Speaking of hair removal, it often happens that you don’t have completely smooth skin due to short hairs that waxing cannot pull out . Or the skin appears to be smooth right after the treatment, but after only a handful of days, the rough skin feels again . This can happen for several factors, starting with a more or less rapid growth of the hair and continuing with the fact that with waxing it is easier to break them . Hence, not having eliminated all the hairs from the root, the final effect is not too far from that of a razor or a depilatory cream.
- Razor
- Tweezers or electric epilator
- Pulsed light or laser
But how to eliminate the annoying short hairs that waxing cannot tear
A quick and painless method and certainly the razor . In fact, the blade acts on all the hairs in the same way , leveling them. It is also an excellent method in the case of a different regrowth of the hair, to make sure you have them all at the same length and then repeat the waxing. The only negative note is that the hair grows back really fast , in one or two days. Tweezers or electric epilator
If the short hairs are in limited areas or there is only a few sporadic hairs , eventweezers can be helpful . Just think for example of the mustache area , where it can happen to have only the regrowth of a light hair and a few darker hairs. The use of tweezers is a comfortable method , however, only for very small areas but almost impossible to implement on the rest of the body.
For this reason, in the case of larger areas, it is better to opt for an electric epilator : acting as if they were countless tweezers positioned on a head that move in unison , this device, once put into operation with the current or with the recharge of the battery, can eliminate hair all over the body , even i0.5mm short hairs (a significant advantage over waxing, which can capture hair from a length of 2mm). This not only allows you to pull out very small hairs , but above all – reducing the risk of breaking them – to always have uniform growth .
The electric epilator is therefore a comfortable and relatively fast method to remove short hair from the legs , with regrowth times between 2 and 4 weeks.
Obviously, before an epilation, even if you use an effective electric epilator on short hair , it is better to prepare the skin . The ideal is, a couple of days before, to make a scrubin order to eliminate the layer of dead cells but also to eliminate any small hairs under the skin which, with the skin softer and stimulated by exfoliation, will come out on the surface in time to be removed. Pulsed light or laser
Another very effective alternative is pulsed light or laser , which in fact require hair to be very short to work . In fact, before each session it is necessary, two or three days before, to depilate the chosen area so that the hair just comes out of the skin. Only in this way will the ray be able to “read” the hairand eliminate it from the root. It works thanks to a beam of light that is directly absorbed by the pigment of the follicle which heats up and “burns” the hair, if in the anagen phase. The number of sessions necessary to permanently eliminate the hair can vary according to the number of hairs and their color, depending on the tone of the skin as well as the sensitivity to discomfort, because it is a treatment that can cause discomfort. However, it is a definitive choice, because it removes hair in the long term , usually chosen for the most sensitive areas , where waxing is particularly painful. Specifically, it is very suitable for the groin, armpits, chin and upper lip, limited areas and more sensitive to pain, even if on the other hand it is equally required for legs, arms, chest and back, especially by men.
If initially these techniques were performed exclusively in beauty or dermatological centers, today there are also DIY pulsed light machines on the market , small, discreet but equally functional. Using less power than professional machinery so as to ensure safe use even alone , these devices require a slightly greater number of sessions than those carried out in centers, even if the investment is still less .(considering that it is a tool that lasts over time and that remains) and must always be added to the convenience of organizing the sessions based on one’s daily commitments. However, it is important not to expose yourself to the sun for the first six weeks after the treatment, to avoid the risk of sunburn and staining the skin.