How to have perfect hair Hair care requires a lot of attention and ranges from the type of diet followed to the choice of products to use, passing through the daily “maintenance” gestures, ie washing and drying. There are many beauty treatments for the hair . And they should be chosen according to the particular type of hair (What type of hair do you have
Here’s how to take care
of it ). We give below a complete vademecum, from A to Z
A as a power supply:
A balanced diet is essential for hair health. What we throw inside, you see it outside. Fruits and vegetables have antioxidant properties and are rich in vitamins, essential for the well-being of the hair. Vitamin A strengthens them and prevents dandruff, Vitamin C stimulates growth, without vitamins B1 and B2 the hair risks falling out. Vitamin E is the antioxidant par excellence, it fights free radicals. B as a conditioner : It must never be missing. But it must be chosen with extreme care, favoring professional and specific lines for your hair type. A conditioner that is too nourishing is not suitable for those with fine or oily hair. On the contrary, if it is too light and not curative it will not work with particularly dry or damaged hair.C as limestone : Beware of excessive washing with water that is too hard. Tip: Add a little baking soda to the shampoo, which removes the limescale opaque. D as damaged : Sensitized hair, damaged by dyes, bleaches, perms are those that need more care and attention. You can never miss balms, moisturizing masks to be applied once a month, or even once a week in case of cryitis. You can also use oils to apply before shampooing. And like summer: The season that puts our hair the most at risk. Never forget protective oils to apply during exposure (flax seeds can also be fine) and to use specific shampoos, moisturizers and after-sun in the evening. In this season the mask can be done even several times a week. Read also: tips and tricks for beautiful hair under the sun F for iron : Intended as a mineral, present in the chemical composition of the hair and its deficiency can cause their temporary loss. It is found in meat, fish, legumes, spinach. G for greasy hair: For greasy hair, always use suitable shampoos and a little trick: a few drops of lavender and orange essential oil in the shampoo: they have astringent properties. H as Vitamin H.: also called biotin, it is very important for hair growth and for the prevention of hair loss. It is found in meat, liver, egg yolk, chocolate, peanuts, dried peas, mushrooms, brewer’s yeast, milk and cheese. I for hydration : essential for having perfect hair. For this reason, when choosing detergents, you must always check that there are moisturizing components, and that it is specified on the label. Natural moisturizing substances are the extracts of almond, avocado, rosemary essential oil, wheat germ oil, shea oil and argan oil. L like washes. Hair should not be washed every day. If you really can’t do without them (because smog, use of helmets, the gym make them dirty) you must use delicate products, for frequent use. Before washing them, it is good to brush them in order to eliminate any knots. Apply the shampoo in minimal doses, the excess is harmful, massage gently but for several minutes. A good scalp massage stimulates oxygenation. After washing, comb gently: Wet hair is brittle and in danger of breaking. M for Mousse . Mousses are great for giving body and texture to fine, flat hair. Just be careful not to exceed the quantity. On the market there are also curative and moisturizing, which while fixing the styling provide vitamins. N for nourishment: After hydration, another key point. Damaged hair
Here’s how to feed them
Or as oils . We have already said that natural oil packs are excellent both as moisturizing masks and to be applied before shampooing for a shock therapy of more sensitized hair. The best hair oils are jojoba, coconut, flaxseed and sweet almond oils. Used before washing, they can be applied to all hair and scalp, but after washing just one or two drops on the tips are enough. P for Phon. Blow-drying is an important and delicate moment, in which the hair is at greater risk. The hair dryer should never be kept too close to the scalp, but at a distance of 10-15 cm, the set temperature low and the ends should be left moist, so that they dry on their own. Excellent use of the diffuser. Read: How to dry your hair, tips for a flowing hair P also as parabens : The family of Parabens (Methyl paraben, Propyl paraben, Butyl paraben, Ethyl paraben) is the group of preservatives most used by the cosmetic industry. They can give rise to intolerances and are carcinogenic. to avoid! Q for vitamins: Vitamin q, or ubiquinone, is a powerful antioxidant that helps defend against free radicals and counteracts hair aging. It is mainly found in beef, chicken, pork, seafood and cold-water fatty fish, such as salmon. R for rinsing : During rinsing, after shampooing, it is best not to rub too much, especially if you have oily hair: rubbing stimulates the production of sebum. Cold water is perfect for rinsing hair, as it stimulates circulation, avoids subjecting the hair to thermal stress (in general, never shampoo with water that is too hot) and makes them appear more shiny and shiny. In addition, hot water dissolves the sebum, which protects them. S like shampoo:The choice of shampoo is essential for the beauty of our hair. It should be selected according to your type, whether it is greasy, fine or coarse dry and the frequency of washing. IN all cases, however, care should be taken that it does not contain parabens (harmful preservatives), silicones. T like dabbing . Hair never goes, and we repeat never, aggressively rubbed. You have to dab them gently. T also as dyes : Give preference to those with natural components, get advice from someone expert, read up on before you put anything into your head and above all always read the composition carefully. U like humidity. The worst enemy of our hair. There are now professional anti-frizz and humidity lines on the market. It is important to always try to give a cold blow to the hair dryer after the style, so that the scales of the hair close the fold is more lasting. V for volume : to give more volume to fine hair, in addition to the use of specific shampoos, we recommend avoiding serums, waxes and pomades that make the hair heavier and to dry the hair upside down. Z as zinc:Fundamental for growing strong and healthy hair and for preventing and treating hair loss. Contained in wheat germ, shellfish, calf liver and peanuts. Unfortunately only small amounts of zinc are absorbed by the body, about 25-30%. Better to opt for supplements.

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