Testosterone is the most important male sex hormone. It is natural for testosterone levels to drop as a person ages, but there are healthy habits that can be adopted to slow down and perhaps reverse the process.
Testosterone is vital to a person’s overall health and well-being. Low testosterone levels can adversely affect body composition and, as you age, decreased testosterone levels can also cause weight gain.
Low testosterone levels also affect sexual activity, causing reduced sex drive, fewer erections and infertility.
It is possible to replenish testosterone, or rather to stimulate the increase of testosterone by adopting healthy habits and integrating certain foods to your diet. A hormone that is healthy and natural

  • A hormone that is healthy and natural
    • Adopt healthy habits
    • Follow a balanced diet
    • Lose weight
    • Stay active
  • Raising testosterone levels through nutrition
    • Vitamin D
    • Magnesium and Zinc
    • What to avoid
      • Avoid drinking excessive amounts of alcohol
      • Avoid xenoestrogens and estrogen-like products
  • Raising testosterone levels with sport
    • What are the natural testosterone stimulants

According to a recent study of 9,054 men between the ages of 19 and 39 and of healthy weight, normal testosterone levels range from 264 to 916 nanograms per deciliter (ng / dL).
Pharmaceutical companies promote products that are supposed to increase testosterone, and while these might help some people, they could also slow down the body’s ability to naturally produce testosterone.
Furthermore, these drugs are not without risks.
A 2016 study showed that the benefits and safety of long-term use of testosterone replacement products are not known.
The best way to improve testosterone levels is to adopt some lifestyle habits that can improve overall health and well-being. Adopt healthy habits
Testosterone is a natural hormone and with natural remedies that it is possible to overcome its deficiency, just adopt healthy habits such as:

  • Get enough sleep

Lack of sleep can negatively affect the levels of hormones and chemicals the body needs to function properly, including testosterone.
A University of Chicago study showed that testosterone levels can drop in men who don’t get enough sleep.
Ten healthy men aged around 24 spent 1 week sleeping 8 hours a night at home, then spent the next 11 nights in a laboratory. They slept 10 hours a night for 3 nights, followed by 8 nights of limited sleep, in which they only slept 5 hours. Doctors analyzed their parameters every 15-30 minutes during the last night they slept 10 hours, as well as in the limited sleep session.
This study showed that after only 1 week of limited sleep, daytime testosterone levels dropped by as much as 15%. Conversely, normal aging sees a decrease in testosterone of just 1-2% per year.
Making sleep a priority can help keep testosterone at acceptable levels. People should aim for at least 7-8 hours of sleep every night. Anyone who has problems with good quality sleep on a regular basis should speak to their doctor. Follow a balanced diet
Research has long shown that eating right is essential for maintaining testosterone levels and overall health. According to a report in the Journal of Neuroinflammation, low testosterone levels and being overweight can contribute to a variety of inflammatory conditions and impaired neurological function.
Further research showed that overeating and fast diets disrupted hormone levels. This effect is most noticeable in athletes and very active people.
The best diets are those that mostly include unprocessed foods and offer a healthy balance of fats, carbohydrates, and proteins.
Eating a healthy and nutritious diet can keep all hormone levels in the body in balance and promote optimal long-term health. Losing weight
Research has shown that men who weigh more have lower testosterone levels. A study in the journal Clinical Endocrinology reported that some obese males between the ages of 14 and 20 have up to 50% less testosterone than those who are not overweight. Staying Active
A study in the European Journal of Applied Physiology showed that the more active an individual is, the more testosterone they will have.
According to another study, increasing physical activity is more beneficial than weight loss for improving testosterone levels.
However, it is best not to overdo it, as higher levels of exercise can cause low testosterone.
In fact, the same study showed that long distance runners can experience low testosterone levels. The researchers speculated that this could be due to inadequate energy and poor nutrition.
Read other reviews: Testo ultra Raise testosterone levels through nutrition
You must follow a diet that is balanced with the right amount of vitamins, minerals, proteins and carbohydrates.
In addition, it is necessary to take vitamin D and zinc. Vitamin D
A study published in the Journal of Hormone and Metabolic Research showed that taking vitamin D could correct a deficiency and even help increase testosterone levels.
Even getting at least 15 minutes of direct sun each day can maintain the right levels of vitamin D. Food sources high in vitamin D include salmon and other fatty fish or milk and cereal products. Magnesium and Zinc Magnesium
supplementation can help bring testosterone levels back to normal if the cause of the decrease is a deficiency.
A study published in the journal Biological Trace Element Research showed that taking zinc for one month could increase testosterone in all individuals. The report also showed that people who exercise would see a more significant increase in testosterone levels than those who are not active.
As with magnesium, zinc deficiency can contribute to a drop in testosterone. An old 2007 study showed that 4 weeks of zinc supplementation could prevent a drop in testosterone levels in sedentary men who exercise.
It is possible to correct magnesium and zinc deficiency through diet. Foods rich in magnesium include whole grains and dark leafy vegetables. Zinc is also present in dark vegetables, flax seeds and pumpkin seeds.
Speaking of nutrition, eating the good fats found in fish and flaxseed could help the body get DHEA in motion.
DHEA is a hormone that helps produce testosterone and other hormones that affect the composition of the body. What to avoid Avoid drinking excessive amounts of alcohol
Drinking too much alcohol can cause a drop in testosterone and an increase in a female hormone called estradiol, research has shown.
While no specific recommendations have been made to preserve testosterone, experts recommend drinking moderately to reduce the risk of cancer and heart disease. Drinking moderately means no more than two drinks a day for men and one drink a day for women. Avoid xenoestrogens and estrogen-like products
Some chemicals are known as ‘endocrine disruptors’ and appear to adversely affect hormone levels. These include BPA (a common element in plastics) and parabens (synthetic compounds used in personal care products such as shampoos, toothpaste, lotions and deodorants).
They act like xenoestrogens or synthetic estrogens: their composition is so similar to estrogen that the body thinks they are the real ones. This unbalances the body’s balance. Choose products that don’t contain them. Raising Testosterone Levels Through Sport
Exercise increases testosterone, although some types of exercise raise testosterone more than others.
Exercise can increase testosterone because it promotes:
– Muscle development: the more muscles you have, the higher your testosterone levels will be;
– Weight maintenance: Research has found a link between obesity and low testosterone.
Research has shown that lifting heavier weights is the best form of exercise for increasing testosterone. As muscle mass increases, the body will produce more testosterone.
Read more reviews: Best Testosterone Boosters What Are Natural Testosterone Boosters Testosterone
replacement therapy is available by prescription. But you may want to investigate natural supplements first. Studies show that these can help boost your testosterone level.

  • Vitamin D

Some studies show that supplementing vitamin D can improve sexual activity and increase testosterone levels in men who do not have sufficient amounts of this vitamin.

  • Magnesium

Magnesium plays a crucial role in several processes in the body, including bone structure and muscle function. Studies have shown that supplementing magnesium can increase testosterone levels.

  • Zinc

Studies have shown that zinc supplementation can improve sperm quality and increase testosterone levels.

  • Ashwagandha

This medicinal herb helps the body manage stress. In a small 2019 study, overweight men who took a supplement with ashwagandha for 16 weeks saw a 15% increase in testosterone, on average, compared to men who received a placebo.

  • Fenugreek

A 12-week study showed that men who took a supplement containing fenugreek experienced increased testosterone levels, morning erections, and frequency of sexual activity compared to men who received a placebo.

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