Joint and muscle pains can have different origins and
are not necessarily related to excessive sporting activity. They are induced by a stress of the tissues, but they can have not only a physical origin, but also alimentary or psychophysical . There are good habits that allow us to prevent them, just as there are certain nutrients that allow tissues to respond more effectively to stress and relieve pain.

Causes of joint pain
It is very common during flu states to have widespread muscle pain. In fact, the diseases caused by bacteria and virusesthey generate muscle pains not associated with a single muscle, but affect different areas of the body. In general, the flu state generates a general physical fatigue of the organism and consequently joint pains. In this case the symptoms will disappear as soon as the body improves its health conditions.

Posture and wrong habits
The human body is made up of muscles, tendons, ligaments and other elastic tissues whose health often depends on the stresses they are subjected to. Maintaining wrong postures, as well as sleeping in wrong positions, can cause inflammation of these tissues. Very common examples are sciatica or neck pain,characterized by acute pains in the back of the legs and in the nape of the neck. Inflammations resulting from wrong positions are annoying and can last several days. It is important to accustom the body to maintaining positions that do not excessively stress these tissues. If the pain and inflammation persist, it is essential to consult a specialist to correct the posture if necessary.

Pay attention to humidity and cold
Especially for the most sensitive areas, such as the neck or back, it is necessary to pay attention to air blows and not to subject the body to too sharp changes in temperature. In fact, it can happen to expose the hottest areas of the body (for example after a shower) to cold air currents that can cause muscle stiffness,such as contractures, and pains that can persist for several days. Especially in autumn it is important not to underestimate the risk of exposure to the current. Be careful to go out with your hair dry and wear a scarf to protect your neck.

The importance of physical activity Physical
activity remains one of the most common causes for the presence of physical pain. In fact, overdoing sports, as well as not practicing any physical activity, can cause joint and muscle pain. Regularity in sports activities is essential to keep the joints fit and toned. If you have not practiced sports for a long time, it is very likely that in the days following the resumption of physical activities the characteristic lactic acid pains will occur, as well as the lack of activity makes the joints more vulnerable, tiring us more easily and facilitating the onset. of pain after physical activity.

Nutrition that can help joint pain
The response to pain depends a lot on the nutrients present in the body. Supplement the body with Glucosamine and Magnesiumit can help to counteract muscle and joint pain, as well as reduce recovery times. It is necessary to consume good quantities of vegetables and fruit containing Vitamin C , essential for the health of the tissues, as well as Omega 3 have a positive effect on their health and recovery. Try natural supplements to help your body overcome joint pain quickly. Don’t forget that in autumn it is essential not to be caught unprepared for sudden changes in temperature: choose clothing that is versatile to climate change.

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