Christmas comes and the time for packages under the tree arrives, to be found by friends and relatives. Some experience it with joy, as an excuse to visit shops and markets. Many others panic, divided between the desire to make a good impression, the fear of spending too much and the fear of always giving the same things. This is where DIY Christmas gifts come in .
Making simple DIY items is a way to develop your manual skills and make Christmas gifts that are different from the usual. This way you look good, don’t waste money and make personalized gifts that are always different.

  • The usual problem of gifts for Christmas
  • DIY and easy Christmas gift ideas
  • Pocket emptier with sublimation print on ceramic
  • Decorated cup
  • Personalized pen holder
  • Homemade hazelnut cream
  • Prepared For Hot Chocolate

The usual problem of gifts for Christmas
Before moving on to the more proactive and fun part, let’s see what are the possible problems of do-it -yourself and non-DIY gifts – for Christmas .

  • They are useless . Scented candles, Christmas centerpieces, little hearts to hang… What all these things have in common
    In 90% of cases they remain unused. Although DIY sites offer such projects in all sauces, very few explain what they should be used for.
  • They are not very well chosen . Despite the above, everyone has at least one friend who loves scented candles. True, and that’s why you should choose the gifts to give based on the recipients. Otherwise, you risk giving bath bombs to someone who doesn’t even have a bathtub.
  • They seem ” cheap “. When you make simple do-it-yourself objects and you don’t have a lot of manual skills, you risk that they seem “cheap”, that is cheap and a bit thrown away. In the next paragraph we will see some gift ideas that avoid this effect.
  • They steal a lot of time , especially if you’re not an avid hobbyist.

DIY Christmas Gift Ideas and Easy
The above means you should give up on DIY Christmas gifts
Absolutely not. There are so many simple DIY Christmas gift ideas that are sure to impress. The important thing is to start thinking about it first and make a dispassionate analysis of the ideas that come to your mind. Where possible, choose customized solutions based on the recipients.
If you decide to aim for gifts that are the same for everyone , choose something that will appeal to most people. This means avoiding:

  • bath salts, as more and more people do not own a bathtub;
  • scented candles and incense, unless they are for your yoga buddies;
  • glass jars containing the ingredients to prepare cakes and biscuits, unless they are for friends of the cooking class;
  • sweet liqueurs like limoncello, which not everyone likes.

Let’s see some DIY Christmas gifts that might be fine instead. Pocket emptier with sublimation print on ceramic
Make sure that whoever receives the gift has a piece of furniture for the hallway or a coffee table for the living room. If these conditions are met, the decorated valet tray is a simple and very useful gift. Sublimation printing on ceramic allows you to add a touch of personalization. What does this type of printing on ceramic
consist of
It is called sublimation because it involves the transfer of heat-sensitive sublimation inks onto the object to be decorated. A machine presses the color onto the surface, causing it to pass into a gaseous state. In this way it penetrates the ceramic and colors it permanently.
The whole process must be carried out by a third person, equipped with the necessary equipment. You just have to choose (or create) the image to print. Decorated mug
Sublimation printing on ceramic can also be used to decorate breakfast mugs. Mugs are objects that always come in handy, in one way or another. It is a good idea to have a spare one or two, for eventual guests. Many people keep one in the office, to have a cup of coffee or tea as a snack.
If you want to impress, fill the cups with candies and / or chocolates before wrapping them: it will be a sweet surprise. If you want, you can do the same with already decorated cups. However, ceramic printing is a more original solution, as it allows you to add your own personal touch.
As mentioned above, choose the most suitable images and have them printed on the cups by a third party. You will have simple , fast, nice and cheap DIY items . Personalized pen holder
If you’re looking for DIY Christmas gifts for co-workers , go for something useful. Despite the advance of digital, pen holders are always needed and are never enough. Why not fix it? Pen holders
can be made of plastic, glass, wood, even paper. Choose the material and design according to your manual skills and the environment they will go to. The more informal the office and the more skilled you are in such chores, the more you can indulge yourself.
An elegant alternative, also suitable for a formal environment and that requires little effort, is to choose ceramic pen holders . Also in this case, to obtain better results, rely on sublimation printing on ceramic. Homemade Hazelnut Cream
There are many people who do not like spirits, wines and beers. Although the classic bottle of homemade limoncello can be nice, therefore, it is one of the most risky DIY gifts for Christmas . But there is one thing that almost everyone loves: chocolate and hazelnut cream .
To prepare 4/5 jars to use as Christmas gifts , get:

  • 600 grams of praline, to be prepared with dried fruit and sugar in equal quantities;
  • 400 grams of dark chocolate;
  • 400 grams of fresh cream;
  • 2 teaspoons of starch.

Prepare the praline and let it cool. Heat the cream, add the starch and mix for a minute. Remove from heat, add the chopped chocolate and mix. Break the cold praline into small pieces and use a (sturdy) mixer to turn it into a paste. Mix the cream and chocolate mixture with the praline paste. The cream should be kept in the fridge . As long as you get home.Prepared for hot chocolate
We close with another idea for DIY Christmas gifts eaten . We have said that almost everyone loves hazelnut cream, it is not true
Unfortunately, the above cream is not suitable for the pantry and could be ruined. A good hot chocolate mix could be a great alternative: you can make it in advance, it doesn’t go in the fridge and it will keep for a long time.
For 4/5 jars you will need:

  • 600 grams of dark / milk chocolate;
  • 100 grams of cocoa;
  • 100 grams of potato starch;
  • 100 grams of sugar (70 grams, if you use milk chocolate);
  • cinnamon, nutmeg, cardamom and other spices to taste.

Grate the chocolate, mix it well with the other ingredients and distribute everything in the jars. To prepare hot chocolate, simply mix 2/3 tablespoons of preparation with a cup of hot milk .
We hope we’ve helped you find some DIY Christmas gifts that are fun, helpful and quick. Enjoy the holidays and surprises that await you under the tree!

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