If you are looking for a tool that will help you gain muscle mass and stay toned, the kettlebell is for you. The kettlebell is nothing more than a complete fitness tool that has been very successful in recent years.
According to the level of each person, there are different measures and therefore the price also changes considerably. You will be able to find the cheapest (but also the lightest) kettlebell for around ten euros. It is therefore necessary to continue investing money as the results obtained increase, which makes it a tool not accessible to anyone.
So let’s see together how we can build an inexpensive DIY kettlebell and what benefits this tool can bring you. How to build a kettlebell

  • How to build a kettlebell
    • What is a kettlebell
    • How does it work
    • The origins
  • How to build a kettlebell
    • Milk / juice bottle
    • Handlebar
    • Potato sack
    • Basket ball
    • Medicine ball
  • What are the benefits of a kettlebell workout

Before understanding how to build this tool, it is also necessary to know what it is, how it works and its origins. What is a kettlebell
To best describe its shape, we could say that it looks like a ball with a huge handle attached to it.
Since there are different sizes, we can define it as a dynamic tool that will change with you and your training. You will also have to choose the weight of the kettlebell based on your physical fitness. How it works
Its particular shape gives it the ability to train the whole body. You will obviously have to pay close attention to posture and movements, but if done correctly they will bring you remarkable results. Its lifting will make you tone your legs, buttocks, arms and abdomen.
On the net there are many exercises that you can do with your DIY kettlebell. The origins
Having become famous thanks to the use by Russian soldiers and athletes, the origin of the kettlebell (or one of its ancestors) dates back to ancient Greece.
Today the oldest is on display at the Archaeological Museum of Olympia in Athens. The Russians already since 1700 had understood the benefits and different versions of this instrument have been created over time, up to the classic and standardized that we all know.
Today it is a sports accessory used by all the most important athletes to train and tone a large part of the body in one go. How to build a kettlebell
Here we are to discover how to design and create a kettlebell with what you own at home or with easily available materials.
Below are five elements that you will need to create five different ones.
At least one is enough to have a good kettlebell:

  • bottle of milk or juice
  • small handlebar already in your possession
  • potato sack
  • basket ball
  • medicine ball

Milk / Juice Bottle
To create the first kettlebell you need:

  • an American style milk or juice bottle with a handle
  • water or sand

In large supermarkets there are large “cans” of milk or orange juice. These are ideal for training due to the presence of the handle. Take the clean container and place some sand or water inside it, being careful to fill it completely. Once closed, you will have your tool ready to use

  • Amazon Basics – Kettlebell in ghisa, 16 kg
    36,94 €
  • Sveltus Kettlebell fit viola 6 kg
    19,50 €
  • Athlyt, Kettlebell, 4 kg, nero
    13,60 €
  • Yaheetech 20 kg Kettlebell for Sports Fitness Gym in HDPE and Concrete with Non-slip Ergonomic Handle Muscle Building and Strength Training Sports Tool Black
    47,99 €
  • Sveltus Kettlebell 4 kg, Unisex,
    Amazon Yellow
    € 17.99
  • POWRX Kettlebell 10 kg – Ideal for »Functional Fitness« Exercises – Base with Non-Slip Rubber Pads + PDF Workout (Green)
    35,99 €
  • wuuhoo® I Dwayne Kettlebells with Neoprene Cover I Solid Cast Iron Ball Handlebar with Neoprene Cover I Color-coded Weights I Swing Handlebar for the Home Gym 4 kg
    17,95 €
  • Sveltus Kettlebell orange 8 kg
    30,63 €

Another way to get this tool and use:

  • a handlebar you already own
  • a rope

The process is not complex at all. Simply wrap the rope around each side of the handlebar.
Pay attention to tighten it well and to the movement that you will then perform. What you just came up with is more elastic than a normal kettlebell, which means it could hit you. Sack of Potatoes
If you don’t have a milk / juice can or dumbbell, you can go and buy a sack of potatoes / flour / sugar.
Not the classic one kilo little ones, but the big ones that were once used and now only used for large sizes.
A burlap sack also works. Once emptied and cleaned, fill it with sand.
Depending on your level and the goals you have set yourself to achieve, you can create different kettlebells using bags of various sizes. You just need to remember to weigh how much sand you are placing inside the bag so as to create different weights.
When the bag is full or has reached the weight you want, close it and form a bow. Now attach some rope and / or large black tape to create and strengthen the grip. Basketball ball
This technique turns out to be more demanding and expensive, but still achievable.
For your accessory, you will need:

  • a basketball
  • a PVC pipe measuring 2.5 x 60cm
  • concrete
  • Scotch tape
  • sand

Take a basketball and cut it in such a way that you can insert the handle that you will now create.
To create the handle you need to make the PVC tube soft and then place it in the oven at 230 ° C for a maximum of 10 minutes. Shape the tube so that it becomes a kettlebell-like handle and place it in cold water to keep it the shape you want.
Fill the handle with sand and close the ends so as not to let it come out. Some large black tape will work. Mix some concrete and pour it into the ball. Put the created handle back into the slots of the ball (which you created earlier), to make sure you have the right sized holes.
Let it solidify for at least three days before you can use itMedicine ball
If you already have a medicine ball, you can get hold of a kettlebell to use it whenever you want. Its creation speed will allow you to “create” and “modify” it whenever you want.
You will only need:

  • a medicine ball
  • a nice thick rope

Wrap the medicine ball with a nice thick, long string.
Pay attention to wrap it in such a way that all 4 sides are covered by at least one passage of rope and finally tie a double knot at the end. Tie the two ends together in such a way that they form a circle and you have created your dumbbell.
As can be seen from the procedure, you can create it when you need it and then, in two minutes, untie the rope and go back to using the medicine ball.

  • Amazon Basics – Kettlebell in ghisa, 16 kg
    36,94 €
  • Sveltus Kettlebell fit viola 6 kg
    19,50 €
  • Athlyt, Kettlebell, 4 kg, nero
    13,60 €
  • Yaheetech 20 kg Kettlebell for Sports Fitness Gym in HDPE and Concrete with Non-slip Ergonomic Handle Muscle Building and Strength Training Sports Tool Black
    47,99 €
  • Sveltus Kettlebell 4 kg, Unisex,
    Amazon Yellow
    € 17.99

What are the benefits of a kettlebell training
But why create a kettlebell
What are the benefits that would bring you having this tool at home with you ready to be used in daily training
Let’s find out together the main advantages of this sports accessory.
There are three main benefits of training with the kettlebell:

  • Freedom of movement. You don’t have to lock yourself in a room or gym to use it. If you create your own kettlebell, you can use it wherever you want, even in the garden of your home;
  • Total training. Thanks to its characteristics, when combined with a series of different exercises, it will allow you to train different muscles such as arms, legs, buttocks and abdomen;
  • It is a “dynamic” tool. Being able to have it of different size and weight, and an instrument that adapts perfectly to the physical characteristics of each person. There are no age barriers and even a beginner can use it.

All you need to do is use one that weighs a few kilos.
And now you have no more excuses not to start your personalized training with this fantastic tool that will give you immediate results. You can buy it or create it by following one of the techniques mentioned in the article.

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