And the nightmare of every summer: the mosquito. It is one of the few insects that strikes almost without us noticing. The problem comes shortly when we feel that tingling / burning sensation, typical of the tiger mosquito or the incessant itching caused mostly by the ‘classic’ – otherwise known as the common mosquito. If on the one hand the reduction in quantity is mainly up to the Municipalities, which should implement specific pest control actions, it is true that in part we citizens can also contribute to eradicating them. The mosquito is a microvampire
It is a cross between Bram Stoker’s character – Dracula – and an invention of nanotechnology. The mosquito is actually a diptero, that is an insect, with only two wings. When he sees a human being – or rather, he senses his presence – he reacts like a child in front of a jar of Nutella: his mouth starts to water. An episode that occurs when the salivary glands produce an abnormal amount of saliva. If the human being does not notice the proximity of the insect, it practices a sort of ‘sting’ which – in exchange for blood – emits an irritating liquid for our skin. Obviously we are talking about a perfect natural mechanism. So the mosquito does not emit toxic liquid just to harm us: the real purpose is to inflame the surrounding area by increasing the flow of blood which is thus made available on the surface. If this did not happen, the mosquito would have had to equip itself with a much thicker ‘needle’ which would have caused much more pain, but which would have allowed it to penetrate deeply up to the much loved blood.Did you know that …
The liquid that the mosquito injects has anticoagulant properties Why mosquitoes bite some people more
First of all, a clarification is necessary. Mosquitoes do not seem attracted to the more or less ‘sweet’ blood as is usually believed. But from sweat. The hotter it is, therefore, the greater the risk of attack. However, recent research conducted by the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine and published in Plos One suggests that some people become more prey to mosquitoes than others due to the difference in certain genes. During the study, the researchers conducted some mosquitoes in a ‘y’ tube, if this was linked to homozygous twins they behaved equally with both. But if the tube was connected to heterozygotes, they preferred only a particular genetic heritage. From this it is clear that mosquitoes consider the banquet more or less tempting not from blood or sweat but from the type of genes we are made of.Did you know …
Mosquitoes can smell a human being up to 70 meters. This is made possible thanks to particular reviews capable of detecting vibrations, infrared radiation and carbon dioxide. We must be afraid of females
Although the male is always considered the strong one, there is no animal or human species that does not have particularly dangerous women. Oh yes, because the female universe appears more harmless and weak, but in reality it shows its strength and tenacity only when needed. Even in the case of mosquitoes, it is certainly not the male that we should fear, but the females. It is only they, in fact, who sting. Their main purpose is to provide blood to the eggs for them to hatch. The tiger mosquito
It is called Aedes albopictus and, unlike other mosquitoes, it has a tendency to fly very low. So unless you’re lying in the sun, it may only hit your feet and ankles – or a little higher. Furthermore, the tiger mosquito prefers rather daytime hours and it is possible that you will find it from 16.00 to 22.00 maximum in the warmer months. Although it seems that mosquitoes bite frequently, in reality they are hardly the same, because they tend to dine every 3-5 days. In fact, about 60 hours after the ‘sampling’ of blood the females are ready to lay eggs – in principle they lay an average of about fifty each. Eliminate mosquitoes at the source
The main problem for the spread of mosquitoes is the abnormal proliferation of the eggs they lay. If each one lays about fifty of them after having stung you, imagine how many are laid every day by even just a hundred mosquitoes. However, since the eggs are laid on the surface of the water, it is important to follow some small precautions to avoid the abnormal spread. The first and the most important is, for example, never to leave any residual water in the saucers. Mosquitoes are very likely to lay their eggs in such places. The same rule must apply to any place in the garden or terrace where there may be stagnant water that must be removed immediately. Even the wettest areas, such as hedges, shrubs and tall grass, are likely to harbor various mosquitoes. And therefore it is good to reduce them as much as possible.Did you know…
Copper is an excellent pesticide. Inserting copper spirals in saucers or where there is stagnant water can prevent mosquito eggs from hatching. Alternatively, a product based on bacillus thuringiensis israelensis can be added to humid places, easily available in pharmacies. To reduce their presence, try photocatalytic traps.
This is one of the most technological methods currently in use. It uses a system capable of producing carbon dioxide, which is particularly attractive to mosquitoes. Combined with particular lights and colors, they allow you to call the mosquito to the trap. The prices are quite affordable and average around 50 euros. Alternatively, plant geraniums and catambra
There are some plants not particularly loved by mosquitoes. These include flowering geraniums and catambra. The latter secretes a substance perceptible only to this kind of insects – the catalpolo – which seems to be very unwelcome to mosquitoes. And if you like fish …
If you have a garden you can always create a micro pond for your garden with goldfish. Mosquitoes will be attracted to the water and fish love mosquito larvae. Natural remedies against mosquitoes: the natural do-it-yourself spray
Take a spray bottle containing 50ml of distilled water and 50ml of lemon balm hydrosol. Separately, mix a tablespoon of vegetable glycerin with 30-40 drops of essential oils of cedar, lavender, lemongrass, geranium and neem. Mix the essential oils in the glycerin well, then pour them into the spray container. Shake the container well and spray on the skin whenever you are in places infested with mosquitoes. And the danger Zika
There is currently no method to avoid Zika risk. Although the possibility of it arriving in Italy is quite remote – but not impossible. In case, you can ask the Municipal Administrations for a disinfestation so that the mosquitoes are unable to hatch their eggs and minimize the risk in our homes with preventive methods and traps. Zika virus, WHO recommendations
Strengthen vector control activities to prevent the introduction and spread of mosquitoes, and to reduce their concentration (especially for areas with Aedes aegypti).
Provide healthcare professionals with the means to detect local transmission of Zika virus early and to report a first case of local transmission, as well as complications from infections, within 24 hours of diagnosis.
Ensuring that the skills and abilities to test the virus or protocols to ship blood samples overseas are in place at Zika.
Encourage communities to reduce mosquito breeding sites.
Empower people at risk, particularly pregnant women, to protect themselves from infections, including through sexual transmission.
Mitigate the effects of the Zika virus and its complications.
All other countries should focus on adopting vector control strategies based on their likelihood of local transmission of the Zika virus, detecting imported Zika virus cases early and providing public health advice for travelers to and from affected countries. also with regard to sexual transmission.
Mosquito bites, natural remedies