Bathrooms are the mirror of a home : having them always shiny and fragrant is the pride of every good hostess. But how to win the battle against germs, bacteria, limescale and encrustations, without too much effort
Of course, the latest generation cleaning products are not enough, because without method and a pinch of grandmother’s wisdom, no discovery will do the miracle. Arm yourself with latex gloves and bleach and follow our advice, you will have bathroom fixtures as good as new, and a bathroom where you could even eat. Water – strange but true – is the number one enemy of our bathrooms
: limestoneand in fact the main cause of stains and encrustations. How to remove it
For the walls of the toilet the best ally is bleach , to be poured in abundance on the walls of the cup and scrubbed vigorously, with the help of a brush or an abrasive sponge.
For other sanitary ware, bicarbonate works wonders: dissolve two tablespoons in water and dip a sponge or brush into the liquid thus obtained, then wipe the tiles and the areas affected by the stains firmly. Let’s see how to act, point by point:
– Separate sponges of different colorsfor the toilet and other sanitary ware. It seems trivial, but not everyone thinks about it: using a different rag for the toilet and replacing the sponges often, is essential for the hygiene of our bathroom.
– To make your toilet a throne, soaking is grandma’s secret, which saves time and effort: when you have finished your routine cleaning, add a cap of pure bleach to the cup, without flushing the toilet. Leave it on for a few hours without using the toilet, even better if it stays overnight. This habit will protect you from the annoying yellowing that often occurs between one cleaning and another. Alternative: every night before going to bed, you can dissolve 2denture cleaning tablets inside the cup. And for the most stubborn stains, nothing better than a can of Coca-Cola : let it act for an hour and then flush the water.
– Get rid of the toilet brush ! There are those who think we cannot live without it, but in reality they make a wrong and totally unhygienic use of it. Most of the toilet brushes, in addition to being deeply unsightly, are a receptacle for germs and bacteria , which can represent a serious danger when children are around the house. Instead, get yourself a nice pair of gloves and a roll of kitchen paper and don’t be too picky.
– Don’t forget the details: the toilet must always be cleaned with soap and water, the axis must be polished above (with glass detergent), below and on the sides, even around the pins, where the most stubborn dirt lurks. And then the taps, the pipes, the baseboards and the glass of the toothbrushes , which must be emptied, washed and dried carefully every time you do the cleaning. Always remember the shower curtain, which due to humidity can fill with mold and rust : wash it in the washing machine regularly and hang it without spinning.
– To neutralize unpleasant odors, pour some baking soda down the toilet once a week. And if you keep the basket of dirty things in the bathroom, don’t forget to leave a scented bar of soap inside, the aroma of clean and assured. The final touch can be given with a drop of lavender essential oil dissolved in a tub of water placed near a heat source, or with aromatic candles to light while taking a bath.
– The tubit must be inviting and shiny otherwise you lose any pleasure of diving. The ideal is to clean it every time, immediately after using it, with a pass of hot water and soap, you will avoid wasting time scrubbing the lines of encrusted dirt. Enamel surfaces can be washed with dish soap and a soft cloth, or even a cream detergent used sparingly so as not to tarnish the shine. Any rust spots are reduced with a mixture of lemon juice and salt. Heavily soiled acrylic tubs can be filled with hot water to which biological powder detergent is added and left to act overnight. While for the most stubborn limestone you can try with a mixture of water and white vinegar.
– For the shower , the magic product and vinegar , diluted with water and perfect for glass (provided you dry immediately with kitchen paper), to remove the foam residues from the tiles (spray directly, rinse and dry) and to clean the chromed bulbs from limescale (pieces are detached and left to soak overnight). A squeegee squeegee completes the work, and an excellent tool to drain the water from the tiles, before stains and encrustations form.
-The sink and the bidet should be used every day to eliminate foam residues, without forgetting the taps which must always be sparkling. A great method is to rub them with onesoft toothbrush and the usual mixture of water and vinegar. To prevent the soap from sticking to the soap dish, grease the bottom with a bath oil and rub some nail polish on the bottom of the metal containers – it’s a fantastic anti-rust! Source: DiLei