Sooner or later we fight (almost) all of them. They are the culotte de cheval , or rather unpleasant accumulations of fat and cellulite on the outer side of the thigh. A bit like cellulite and stretch marks, it is a very common imperfection, which can also occur on very thin bodies. How to combat the culotte de cheval
The culotte de cheval is an accumulation of fat in the initial area of ​​the leg, more specifically between the thigh and buttock, which gives the thigh a “pear” or “flask” shape. We must not make an obsession: we think that about 65% of women between 19 and 40 years suffer from it, and it can affect even the most skinny who however have poor blood circulation.It all sounds like bad news, but as you well know, before fighting an enemy you need to know him and be able to fight on equal terms. As a rule, culotte de cheval is the result of poor circulation which ultimately leads to localized water retention in the area between the thigh and buttock. This leads to the formation of an unsightly swelling which inevitably ends up giving a disproportionate shape to our body. As the inflammation increases, it tends to increase the size of the culotte de cheval.
The first solutionswhat you are about to imagine are given to you are: eat healthy and do a lot of sport. Unfortunately, this time it is not “that simple”. The female body is governed by the hormones estrogen, which are attributed to the reproductive function and, among other things they do, move the accumulated fat in the lower part of the body. Genetic formation , therefore, has a lot to do with the appearance of the culotte de cheval. If your mother has had them, it is very likely that you will have them too. But there are many ways to prevent this unpleasant blemish. Among the main causes of these unsightly pads, there are various elements that affect our daily habits. For example, even the posturethat we take every day can help us melt the fat on the thighs.
Women accustomed, for example, to wearing very high heels, should alternate them with lower shoes, which are known to help improve circulation. It is therefore essential to place the foot adequately, so as to make every situation more peaceful. Female estrogen hormones have a considerable impact on the structure of the body. These can be a source of water retention, cellulite and orange peel skin. The phenomenon is due to the breakdown of fat cells , which creates a reaction capable of feeding and worsening over time, finally jeopardizing the venous microcirculation. We also talk about the connective tissue, containing a sequence of fibers that become thicker and thicker, becoming fibrous. These elements cause holes in the skin that produce orange peel skin and fat inside the thigh, in all its unsightly nature. How to remove the culotte de cheval
This time it will not be enough to change the diet and join the gym, but we need to drastically change a large part of our habits. We avoid alcohol, smoking, high-fat diets and fried foodswhich only make the situation worse. In other words, there is no point in eating healthy if you overeat it with two glasses of wine a day. Work tasks that cause a woman to spend a lot of time standing or sitting have inevitable repercussions on the spine and the rest of the body. To give some relief to our hips and all the rest of the physical structure of which we are composed, prefer comfortable clothing and heels of 3-5 centimeters, without exaggerating too much.
The too much or too little height of the shoes can in fact cause a shift in the center of gravity, with an overload of the pelvis area which ends up moving the adipose tissue in the wrong areas. Among the exercises that experts recommendto permanently remove the culotte de cheval, it amazes you to know that the squat is not contemplated. Well then: the squat focuses on the quadriceps, and promotes muscle damage to the leg area. In other words, before proceeding with the squats you need to do a job of restoring the circulation and the elimination of fat, alternating aerobic activities, use of weights, HIIT circuits that favor the elimination of fat at rest and that strain the body for short periods of time. Do not underestimate the workouts with elastic bands, which provide an ideal tool for our workout.

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