The corridor is a home space that is often not given much importance. The furnishing of a corridor plays a fundamental role when the passage is located right at the entrance of the house, immediately under the eyes of those who enter. In this case, in fact, it determines the first impact with the home environment and anticipates the harmony of the complete home furnishings . So the real question is: how to furnish the entrance of an apartment Furnish a corridor(short, narrow, long or wide) and the extra aesthetic touch, that shrewdness that immediately suggests that attention to detail is at home. It can also make a great contribution in terms of functionality if the house as a whole is not very large. Optimizing the organization of spaces in this case is therefore a must. So how to furnish a modern or classic corridor
We provide you with some useful tips for corridor furniture .
In this article you will find:

  • How to furnish the entrance to an apartment
  • How to furnish a square entrance
  • What color to paint the corridor
  • How to furnish a narrow and short corridor
  • Ideas for decorating a narrow corridor
  • Mirrors and glass accessories to furnish a high-class corridor
  • Design accessories: furnish the corridor with trendy solutions
  • Wallpaper to decorate the hallway when space is limited
  • The hallway floor: what to choose
  • Corridor furniture: indoor plants suitable for the entrance
  • Modern corridors: what are the furnishing trends
  • Doors and panels: choose the most suitable solutions for furnishing the corridor

How to furnish the entrance of an apartment Furnishing the entrance means paying attention to the harmony of the furnishing accessories, to functional objects such as the coat hanger or the mirror, and last but not least the lighting. Whatever the distribution of spaces – a narrow and short corridor / narrow and long or spacious and square – it is necessary to keep in mind that it is a passageway, but it is also the first look at the house and therefore, exactly as when you know a person, the first impression! It is essential to understand how to enhance the corridor , so as to obtain a bright and stylish space like the rest of the house. Whether it’s furnishingnarrow corridor , in modern or classic style, the market offers many truly original and stylish design objects to allow you to create a perfectly furnished corridor ! How to furnish a square entrance How to furnish the entrance of a spacious square apartment
In this case there are no limitations to the imagination. The only constraint to always keep in mind is that the passage must be comfortable and fast. The ideas for furnishing a spacious square entrance are practically endless, obviously in accordance with the style of the house. Console furniture, bookcases, indoor plants and even art objects. Do not forget, among everything you could choose, to insert useful and functional objects: coat hangers, umbrella stands, mirrors and empty pockets and all the useful objects for your daily routine.
If the question is ” How to furnish a small square entrance
“, then things are different. The best choice is essentiality. A low piece of furniture on which to place a pocket emptier and a small coat hanger solve the problem. Corriodio furniture: indoor plants suitable for
the entrance. plants to welcome us as soon as we enter the house. Indoor plants for the entrance must be able to grow and survive in low light environments. We give you some advice The Dracena (Dracaena marginata)
The Dracena grows even where there is not much light and absorbs pollutants. The plant develops in height with long and thin leaves, with edges streaked with intense red. The Aglaonema (Aglaonema modestum)
Among the plants suitable for an internal entrance there is the Aglaonema, an evergreen plant that tolerates penumbra well and heated environments that are not very humid. It is native to China and does not like temperatures below fifteen degrees and direct exposure to the sun’s rays. The Philodendron (Philodendron Hederaceum)
Another indoor entrance plant that must be taken into consideration is the Philodendron, a climbing plant that suffers if it is exposed directly to sunlight. It can’t stand even low temperatures and too dry environments.What color to paint the corridor
The colors for the corridor walls depend on both the total size and, most importantly, on the light. If it is natural or artificial, in fact, the whole perception of the environment changes considerably, with the same dimensions. In addition to the shades of the walls, let’s not forget that it is possible to dare a little on the color of the corridor ceiling . An original idea consists in painting it in a dark shade and punctuating it with many low-consumption spotlights that give the overall image of a starry sky.
Alternatively, the color of the corridor ceiling can be the same as that of the walls, or resume the color of only one of the two walls, leaving the other white to create a contrast that gives dynamism to the environment. Use a bright color for the corridor ceiling and another interesting choice to make this passageway suggestive and emphasize its extension. How to best furnish a narrow and short corridor
In the event that a narrow and short corridor is to be furnished , it is necessary to limit excessively cluttered furniture especially at person height.
A clever trick is to devote care to the vertical extension of the walls and try as much as possible to favor the feeling of space and brightness.mirrors of different sizes help to multiply the amplitudes and increase the perceived depth. A mirror for a narrow corridor can also be a great helper to give the space a truly sophisticated look with a strong visual impact. In any case, to furnish a narrow and short corridor one must avoid inserting too many decorative elements that would give an impression of confusion and crowding.
The right approach to furnish a short and narrow corridor and the minimalist one that focuses on the elegance of clean lines and essential shapes. It can be said that the fundamental principle for obtaining good results is “less is more”. Simple touches of style such as a large mirror, a lighting with LED spotlightsand if you want to dare wallpaper , bright or with a trompe-oeil effect. Ideas for decorating a narrow corridor
Furnishing a long and narrow corridor and making it attractive is almost more difficult than a short one. The risk of a horror film effect is in fact lurking especially if it is not well lit.
