The debate on the future of Salvini’s League
Even if it is the growing confusion among the grillini, despite the tonic referendum to the chambers cut with their scissors, that attracts most of the attention of political observers, I think it is more interesting, and decisive due to the political perspectives of even this somewhat stiff legislature, what is happening among the leaguers. An evolution of which could, in particular, reduce the hesitation of the head of state to an early dissolution of the Chambers in the event of a crisis, before his so-called white semester begins, that is the last fraction of the presidential mandate in which he is precluded from being able to interruption, in fact, of the legislature.
In a coincidence I do not know if more casual or fortunate the now very governor of Veneto Luigi Zaia – with that 76 and broken percent of votes obtained in his region – and the deputy secretary of the party Giancarlo Giorgetti raised the problem of an update, to to say the least, of the program of the movement.
Zaia, interviewed by Corriere della Sera, while dismissing as a “manfrine” the attempts to oppose him to Salvini and to involve him in internal controversies, indeed taking the credit of having collected “an excellent corpse” to bring him back “to the” Olympus ”, he said that“ one person ”, even if highly voted at a certain moment, is not enough to win if he lacks – it is assumed, as now -“ a consolidated political program ”. Which the very governor has compared to “a stake”, understood as “support to continue growing”.
They do not seem to me words spoken like this, at random, by those who have not been in politics since yesterday, or the day before yesterday. These are words of even greater significance, or scope, if linked to those of the former Undersecretary to the Prime Minister Giorgetti pronounced in the context of an interview with Repubblica centered on the problem of a new electoral law this time entirely proportional, in line with maximum agreed between the Democratic Party and the 5 Star Movement with an uncertainty for now concerning only or above all the so-called access threshold for participating in the distribution of parliamentary seats. It is a threshold that Giorgetti suspects is destined to gradually drop below the 5 percent originally envisaged, in order to satisfy the minor parties of the current governing coalition, starting with Matteo Renzi’s Italia dei Valori.
Well, Giorgetti told Repubblica that “what the League proposes to Italy must certainly be clarified and refined”. “We discussed this – he specified – with Matteo Salvini. It is clear that the lockdown and the change that has taken place in society requires reflection. We need to prepare a proposal for policies… We need to be inclusive and open to worlds that still view us with distrust and suspicion. And, if we have made mistakes, we must correct them ”.
I do not think that Giorgetti, who had already blurted out in the electoral campaign with that no referendum shouted at the cuts in parliamentary seats still defended by Salvini, could have been more clear and explicit. Instead he wanted to be when he explained that among the “worlds” still suspicious of the leaguers there is the European one. Where Salvini preferred the alliance with the French Marine Le Pen rather than dialogue with the Popular Party, allowing himself to be overtaken by the grillini in the parliamentary passage in Strasbourg in which Ursula Von der Leyen was elected president of the new European Commission. The Grillini in fact voted in favor, resulting decisive for the difference of nine votes with which the then German Defense Minister was elected. The Northern League, so tempted by abstention to have obtained “understanding” of Le Pen, being they still in government in Italy, they were instead ordered at the last moment to vote against. Errors to be corrected, Giorgetti now says perhaps thinking of himself or even of that political injury. It is difficult to call it otherwise.
In any case, even as head of Northern League foreign policy Giorgetti revealed that he is “reflecting” with Salvini on the positioning of the League in Europe for a decision which the parliamentarians of the Northern League will then have to adapt, without pretending to be the ones to decide. “Since we are not completely dumb, let’s think”, said Salvini’s deputy, observing that “it is the lockdown that changed Europe and the attitude of the Commission” towards Italy, therefore not the replacement of the League with the Democratic Party in the government of Giuseppe Conte and in the majority. On the other hand, this is what he has been saying and explaining for some time, in controversy with his successor Roberto Gualtieri, also the former Minister of Economy Giovanni Tria,
Faced with a Northern League movement that is still moving, as Galileo Galilei said from the earth, it is frankly difficult to say how long the instrumental part of the representation made of Italy by Giuseppe Conte, Beppe Grillo, Matteo Renzi and Nicola Zingaretti will last, in order strictly alphabetical, as of a country threatened by the fascist and sovereign revenge of the Salvini League and therefore condemned to keep this painful and suffering majority until the ordinary epilogue of the legislature, not being able to constitutionally foresee an extension. Unless Di Maio from the Farnesina declares war on the Republic of San Marino in due time to trigger the war clause of article 60 of the Constitution for the extension, in fact, of an expired Parliament.

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