graffitiisenowallart #graffiti_of_our_world #streetart_illife #jj_urbanart #streetartorbis #igersstreetart #vieniconmetiportoinunmondopienodicolori Art by @alicepasquini for @cvtastaiiTreetfest
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date: @ Apr_waii_86 at 09:29 Instagram
MP5 “One Army” – Cvta Street Fest 2018 – Civitacampomarano CB – Italy #mp5art #mpcinque #cvtastreetfest #civitacampomarano #ilmoliseresiste #streetart #streetartist #streetartjam #murales #muralesart #artist #italy
#italart #italystreetart #streetartitaly❤️ #streetartlovers #streetartorbis #urbanart #super_graffiti_channel #tv_street art #jj_urbanart #streetartnews #be_one_urbanart #graffitiart #graffiti_magazine #loves_street_art #graffiti_of_our_world #globalstreetart @mp5art @cvtastreetfest
Un post condiviso da Bobauno (@bobauno) in data: 9 Mag 2019 alle ore 10:37 PDT

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