The growth process, so fascinating and awaited by so many girls and boys, brings with it inevitable physical changes: you grow taller, you gain weight, you lose it, and all this can leave visible consequences on your skin. We are talking about red stretch marks, a skin blemish that afflicts a very high percentage of the population. Red stretch marks in adolescence are almost a practice, especially when they form as a result of sudden weight loss or if you put on weight in a short time.
These imperfections, which affect the deepest layer of the skin, appear as real irreversible scars, which can however be mitigated with some remedies. Let’s see the remedies for red stretch marks together, whether or not it is possible to eliminate them, and all the tricks to feel better about yourself and live with this problem. How to Prevent Red Stretch
Marks Thighs, breasts, hips, belly, legs, arms and even calves: Red stretch marks can appear anywhere on the body where there is less elasticity. Following a fracture of the collagen fibers, the skin “stretches”, generating these unsightly bright red streaks that can be very uncomfortable. Why we are talking about red stretch marks
The answer is precisely in the color: red stretch marks represent the “new” ones, just formed, which can however be attenuated in form and intensity of color with some remedies. The best remedies for stretch marks
Let’s face it right away: getting rid of red stretch marks forever is not possible, unless you resort to surgery. But before we get to take that step, there are really many do-it-yourself remedies we can apply to feel more at ease. Among these is the use of a specific oil for red stretch marks.

  • Stretch mark oil and creams : there are many on the market, some really very effective. The application of creams and oils for stretch marks help the production of collagen and keep the skin supple. They are used a lot during pregnancy, periods in which the formation of deep red stretch marks is to be taken into account: the change that the body undergoes in just 9 months is remarkable, as well as the weight gain and the tension that the skin undergoes. right on the belly.
  • Sport : a trivial advice
    It seems, yet not many take it into consideration. Physical activity is essential to help the skin remain elastic, firm, and to deal with changes (weight loss or increase in body mass) gradually and constantly.
  • Suitable clothes : what clothes have to do with red stretch marks
    Excessively tight clothes prevent proper circulation, which is one of the fundamental reasons why stretch marks form. We therefore prefer the right clothes, comfortable and comfortable sizes.

How to get rid of stretch marks
As we have mentioned, getting rid of red stretch marks completely is not possible, unless you resort to surgery or laser. Among the most effective systems, in fact, there is that of the pulsed light laser , which stimulates the growth of collagen and significantly attenuates red stretch marks, bringing them to a white color and greatly reducing their size. Alternatively, you can also opt for microdermabrasion, a technique that makes the stretch mark less visible and shallower. Even in these cases, of course, we are not talking about total elimination, but about a very strong attenuation: unfortunately, once the skin is stretched, it cannot return to the way it was before.

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