Among the ideas for furnishing a long and narrow corridor is to create a path through images, for example with photographs of different moments of one’s life or blow-ups that represent the changes in the city in which one lives or in the places of the heart. If you like the idea of ​​time passing and close-ups, the images that immortalize flowers and growing plants are also very beautiful: from bud to flower. Among other things, very current and green.
If you like the green mood you can furnish a long corridor with a succession of plants at full height along one wall. To create a beautiful scenographic effect, you can choose the Pothos, a vine with aerial roots that in the home extends up to two meters downwards. The heart-shaped leaves with a mottled color give joy and movement to any environment.Mirrors and glass accessories to furnish a high-class
corridor Corridors are usually not very large spaces, commonly we speak of long and narrow sizes, without windows that give light. How to create a welcoming space that seems brighter and more spacious
Surely the inclusion of mirrors and glass accessories is the smartest choice to broaden the overall vision of the corridor. Mirrors reflect the space and create a perfect optical illusion. If placed in an intelligent way, for example on the sides or at the end of a corridor, they are able to expand the environment by creating fascinating effects. The glass accessorieson the other hand they are perfect for obtaining sophisticated light points, even the beauty of glass and capable of giving life to classy and elegant atmospheres. Design accessories: furnish the corridor with trendy solutions
Even the furnishings of the corridor must always be taken care of in every detail. To make this space personalized and full of character, the advice is to set it up with design accessories, ideal for giving a touch of style to any environment. If the corridor is very narrow and long, you can opt for solutions such as small shelves or small wall bookcases for storing objects or ornaments. If the corridor to be furnished is then not very bright, the advice is always to opt for accessories in light colors, to create focal points of great class and able to capture the attention. Wallpaper for decorating the corridor when space is limited
Wallpaper is a good solution for decorating a short and narrow corridor . In fact, it allows you to decorate the walls in different ways: the best choice is a naturalistic or geometric image that contrasts with the light background. The wallpaper for narrow corridorsit can visually enlarge the space if it has a subtle basic tone and geometric patterns that generate an effect of depth . The vertical lines are a suitable reason because they streamline the environment upwards. The floral and baroque motifs can be chosen only if they are not excessive and are made with light or metallic shades, not very contrasting. Wallpapers with material effects are also very interesting because they create tactile as well as visual sensations. For example, imitation stone, mica or velvet-like flocks.
You can be more daring if the wallpaper for the hallwaynarrow is then reached by natural lighting because the passage space is for example near a window. Very in trend and also the choice to put the wallpaper on one wall instead of everywhere. The floor of the corridor: what to choose
The floor of the corridor environment is one of the most trodden ones in a house. For this reason, regardless of the chosen covering material, it can be embellished with one or more carpets, which also allow to preserve a shiny but delicate parquet.
To decide how to make a corridor floorFirst of all it is necessary to establish whether you want the finish of the passage to resume that of other spaces, such as the living room and bedrooms, or have its own characteristic finish, which distinguishes it from other environments. Parquet
The floor of a corridor can be in wood, then in parquet, preferably with wide planks installed in the longitudinal direction of the passage in order to emphasize the length of the space. Generally the parquet constitutes an element of continuity between the corridor, the living room and the bedrooms. Tiles
The ceramic tilesthey constitute a coating with good resistance that can be reinterpreted in many different ways, with different shapes, sizes and colors. To prevent the presence of tiles on the corridor floor from visually reducing the width of the passage, it is advisable to choose large sizes with light colors. Linoleum
Another material suitable for covering the floor of a corridor is linoleum: a material particularly suitable for the floor of a corridor because it is resistant, economical and can be worked in such a way as to imitate other materials. Modern corridors: what are the furnishing trends
To furnish a modern corridoryou can draw on different styles: the contrast between black and white, the style that recalls the shapes of industrial warehouses, the essential lines of the minimalist style, the bright colors for eclectic choices. The important thing is always that the corridor is in line with the style of the house or that it is neutral enough to connect well with all the other environments without being invasive. Metal, empty frames, aerial plants and wallpaper are the trendiest suggestions of this period.
As for the colors, it is interesting to choose a bright color for the corridor walls, for example canary yellow and complete with contrasting colored furnishing accessories. The ideal would then be to resume the yellow and the color of the accessories – a fire red or an electric blue – also in other elements of the house, for example a sofa or an armchair, rather than frames, containers or any other object that inspire the imagination.
The colors of a modern corridor can be chosen with great freedom and must be combined with the complete home furnishings in order to create interesting harmonies that satisfy the overall look. Doors and panels: choose the most suitable solutions for furnishing the corridor
In a corridor, each piece of furniture must harmonize with the other to create a well-organized and functional space. Even doors and panels therefore come into play, for the preparation of a corridor where aesthetics and practicality come together in a single and admirable mix. How to choose the doors or panels facing a corridor
It all depends on the size of the corridor. For very narrow corridors the best solutions are sliding doors, not bulky and with very essential designs. Today’s market has a wide range of doors and panels able to give an extra touch to the corridor and also the price ranges satisfy a wide range suitable for all budgets.

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