We all know hyaluronic acid as one of the best anti-aging treatments. It is added in many cosmetic creams in order to give our skin a younger look. But not only that: there are many aesthetic doctors who recommend it as a filler. However, few think about the use of this exceptional ingredient even in the medical field. And it is a real shame because it has numerous therapeutic virtues. Hyaluronic acid for the skin
Hyaluronic acid, although it has been exploited for some time in the aesthetic field, finds different fields of application in medicine. A document recently published in the Journal of Drugs in Dermatology by a group of Italian doctors, highlights its numerous properties. In fact, it seems to be able to improve various clinical pictures by acting on the quality of our skin. Facial hyaluronic acid, p romoves the formation of fibroblasts
The scientific document states how “injectable gels based on stabilized hyaluronic acid of non-animal origin” if injected deeply – into the dermis and adipose tissue – are able to “stimulate fibroblasts by promoting the formation of collagen tissue”, fold the plastic surgeon Carlo Di Gregorio, signatory of the document. Hyaluronic acid against acne and scars
According to Dr. Di Gregoria, the effectiveness of NASHA-type hyaluronic acid can greatly improve the appearance of acne scars. But that’s not all: they can be used to treat skin and subcutaneous atrophy resulting from an (improper) injection of corticosteroids.
Hyaluronic acid for the knee Hyaluronic acid against the datopic dermatitis
“In addition to the treatment of skin imperfections, these products are also showing promise in the marked dryness of the skin that affects people with atopic dermatitis,” dermatologist Magda Belmontesi, signer of the document, explains to Ansa. In such patients, in fact, «the acute or re-ignition phases of the disease manifest themselves on the skin with blisters, intense redness, itching, burning and fissures of varying intensity and most often require pharmacological treatments, such as steroids and other specific drugs. In the phase of remission, dryness very often persists, especially on the back of the hands and face, a condition that can sometimes become disabling for the patient, who has rough and thickened skin. And it is in this phase that the use of these gels can induce a notable improvement “,Even in women who use tamoxifen
“In my personal experience I use these devices also in women on tamoxifen therapy, a drug that is taken for years by patients with previous breast cancer, which leads to a marked dryness especially of the skin of the face”, concludes Magda Belmontesi. Hyaluronic acid for the knee and cataract
Hyaluronic acid can also be used to make eye infiltrations in patients suffering from cataracts, or in the joints in those suffering from osteoarthritis. The average cost for each infiltration is around 30-40 euros. Remember that hyaluronic acid is a natural component of our skin but that tends to decrease with advancing age. Approximately at 40 years we see a reduction of 50%.

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