The choice of parquet is an extremely important choice of style. If you have seen in a magazine, on the web or at a friend’s house a truly perfect parquet that you dream of having in your home, know that choosing is not very simple. First of all you will have to look at the various types of wood, color, in short, juggle many commercial offers … until you find the perfect parquet, the ideal one for your home, of the color you dreamed of. But how to choose the parquet evening make fatal mistakes
With the advice of the experts of Edil Piemme, a Roman company that deals with the sale of parquet for Rome and its province, we are going to discover the best types of parquet for you.
The type of parquet
First of all, when we talk about parquet we are referring to wooden elements with a thickness of noble wood greater than or equal to 2.5 mm.

  • There is not just one type of parquet but several: the pre-finished one is advantageous for those who want a quick installation, because it is already oiled, varnished strips, ready only to be installed. Furthermore, the pre-finished parquet is easily repairable and has affordable prices (but obviously it depends on the wood, color, grain, etc.).
  • On the other hand, the parquet withdrawn does not have a finishing layer, but otherwise has the same characteristics as the pre-finished parquet. Also in this case, installation is quick, from 20 to 60 square meters per day like the first; the treatment of the wood occurs quickly, after installation, and is also easily repairable.

We can also distinguish between traditional and special parquet.

  • The traditional solid wood parquet is laid by means of interlocking between planks or gluing; all floors in this case are made with the same wood and without any support layer.
  • Special parquet floors are tailor-made for the customer. They are unique specimens, extremely personalized on the basis of the needs of the house and the person who lives there. They adapt fully to the environment and as you can imagine they are very expensive.
  • Outdoor parquet is a special category, designed to best withstand cold climates, sudden changes in temperature and bad weather. They are generally made of teak, treated pine or mahogany, which resist stress better.

Types of wood for parquet
There is certainly no single wood for parquet, on the contrary, there are many different ones, which is especially useful in case of different needs. Each type of wood has its own color, its grain, characteristics, resistance to heat and oxidation, vulnerability to humidity: therefore the choice must be made also taking into account all these factors. Here are some of the most popular types of wood for parquet.

  • The European maple, which comes from central Europe, has a whitish or light yellow color, and is bright and shiny.
  • Teak. A hard, resistant, very beautiful wood and also very valuable and therefore expensive. If exposed to the sun it takes on a golden color.
  • Walnuts. Particularly known for the beauty of its texture, this wood is medium hard, resistant over time, and loved for its aesthetic appearance.
  • Oak. It is an extremely robust wood that can create very beautiful play of veins and colors.
  • Beech is a whitish wood, tending to gray. It is a hard wood suitable only for interiors because it is sensitive to atmospheric agents.
  • Ash tree. Fairly light parquet wood, very hard, resistant to insects and parasites and also to atmospheric agents.
  • Oak. Very light color, which can become straw yellow, it has different shades, from lighter to dark ones such as pomace and leather. It is a hard wood, stable, easy to clean, resistant over time.
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