MILAN – How well do you know the history of art
A week after the test to verify your knowledge of the Italian language, here is another surprise test on a completely different subject. Can you associate the painting with its author
? Know the most important exponent of Surrealism
Here are 10 questions of varying difficulty, in a few minutes you will discover your level of preparation.
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Scoprilo con questo testPasso 1 di 10
- Where is the painting “Freedom leading the people” by Delacroix
*- Lyon
- Stockholm
- Roma
- Paris
- Who is the author of the work “Metamorphosis of Narcissus”
*- Leonardo da Vinci
- Hayez
- Michelangelo
- Salvador Dali
- Who is the greatest exponent of Cubism
*- Delacroix
- Monet
- Botticelli
- Picasso
- What is surrealism
*- It is an artistic trend that goes beyond the concepts of Impressionism, retaining only some characteristics
- and a cultural trend born in Zurich that mainly affected the visual arts, literature (poetry, artistic posters), theater and graphics, which embodied its antiwar policy through a rejection of artistic standards
- and an artistic current that developed in France in the 1840s and which sees in Gustave Courbet its main exponent
- It is an artistic – cultural movement very widespread in the culture of the twentieth century that was born as an evolution of Dadaism
- Where is Bernini’s “Apollo and Daphne”
*- Roma
- Torino
- Milano
- Florence
- Which artistic movement does Marinetti belong to
*- Futurism
- Postimpressionismo
- Realism
- Impressionism
- Where the sculptor Gian Lorenzo Bernini was born
*- Naples
- Lecce
- Roma
- Ancona
- In which city did the sculptor Donatello die
*- Venezia
- Milano
- Florence
- Verona
- Where is the Madre Museum
*- Torino
- Bologna
- Bari
- Naples
- The sculpture “Cupid and Psyche” was created by …
*- Donatello
- Michelangelo
- Perch
- Canova