Matteo Salvini speaks of Renzi as an “ally”. The Quirinale match is redesigning the schemes of politics and creating new relationships. It is no wonder that the leader of the Carroccio wants to say about him in the context of the designation for the next tenant of the highest hill. However, it is a bit of – legitimate – surprise to think of Salvini who considers Renzi, at least in this context, like the other center-right players. “On some issues I feel more in line with Fedriga than with Conte. Just as I find myself more in agreement with Giorgetti on economic development than with Provenzano del Pd. Having said that, on the fundamental assets with the League we are at the antipodes ”. To say it and Luciano Nobili,parliamentarian of Italia Viva of which and coordinator for Lazio. So Salvini and Renzi will play on the same field for the choice of the President of the Republic
We are opponents of the sovereignists and we have shown it on several occasions during this legislature and beyond. So I feel I can exclude that Italia Viva can play the same game as the Lega. In general, I think that on the Quirinale those who think of nominating a name that can be traced back to a single area of belonging are wrong. Both for the center-right and for the center-left. Ultimately, you could support Berlusconi’s candidacy
Let’s say that Berlusconi has absolutely legitimate aspirations, and was a great “partisan” man, an opponent of mine but never an enemy also because he was capable of making important statements such as the recent stance “hero and those who stop a train for Auschwitz do not who wants to block the Green pass “. In my view, the next tenant after Mattarella will have to decline his mandate in the wake of his predecessor. Therefore it must be a candidacy that is as “third” as possible and with a broad consensus. Berlusconi does not seem to me to reflect this identikit properly. But the problem about his candidacy is certainly not Italia Viva, but the center-right. What do you mean
That even the center-right has not yet been clear about his name. I do not see an absolute compactness on the hypothesis of his climb to the Colle. So much so that during the debate on presidentialism during the Atreju event, there were those who mentioned the name of Marcello Pera, sitting in the front rows. Meloni would like a patriot president.
Let’s say that the leader of FdI would do better not to abuse certain words used absolutely inappropriately. There is a big difference between the broad concept of nation and patriotism that must belong to everyone, compared to the biased one you have in mind. The secretary of the Democratic Party said that the Brothers of Italy must also be involved for the Quirinale. The strange Letta-Meloni couple
This liaison worries me. We are in the condition in which Letta closes at Italia Viva but opens at Fratelli d’Italia. A madness. However, this link between the two makes it clear that they are totally isolated from the rest of politics. Meloni because it continues to pursue no vax fringes and to somehow support positions contrary to the strategies implemented by the government to combat the pandemic. On the other hand, Letta continues to rant on a wide field with Conte and what remains of the 5 Star Movement. But with these assumptions, not even a five-a-side football pitch is created. Having said that, we too will dialogue with the Brothers of Italy, precisely to indicate the candidacy of a figure as shared as possible.